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NIE: Invasion of Iraq Increased Terrorist Threat for US, World.


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While I disagree with the invasion of Iraq, to say that it increased the terrorist threat to the U.S. is just ludicrous. We just shortened the drive for the terrorists.


December 1992 - al-Qaeda carries out three bombings at hotels where American troops were staying in Yemen


February 1993 - al-Qaeda attempts and fails to blow up the World Trade Center


1993 - a plot to blow up airplanes over the Pacific is uncovered


November 1995 - A U.S. military facility in Riyadh is bombed


June 1996 - Khobar Towers bombed, killing American military


August 1998 - American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania are bombed


December 1999 - al-Qaeda plan to kill Jewish and American tourists visiting Jordan and plan to bomb Los Angelos airport and the USS The Sullivans


And this is just a selection of the list.


October 2000 - USS Cole bombed


Good post...since the liberals won't respond, let's figure out how many were killed by terrorists after 9/11 and before....





I'm waiting for the solutions from the Democrats that will never come...

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But what no one seems to be saying is that terror attacks are up all over the world, and almost entirely at the hands of Muslims. They are not just attacking Americans, they're attacking everyone who is not Muslim.


Thank Bin Laden and his "Convert or die" speech for that one. The people that follow him make me sick, I seriously go into Rambo "If only" mode when I seriously think of them.....

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I don't think the conclusion of this report has anything to do with immediate threats.


Rather, I think, it has to do with the creation of Terrorist University in Iraq. We're creating the next round of Islamic Jihad leadership there just in time to replace Al-Qaeda's tree as its dying of old age, and driving up their recruitment worldwide.


Certain people on this board can stick with the 'better fighting them there than here' rhetoric, but it's just not factual. Islamic Jihad is spreading across the globe, and instead of winning the hearts and minds of the Muslim public, we're pouring gas on the fire and setting up industrial fans. We're creating more terrorists, and we're giving their leadership on the job experience.



Haha this is funny come on guys let's try our beast to "win their hearts and minds" even though they don't seem to have much of either lol.


Get real they'd be breeding wherever. All Iraq is, is somewhere for the media to point their fingured towards. I can't believe you're buying this garbage..

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Good post...since the liberals won't respond, let's figure out how many were killed by terrorists after 9/11 and before....





I'm waiting for the solutions from the Democrats that will never come...


Ha you know they've gotta sleep on it,... for a while. lol

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I don't think the conclusion of this report has anything to do with immediate threats.


Rather, I think, it has to do with the creation of Terrorist University in Iraq. We're creating the next round of Islamic Jihad leadership there just in time to replace Al-Qaeda's tree as its dying of old age, and driving up their recruitment worldwide.


Certain people on this board can stick with the 'better fighting them there than here' rhetoric, but it's just not factual. Islamic Jihad is spreading across the globe, and instead of winning the hearts and minds of the Muslim public, we're pouring gas on the fire and setting up industrial fans. We're creating more terrorists, and we're giving their leadership on the job experience.


Winning their hearts and minds. That's funny. You alienate people in your own state in the Louisville and UK threads over something as trivial as sports, but you can convert the Muslims who want to kill you...it would be funny if it weren't so sad...

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I don't think the conclusion of this report has anything to do with immediate threats.


Rather, I think, it has to do with the creation of Terrorist University in Iraq. We're creating the next round of Islamic Jihad leadership there just in time to replace Al-Qaeda's tree as its dying of old age, and driving up their recruitment worldwide.


Certain people on this board can stick with the 'better fighting them there than here' rhetoric, but it's just not factual. Islamic Jihad is spreading across the globe, and instead of winning the hearts and minds of the Muslim public, we're pouring gas on the fire and setting up industrial fans. We're creating more terrorists, and we're giving their leadership on the job experience.


Actually what is fueling their fire is reports just like the one this thread is based on. Ask soldiers who have been in Iraq. The will tell you that our biggest enemy is our own media. The constant criticizm of the war by the video and print media only encourages the insurgents.

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So the polls, presidential historians and the rest of the world are,... as you put it "the truth" huh,... well gosh guess I'm a bit behind, I've been forming my own opinion on things for years now...


My reference to facing the truth was not geared toward the opinions held by the general population (polls), presidential historians, or our standing in the international community. Collectively, they simply reflect current view that the overwhelming majority of the earth's population hold of W, and this war of choice that he took us into.


My reference to "ignoring the truth" was a reference to the manner in which Rumsfield, Bush, and Cheney simply ignore the realities that surround them, and use their distorted view to justify their actions. To stand in front of a microphone and make the claim that we have terrorism on the run, and that the world is a safer place because of our invasion of Iraq is ludicrous. To be able to make such a claim, one has to be able to completely discount the reports that are being issued by the intelligence community and the latest National Intelligence Estimate - issued by the National Counterterrorism Center.


Try to take notice that it isn't some liberally slanted article written by a left wing nut working at the Op-Ed desk of the New York Times. Convenient as that might be, it isn't the truth. It also isn't opinion. It is derived from statistics of what is happening around the globe.




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COME ON LIBERALS, GIVE US YOUR SOLUTIONS!!!!:sssh: [/Quote] Typical conservative whining...



I'm waiting for the solutions from the Democrats that will never come...

Let me get this straight. Bush takes us into a war to overthrow a sovereign government, on trumped up charges, spends a trillion or two dollars doing so, fans the flames of radical Islamic terrorists, needlessly places our American soldiers in harm's way (to the tune of over 2500 dead and closing in on 20,000 wounded), refuses to admit that it was all a horrendous error in judgement, and somehow, it's the Democrats' fault that they don't have a magical answer on how to end this tragic fiasco?


Oh yeah - this makes sense.


Basically, your position is, "My boy W got us into this uneeded, unjustified, unpopular, misguided mess - but since you can't solve the problem, I'll stay with Georgie because I'm sure that he's got the answer".


I'll pass.




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Actually what is fueling their fire is reports just like the one this thread is based on. Ask soldiers who have been in Iraq. The will tell you that our biggest enemy is our own media. The constant criticizm of the war by the video and print media only encourages the insurgents.


This thread is based on a report called the National Intelligence Estimate. The article in the New York Times simply referenced the data contained in the report.




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The report in question is the National Intelligence Estimate--it is the definitive U.S. government intelligence report summarizing the view of 16 internal spy agencies. Based on the analysis of multitudes of intelligence professionals, the war in Iraq is being used as a recruiting tool for terrorists worldwide and has actually increased the threat of terrorism.


You can have your opinion, which may be to the contrary (and may not be based on anything more concrete than your gut), but I will derive my opinion from the consensus of professional intelligence analysts who have access to far more real information and are paid to render judgments based on that information.

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I'm waiting for the solutions from the Democrats that will never come...


Iraq has been so horribly bungled by the Bush Administration that no one has any real solutions (including President Bush with his tired "stay the course" mantra).


Some on here ask for data proving that the terrorism threat has increased or demand a count of the number of deaths before and after 9/11.


Well, where's YOUR data showing that the President's solution (staying the course) is bearing fruit? All I hear about is the deteriorating security situation in Iraq, the escalating civilian deaths, the increase in the number of car bombs and the like, and the steadily rising toll of U.S. military casualties. How long do you beat your head against a wall until you realize you're not going to be able to knock it down?

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Oh come on, "H". Surely you understand that if a newspaper such as the New York Times writes an article that quotes the National Intelligence Estimate, then the entire document is invalidated. Why, anyone can see that the National Counterterrorism Center is simply a left wing think tank.


You liberals are soooooooo easy to decieve...


You simply have to learn to ignore such gibberish, and rely on our current administration to provide you with the real picture of what is happening around the world. After all, they got us into Iraq, didn't they?


How can you possibly not see the wisdom of that?




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