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Summer Team Workouts

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Now that schools have broke for the summer, what school football programs are off and running? You know, try and get a head start. Don't waste any practice time before dead period.


Also, what are teams allowed to do per KHSAA guidelines. Helmets, shoulder pads, full gear, hitting? Curious to what your teams do. Kinda be cool to see what the successful programs do and the not so much successful programs do.

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Now that schools have broke for the summer, what school football programs are off and running? You know, try and get a head start. Don't waste any practice time before dead period.


Also, what are teams allowed to do per KHSAA guidelines. Helmets, shoulder pads, full gear, hitting? Curious to what your teams do. Kinda be cool to see what the successful programs do and the not so much successful programs do.


All kinds of new rules Tdy. Different ballgame entirely now.

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You think programs are going to chance on cheating? All it takes is for a player to get ill from being in full pads and that parent will notify someone. To answer your question, probably no one, but who's going to chance that? I know that you can have on helmets and if it get too warm, helmets will come off.

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I will echo this statement. Are these rules open to interpretation or are they all pretty clear? If the latter, I am not sure that everyone got the memo.


Ignorance of the law is no excuse.


If someone is abusing the limitations of season rule, they have no way of saying, "We didn't know." It's in the khsaa bylaws (online and in print) and we get emails from the commissioner letting us know what's allowed and what's not.


Further, part of the school AD's job description anywhere is to make sure the coaches in every sport are aware of what can and cannot be done.


Could someone cheat the rules and go out in shoulder pads and likely not get caught? Sure. But let ONE injury requiring medical help happen in a drill and when they fill out the incident report (necessary for insurance coverage) it becomes clear a drill was done that wasn't allowed...


...in today's litigious society, why would any coach open himself/herself up to that kind of liability just to get a few extra reps in shoulder pads in?

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Coach J, what are the rules for the 2015/2016 season regarding helmets and shoulder pads? I read on KHSAA site under limitations of seasons, 2014/2015 version that no helmets or upper pads to be worn for any reason until June 21. Schools are not even allowed to hand out equipment until after June 21. So I would guess most if not all teams are not in any form of equipment

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So teams are not allowed in any type equipment? Not even helmets? That sounds crazy.


Helmets are allowed after June 1. The KHSAA considered the no helmet rule but changed their mind. Meanwhile basketball can basically have full practices.

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Helmets are allowed after June 1. The KHSAA considered the no helmet rule but changed their mind. Meanwhile basketball can basically have full practices.


"After consideration and following considerable feedback from the membership, the Board approved the staff recommendation to make one change from the draft, and allow the wearing of helmets for on campus, non-competitive, non-contact work in June. Specifically, from June 1 through June 24, the following provisions will be in place (different from the original draft): a) Schools may not issue football equipment included in NFHS Rule 1-5 other than the helmet, with the exception of an all-star game or individual camp as detailed; b) Schools may not organize or participate in any football activities that allow players to be in football gear included in NFHS Rule 1-5 other than the helmet, even if contact does not occur; c) Activity during this period may not include contact (Level 3-”Thud” or Level 4-”Live Action”); d) No session can be held where attendance is taken or any other implied or explicit required activity; e) The KHSAA catastrophic insurance provided by the Association is not in effect during this period; and f) Heat index monitoring guidelines must be complied with during any activity."


That was implemented this spring. So only helmets may be worn. No shoulder pads.

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Helmets are allowed after June 1. The KHSAA considered the no helmet rule but changed their mind. Meanwhile basketball can basically have full practices.


They can have full practices and compete against other teams with no limitations. Go figure!

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