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"You Think Our Country is so Innocent?"


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Has it bothered anyone that Trump said these things?


Is Trump saying that we've had reporters and political enemies murdered by the edict of the President?


Is he drawing a moral comparison of equality between Putin and the USA?


I can't help but think this would already be on here by some of our posters if this were any other president saying this in an interview.

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Oh brother.


Read also


By Pres Obama.

there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.


We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect


Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions.


Don't be discouraged that we have to acknowledge potentially we've made some mistakes. That's how we learn. But the fact that we are willing to acknowledge them and then move forward


there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.

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Of course it would be a much bigger deal if another president had said it. However, we've heard nothing but over the top statements from him for the last 18 months, so the general public has by and large become desensitized to it. I am far from being Trumps biggest supporter but I give him credit for how he and his team have handled the public and the media. He floods the news cycle with so much absurdity that we can't possibly remain angry, confused, fixated (insert whatever adjective best describes your feelings toward him) about any one thing for too long. If you have the ego to handle receiving the constant barrage of criticism (which it's safe to say he does) then it's a brilliant strategy.

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Y'know how biased folks will knee-jerkingly deflect or compare as a way to "prove" a point?


Well in this interview a negative statement was made about Putin, and Trump immediately seems to be defending him by saying that we're no better.


Maybe we're not, but why is he so quick to defend Putin? What's up with that?

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Y'know how biased folks will knee-jerkingly deflect or compare as a way to "prove" a point?


Well in this interview a negative statement was made about Putin, and Trump immediately seems to be defending him by saying that we're no better.


Maybe we're not, but why is he so quick to defend Putin? What's up with that?


I was about to jump in here to make the same point. This was said in defense of Putin. Bizarre.

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Y'know how biased folks will knee-jerkingly deflect or compare as a way to "prove" a point?


Well in this interview a negative statement was made about Putin, and Trump immediately seems to be defending him by saying that we're no better.


Maybe we're not, but why is he so quick to defend Putin? What's up with that?



Inquiring minds like me would LOVE to know.

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I'm betting there is some nefarious reason why Trump goes out of his way to defend this monster every opportunity he gets.


I don't know what's more mind boggling... that a dangerous person has been elected as our president, or that SO MANY can't see it, and act as if they can't understand why anyone thinks so.

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I'm really finding the silence here deafening.


I recall a huge thread when the First Lady mentioned that she was finally proud to be an American when her husband was elected.


I didn't like that statement. Many on here said more than that.


But here, the sitting President, says in an interview that Putin is a killer but our country is no better.


Thus far I have not had much of a problem with Trump's actions. It's what he said he would do and I'm anxious to see where that goes. (My only beef as been with Education Secretary and that's been mentioned by me ad nauseum)


But is there no one who maybe voted for Trump that doesn't see this statement as repugnant?


He is comparing American leadership with:


Journalists murdered for opposition.

List of journalists killed in Russia - Wikipedia


Boris Nemtsov, critic of Putin, shot dead - CNN.com

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I have been in glorious Muhlenberg County today working is why I have been absent. I will take Trumps side to a extent( I will also say he is stupid in some of the things he has said).


I think Trump knows Putin was KGB. I think he understands the KGB kills people. I think he knows the CIA does the same. Hence his response. Thats just my take. Would I have said that no. But there is alot of truth in what he said. Anyone who thinks different needs to come sit with me and one of my close friends who worked dark ops for years and get educated.

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I didn't like the quote when I first heard it...don't like it now. Trump says a lot of dumb things, throw this one in there with it. If he wants to get along with Russia, fine, we should find some common ground and at least be "arms length" allies rather than enemies. But the way he just kind of threw America under the bus there...boy...and quick too. Had Obama said the same thing during his Presidency or HRC in her political life Trump would have used that unendingly in his speeches and ads leading up to the election.

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