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President Trump's Agenda

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It's a myth that running an economy is similar to running a business.


After 39 years of working my way up to eventually manage a medium-size business, I retired and accepted a position in the KY state government this summer. I can personally vouch for the fact that making changes in government is unlike making changes in business. Government, in fact, is designed to prevent too rapid change or too much power vested in one entity. Additionally, many of the government policies and daily activities are undertaken by people who are used to the winds of leadership change every few years. Most I have encountered are diligent and serious about their duties, but they also are not accustomed to or ready to lead change. Thus, making sweeping fast changes in government faces a tremendous headwind even before politics enter in. Having said that, "there is no substitute for starting" and keeping a steady hand on the wheel.

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I guess it all depends on how you view healthcare. Is it a right or a privilege?


Right or wrong the mindset that our country has for years has been instilled with is that it is a privilege. Not sure that many folks can see it any other way. Depending on the demographic you were raised in you either hit the ground running in good shape, or you might have to struggle harder than others to get above water.


We mostly agree that socialized schooling is acceptable because we have seen it all of our lives, but the idea of healthcare as a right to all is still a foreign idea to many. It's not at all foreign in other countries and has been proven effective. No system is perfect, but I personally know hardworking people in England for who it has worked swimmingly, and they're puzzled that the strongest country in the world would consider leaving its own citizens out to dry.


There will always be the haves and the have nots, but is it really a terrible idea that no matter where you are with regards to that, that our country will treat ALL its citizens with the respect that allows them access to affordable healthcare?


Some pay for insurance and some are awarded it for less or for free if they are near or at poverty level, however NO ONE truly could afford 100% out of pocket considering healthcare and phama prices even if they are fairly well off. Even a long illness for a millionaire could get dicey if having to pay out of pocket.


Who do you know that ever pays 100% out of pocket? The answer is no one, so just because someone is privileged either by birth or by their own diligence, they're the only ones worthy? I suppose some would say yes, while also saying to hell with the rest no matter their circumstances.

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I like the idea of having a businessman in office, but who knows if that will translate to the White House.


I get that you like it because of the belief by many that having been in private business makes you better qualified. Problem is it doesn't. Apples and oranges.

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It was a complete farce and Obama's campaign rhetoric to state that all Americans do not or did not have access to healthcare. In fact those who were indigent or without insurance could obtain healthcare at low to no cost in thousands of clinics across the US, and I know many who exercised this option. However, what should be better is preventive-care. What has happened is that the burden has now shifted though to middle-income taxpayers who don't have loopholes AND through increased insurance premiums to those with means and to employers. AHCA has been a complete scam.

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It was a complete farce and Obama's campaign rhetoric to state that all Americans do not or did not have access to healthcare. In fact those who were indigent or without insurance could obtain healthcare at low to no cost in thousands of clinics across the US, and I know many who exercised this option. However, what should be better is preventive-care. What has happened is that the burden has now shifted though to middle-income taxpayers who don't have loopholes AND through increased insurance premiums to those with means and to employers. AHCA has been a complete scam.


You've told me what you think is better. You still haven't addressed my point as to why it failed. It was doomed (no pun intended) from the beginning.

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Will be interesting to see what he does with the Merrick Garland SCOTUS nomination as well. I assume he'll nominate his own choice instead.


No doubt Garland is out. That was going to be my next post. Low hanging fruit for Trump.


"President Trump, the NRA is on line one to discuss who they want on the Supreme Court."

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I'd like to see him get somewhat radical

- Bolster the National Guard and declare Martial Law when necessary.

- No wall, but get all present immigrants documented. IF you are productive and making a contribution, Welcome to the US. If you are convicted of a felony - time to go home.

- Limit additional immigration before this country become more like the country that they have come from by diluting the population to the point that we too become a third world country. Presently, it is only then that the widespread immigration will stop.

- Call the Chinese bluff, and reverse their calling of the shots with us.

- Truly enact a War on Drugs

- Enforce his Right to Life platform

- Rein in Big Pharma and do away with the ridiculous deductibles and the "doughnut hole" that we all fall into.

- Provide Veterans the benefits that we were promised while we served.

- Make America Great Again!!!

Edited by Mustang
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My number one prayer for President Trump is the same as Habib mentioned in a post in another thread - that the office makes the man. I pray that Trump rises to the standard and diligence the office demands and becomes a President for all Americans. I pray he ends his divisive talk and channels his words into unifying ones. I pray that some of his promises were purely campaign words without true meaning other than a means to win an election. I thank God that we have President Trump and not President Cruz.

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AHCA was doomed as soon as the Ds agreed to make it easy for people to not have to buy insurance. Mathematically there was no other option for premiums to go than up when the mandate was removed.


This is exactly right. The idea that healthy people would just buy insurance for the greater good was a farce. IMO, it was designed to fail because the DEMS believed they would keep the presidency in 2016 and be able to swoop in and save health care with a single payer system. Everyone would applaud because people like free stuff, then all heck would break loose.

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If you wanted a truly successful businessman in the white house who had a history of getting things done at the executive level of government you should have fought harder for Romney. Seriously RomneyCare was legit, he had fantastic ideas on how to fix our education system and he would have lowered taxes. These are all things Trump ran on and won with. Why couldn't the American people see what I saw 4 years ago? Sorry for the rant, you'll have to forgive me I'm still salty about it 4 years later.

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