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Feb 25 Republican Debate


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I suppose this is the first debate Trump has been significantly attacked. Rubio threw all the mud he could get his hands on. The problem for Rubio is that even if he was successful, "going dirty" drags down the likeability and support of both the slinger and the recipient. I don't think Rubio is all that likeable to begin with, so it will be interesting to see how it affects him now that he's covered in mud too.


Trump's worst moment was being pressed on the specifics of his healthcare plan, which he didn't have other than removing the state boundaries on insurance. But, anyone who is even mildly conscious has been aware since the summer that Trump is a self-aggrandizing reality-television star who makes fantastical promises and has an arsenal of lies, half-truths, and nonsense he unloads whenever convenient. If it hasn't mattered yet I don't know why it will in February.


Even still, Trump got in his usual barbs. I was in hysterics during half of it. "The wall just got ten feet higher," "excuse me, I'm the only one who's hired anyone," "go ahead, don't get nervous." Rubio and Cruz were mostly clueless how to respond to being repeatedly called a choke artist and a liar.


The entire thing was a wreck, though. CNN was as terrible as they get. I don't understand how Wolf Blitzer is their main guy or has a name that cool. Hugh Hewitt's questioning, ostensibly to provide some conservative grit, were nothing but fluff and mostly softballs underhanded to Cruz.


Train wreck aside, the policy views being expressed on the stage were outlandish. Their tax and spending plans are as dramatic and far-fetched as Bernie Sander's plans are. Only Trump was asked what he would cut. They had an argument over healthcare that seemed to amount to who could take more pride in "people dying in the streets," and it somehow made Trump appear compassionate. Similarly, the foreign policy jockeying between Rubio and Cruz had the bizarre effect of making a character like Trump seem like a diplomat in comparison.



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Train wreck aside, the policy views being expressed on the stage were outlandish. Their tax and spending plans are as dramatic and far-fetched as Bernie Sander's plans are. Only Trump was asked what he would cut. They had an argument over healthcare that seemed to amount to who could take more pride in "people dying in the streets," and it somehow made Trump appear compassionate. Similarly, the foreign policy jockeying between Rubio and Cruz had the bizarre effect of making a character like Trump seem like a diplomat in comparison.


Death squads, anyone?

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Assuming she beats Bernie' date=' and I hope she doesn't, why would she be talking about Rubio at all? He will be watching on TV at that point. It's idle pointless speculation to fantasize about a rubio/clinton debate. You might as well speculate about how you would do in a JA/clinton debate, you and rubio are going to win the same number of primaries.[/quote']


You're really going to play that card? Really? You still think she can lose to Bernie?


I figured my post would put quite a tangle in the liberal agenda. A 0.1% earner vs the son of a bar tender/hotel maid. Wait, which one is supposed to be selling to the middle class again?

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I figured my post would put quite a tangle in the liberal agenda. A 0.1% earner vs the son of a bar tender/hotel maid. Wait, which one is supposed to be selling to the middle class again?


Don't remember to the exact line, but this reminds me of when Rubio said something about we have two Hispanics and and African American on this stage, but they are the party for minorities.

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While I know the strategy for 16 of the 17 candidates not named Trump was to wait until the field dwindled to take advantage of those votes, those who dropped waited too long. Only now, since the field is smaller, can the spotlight be turned to exposing Trump's vagueness and vulnerabilities. Had the debate stage been 5 candidates in the fall, we may be looking at an entirely different race. Good work, GOP.

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Rubio is a little wuss. He is nothing but a pretty boy who is nothing but a pet for the establishment that is afraid of Trump.


Rubio will open the borders up more than Obama has.

Your posts are so hard to decipher where you stand.

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While I know the strategy for 16 of the 17 candidates not named Trump was to wait until the field dwindled to take advantage of those votes, those who dropped waited too long. Only now, since the field is smaller, can the spotlight be turned to exposing Trump's vagueness and vulnerabilities. Had the debate stage been 5 candidates in the fall, we may be looking at an entirely different race. Good work, GOP.


Completely agree.


I'll also add, has Trump actually discussed anything related to what he'll actually do if he wins? All I've ever heard from him is "We will win, we're gonna be winners again, build a wall...", and yet people are lapping it up. Has he ever actually talked about how he's planning on doing anything?

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Completely agree.


I'll also add, has Trump actually discussed anything related to what he'll actually do if he wins? All I've ever heard from him is "We will win, we're gonna be winners again, build a wall...", and yet people are lapping it up. Has he ever actually talked about how he's planning on doing anything?


Repealing Obamacare? But every GOP candidate has said that.

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Completely agree.


I'll also add, has Trump actually discussed anything related to what he'll actually do if he wins? All I've ever heard from him is "We will win, we're gonna be winners again, build a wall...", and yet people are lapping it up. Has he ever actually talked about how he's planning on doing anything?

Yes, Mexico will pay for it.
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Completely agree.


I'll also add, has Trump actually discussed anything related to what he'll actually do if he wins? All I've ever heard from him is "We will win, we're gonna be winners again, build a wall...", and yet people are lapping it up. Has he ever actually talked about how he's planning on doing anything?


Of course not, that would take actually having a plan, or at least an outline.

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