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Shooting at Planned Parenthood in Colorado (part II)


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This is the controversial issues forum. If you find opposing viewpoints upsetting, then you might want to hang out at the "How many BGPers have you met?" room.


The Colorado Springs attack is the latest act of violence -- among hundreds since Roe v. Wade -- against those that provide legal abortion services. I suspect that Dear wanted to turn the clinic building into a blazing inferno, which explains all those propane tanks that law officers found.


So your definition of controversial is to lie, I get it.

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So your definition of controversial is to lie, I get it.

I have no idea what you're talking about, and I don't think you do either. I'm just connecting some dots based on the facts. Did Dear intend to use the propane tanks to grill hot dogs after he shot up the PP clinic? What was the anti-Obama literature he gave to a neighbor about? What about the "body parts" comment he made to law officers?


Sounds like a right-wing nut case to me.

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How did he lie?


When you have been asked 100s of time to prove one Republican leader has promoted or called for violence against PP and you continue to ignore it and make a false accusation that is a lie.


When you try to make a false comparison of being against PP and being pro life as being a call for violence against PP , that is lie.


If in some liberals and I emphasize some , crazy incoherent minds you can't distguinish between a lunatic and the pro life movement sincere belief in protecting unborn children. Then that liberal either isn't very bright or purposely is lying.


I think PP is corrupt organzations , I'm against abortion. I'm also against the death penalty . I'm consistent in that life should only be taken in the means of self defense .


To somehow in some beligerrent naive ideas to somehow paint being against abortions ad evil and you on the opposite side promoting and approving of the mass murder of children as the forefront of justice is comical.


How can some posters , tv personalities or commentators in general be so unintelligent to make a direct correlation between people fighting to save lives and a mad man who is taking it .


The only conclusions I can come to is people with these thought are not bright or they are lying for an agenda.

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He definitely seems to be a "hero" for the left.. You guys seem almost giddy that this tragedy happened..


Let's see.


Hellcats said that it was awful.

SG said that it was terrorism.

SF is concerned that more PP sites will be targeted.

SG and SF hope that we can learn more about what makes this type of person tick.

BM calls it a horrible, misguided action.


I must be incredibly dense. I'm not getting the left's giddiness.

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I have no idea what you're talking about, and I don't think you do either. I'm just connecting some dots based on the facts. Did Dear intend to use the propane tanks to grill hot dogs after he shot up the PP clinic? What was the anti-Obama literature he gave to a neighbor about? What about the "body parts" comment he made to law officers?


Sounds like a right-wing nut case to me.


O your right your not making a correlation between republican leaders and this nut job. You haven't done that in multiple posts. In multiple topics.

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So I'm sure the liberals making a corelation between republican leaders being pro life and this nut job are also ok with democrat leaders who support BLM being painted as being pro cop killers.


It's the exact same correlation and it's hysterical seeing some trying to use it.

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Let's see.


Hellcats said that it was awful.

SG said that it was terrorism.

SF is concerned that more PP sites will be targeted.

SG and SF hope that we can learn more about what makes this type of person tick.

BM calls it a horrible, misguided action.


I must be incredibly dense. I'm not getting the left's giddiness.


Missing Science Friction and TTP multiple posts in multiple threads trying to paint this as republican leaders fault.

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“The true instigator of this violence and all violence at any Planned Parenthood facility is Planned Parenthood themselves.” — Rep. JoAnn Windholz on the attack and killing of three at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic.


GOP lawmaker: Planned Parenthood is the ?real culprit? in the shooting | The Colorado Independent

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When you have been asked 100s of time to prove one Republican leader has promoted or called for violence against PP and you continue to ignore it and make a false accusation that is a lie.


When you try to make a false comparison of being against PP and being pro life as being a call for violence against PP , that is lie.


If in some liberals and I emphasize some , crazy incoherent minds you can't distguinish between a lunatic and the pro life movement sincere belief in protecting unborn children. Then that liberal either isn't very bright or purposely is lying.


I think PP is corrupt organzations , I'm against abortion. I'm also against the death penalty . I'm consistent in that life should only be taken in the means of self defense .


To somehow in some beligerrent naive ideas to somehow paint being against abortions ad evil and you on the opposite side promoting and approving of the mass murder of children as the forefront of justice is comical.


How can some posters , tv personalities or commentators in general be so unintelligent to make a direct correlation between people fighting to save lives and a mad man who is taking it .


The only conclusions I can come to is people with these thought are not bright or they are lying for an agenda.

That's quite a laundry list of things I never said, and your first parapraph, by the way, is the textbook definition of a red herring. While no GOP pols, to my knowledge, called for violence against Planned Parenthood (duh), Cruz, Fiorina et al. lined up like jets at LaGuardia waiting to score political points from the undercover video. How this right-wing mass outrage affected people like Dear should be a matter of interest to every American.

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