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Bair to East Carter?

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I cannot confirm or deny this rumor, but if true, why on earth would anyone make such a decision?


Hasn't he been a starter the past couple of years? What would he have to gain by being the big fish in a small pond?

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I cannot confirm or deny this rumor, but if true, why on earth would anyone make such a decision?


Hasn't he been a starter the past couple of years? What would he have to gain by being the big fish in a small pond?

He might want to play football?

Plus he does LIVE in Carter County school district.

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Now, Cubster, we don't really want to get into a name-calling contest concerning athletes at local schools who actually live in another school district, do we? On the other hand, it would be revealing to those who are not aware of the "migration".


Kyle Bair has transferred to East Carter from Rose Hill. As with the many students- athletes and nonathletes- we have lost to the public schools, everyone at Rose Hill wishes him success and happiness. That has always been the Rose Hill policy and we would hope others would consider following it. Kyle, as with all the other former Rose Hillers presently on the rosters of our neighbors, will continue to have many friends and supporters on Friendship Drive.

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Now, Cubster, we don't really want to get into a name-calling contest concerning athletes at local schools who actually live in another school district, do we? On the other hand, it would be revealing to those who are not aware of the "migration".


Kyle Bair has transferred to East Carter from Rose Hill. As with the many students- athletes and nonathletes- we have lost to the public schools, everyone at Rose Hill wishes him success and happiness. That has always been the Rose Hill policy and we would hope others would consider following it. Kyle, as with all the other former Rose Hillers presently on the rosters of our neighbors, will continue to have many friends and supporters on Friendship Drive.

Not name-calling.

Just thinking maybe he does not want to continue to make the daily trek to Rose Hill.

Reveal what you want about all the "migration". No big deal to me.

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Cubster, you are a good man. By "name-calling", I merely meant actually naming those who participate in athletics at schools other than the one in which they have their domicile. I probably could have used a better word.


Oportunity to be noticed rather than travel probably played a large role in the decision. Regardless, Kyle is a major pickup for East Carter and we wish him success.

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I find it refreshing the way Rose Hill handles their losses versus any of the other schools in the 16th, where this is usually wailing and knashing of teeth,

Rose Hill handles their losses with a smile and best wishes

Could it be they really do have the best interests of the kid at heart?

Good luck to Bair, he will be a very good high school player

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I find it refreshing the way Rose Hill handles their losses versus any of the other schools in the 16th, where this is usually wailing and knashing of teeth,

Rose Hill handles their losses with a smile and best wishes

Could it be they really do have the best interests of the kid at heart?

Good luck to Bair, he will be a very good high school player


I know I speak for many at Rose Hill when I say that Kyle Bair will be greatly missed. He was a very important part of our basketball and baseball programs, but he was an even bigger part of our RH "family". He will always be family to me and I will cheer him on whereever he plays.

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Kyle Bair is one of the finest young men I know. It has been a privilege to work with him and to get to know him over the past five years. We all looked forward to great things with him over the next four.


East Carter has gained an outstanding young man, who also happens to be able to play some ball... take care of him.


I wish Grizz nothing but the best. :thumb:

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Good luck to Kyle in his new environment, and if Donald Damron is smart, He'd knock on old Kyles door about joining the football program.

With regard to Cubster's comment, if it were innocent, he'd have seen no need to capitalize the word LIVE in his post even though he'll deny the intent.

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Good luck to Kyle in his new environment, and if Donald Damron is smart, He'd knock on old Kyles door about joining the football program.

With regard to Cubster's comment, if it were innocent, he'd have seen no need to capitalize the word LIVE in his post even though he'll deny the intent.

No knock spindoc. I just am old school and feel you should play for the team where you live. I know that is hard for you to understand.:p

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The idea of taking kids to other school districts for a number of reasons does not sit well with me. It is called loyalty. But it just plays into today's mentality of if things don't go the way I want them to here I will just take my ball and go to another school. Not just Rose Hill but all schools in the area.

Just my opinion.

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