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Offensive Schemes

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What type of offense does team your team run? If you don't follow a certain team or play then what is your favorite offense to watch?


Do you think the type of offense ran by your team gives them an advantage? Is this a better system than most of your team's opponents?

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I disagree. Wing T may be fun to watch but I dont see it winning many rings in our state.


Teams like Trinity, Male, BG... you dont want to run east-west vs them. You cant.


I know wing t is a favorite amongst many but I just never got it. It may work for 1 quarter against a really good team but when that team makes their adjustments its over.


Spread Offense is todays game. Its a proven winner. Think of the past 3 or 4 years with the spread vs wing t. No comparison

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There is really nothing being done in the spread offense, that hasn't or can't be done in a Wing T. Against a good Wing T coach any defensive adjustment has an answer within the system. To me, the spread is just a philosophy, not necessarily an offense. I can be spread out and still run any Wing T, Triple Option, etc. from that spread structure. That's the awesome thing about football, all the ways to skin the cat.

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There is really nothing being done in the spread offense, that hasn't or can't be done in a Wing T. Against a good Wing T coach any defensive adjustment has an answer within the system. To me, the spread is just a philosophy, not necessarily an offense. I can be spread out and still run any Wing T, Triple Option, etc. from that spread structure. That's the awesome thing about football, all the ways to skin the cat.


You hit the nail on the head...the "Spread" is not an offense.

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You hit the nail on the head...the "Spread" is not an offense.


The Spread may not be as defined as the Wing T, Triple Option or the Veer but I think has evolved into the offense of choice for many coaches. Just as the "west coast" offense evolved and became its own, so too can the Spread.


Again, KY championship HS teams will very rarely crown a team that breathes the Wing T as their offense. IMO

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I am biased to the Veer...but just like stated above, you can spread your formation and still run the Option...formation is just something to disguise your intentions....I personally think you have to run what fits your athletes the best...however I do not like the fact that a large percentage of teams get in the red zone and never have their quarterback go under center...nothing more pretty than smash mouth football and you can't stop it ...demoralizes a defense!

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I agree with the above statements about the wing T. It is a perfect fit for the modern spread offense. The big advantage is that you can run it with smaller lineman, and it will help to equalize the speed on the d line. Defenses today are really going to faster and faster d lineman. So many people are saying that they run the wing T, but they only run a small portion. It is more than just a jet sweep and counter. The buck series and the waggle are very effective against blitzing and penetrating defenses.

Most teams today are just running offensive plays, they do not really have an offensive philosophy.

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Do today's practice rules favor the spread vs. traditional "smash mouth" styles? Limited contact in practice, limited contact in the preseason, and now rules that limit the free blocking zone. Has this hampered traditional run teams from developing as fast as spread teams?

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Do today's practice rules favor the spread vs. traditional "smash mouth" styles? Limited contact in practice, limited contact in the preseason, and now rules that limit the free blocking zone. Has this hampered traditional run teams from developing as fast as spread teams?


I would say the increased number of turf fields has more to do with it. Weather impact is minimalized. Additionally the emphasis on faster offense/more plays has changed the game much more than practice. That said, kids are not great at tackling in space, that may be a direct impact of limited practice contact.

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There are a few things I've noticed about high school football, especially recently, with regards to offense.


1. You're getting roughly 25% of a new team every year, and you didn't recruit them. You can either mold them to what you do, or mold what you do to them.


2. A whole lot of high school players are bad at consistently tackling and covering in space. Very few kids will go a game without being a liability for at least a few plays. Those few kids are the ones who will play at a good college.


3. Too many people want to talk about run/pass balance, when all they really mean is that you throw it too much. You're "unbalanced" if you're 70/30 pass. But, no one uses the same term if you're 95/5 run. That's good ol, classic, smashmouth football the way George Washington would have liked it.


4. The nature of youth can frequently lend itself to flashy schemes and scoring lots of points. If you win 7-0, one kid scored. If you win 77-70, then chances are 5 or 6 kids scored multiple times. Same margin, same result. But different kids got noticed, got touches and at the end of it all, got cheered for specifically when they scored.






Fooball is constantly changing and evolving. Football is also, pretty much, the same game it was 100 years ago. So many of the concepts are the same. So many of the things people think are new, are just old school concepts with different formations, different motions, different tempos, and a different name. There are tons of college teams who people think are insanely futuristic and cutting edge with their offense, but are pretty old school in their concepts.




Football is neat.

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