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Knott Co. Central 83 Powell Co 59

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Not being pointed but what's going on with Powell Co. I thought they were going to be a contender in the 14th Region. At the beginning of the season several Powell Co. supporters were on BGP stating that they were senior strong and they would be the best team in the 14th.


I know that Romans got hurt and missed a few games which would account for some early losses but he's been back the past month or so and they are still getting beat by teams that are not supposed to be tops in the region.


Is the chemistry bad, are they not executing, I know they have a new coach and maybe they are still learning his new system, are they not playing good or are they not as good as everyone thought they would be?

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Was a 4 point game until last 6 minutes. Powell had been off for 13 days and then played Lee and Knott back to back. I think they just ran out of legs and the layoff hurt them. They will still contend at tourney time. Knott is very athletic and push the ball like Powell. Good win. Was very physical game and kind of got out of hand towards the end. Only a 2 man crew so I am not bashing the officials. It just got ugly towards the end.

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Only a 2 man crew so I am not bashing the officials. It just got ugly towards the end.


Pretty much a 1 man crew, we all know one of the officials don't call much at all. Which of course plays to Knott County's favor. They are really aggresive and can play with anyone when they are allowed to push people all over the floor and knock people down in the paint!:devil:

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