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Open Job: Apollo

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Wasn't it open in recent past or am I thinking of another Owensboro team.


It was. Dan Crume resigned late last year due to getting the AD job at Apollo. I don’t they could find anybody, so he agreed to take it it back for this season.

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Lots of rumors flying around Owensboro about this job. Edge to Ganaway to Morris to Gooch. Anybody know anything solid? IMO if they don’t go get Ganaway they are crazy. Connects to kids, knows the game, interacts well with players and parents.

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Lots of rumors flying around Owensboro about this job. Edge to Ganaway to Morris to Gooch. Anybody know anything solid? IMO if they don’t go get Ganaway they are crazy. Connects to kids, knows the game, interacts well with players and parents.


I can't see Edge going anywhere.

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Lots of rumors flying around Owensboro about this job. Edge to Ganaway to Morris to Gooch. Anybody know anything solid? IMO if they don’t go get Ganaway they are crazy. Connects to kids, knows the game, interacts well with players and parents.


Have they started interviewing? How far along in the process are they. Havent heard much about this.

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I didn’t either, but lately I’ve heard the luster has worn off of him over there. Evidently several higher ups are growing tired of antics and treatment of players. May be looking for a way out? Good coach, but lots of chatter about other stuff. My bet is Ganaway or somebody from out of area. Just my 2 cents. I know nothing more than talking around town.

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I didn’t either, but lately I’ve heard the luster has worn off of him over there. Evidently several higher ups are growing tired of antics and treatment of players. May be looking for a way out? Good coach, but lots of chatter about other stuff. My bet is Ganaway or somebody from out of area. Just my 2 cents. I know nothing more than talking around town.


Don't know if they've interviewed or are in the process. Ganaway has that freshmen tailback, might be hard to leave that kid. From what I hear, he's really special. Since Warren got knocked out of the Owensboro game I have heard all kinds of crazy stuff coming out of Catholic's camp. Heard that he was yelling at Owensboro's players during that game. Watched him seem to almost melt down during the Border Bowl. Still, I can't see him leaving Catholic. If all that's being said about how he's treating kids and his antics is true, why would you want him knowing what he's done? Gooch, didn't he coach there once before? He left them didn't he? I hope they bring someone in to change that culture and make them competitive again. I think they go outside the area.

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