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The bolded is what I like. There is no such thing as "a little guilty" You are either guilty or not lol.


Also when you say rules are rules and people break rules all the time. That doesn't make it right which is where I see many on here confusing. Breaking a rule such is this doesn't make it right and many on here act as if it is ok to do. It's never ok to do.


Again, that could be just the difference in the way I was brought up. I wasn't brought up being taught to bend and break the rules as often as possible and just hope you never get caught. Cheating is cheating period and in no way is it ever the right thing to do or ok.


What I mean by "a little guilty" is we don't know to what extent he was involved. Maybe he said "let some air out", but didn't intend for them to not have enough pressure. We don't know what the balls measured before the air was let out...we only know that they were apparently legal (unless I missed it). So while tampering after inspection is against the rules, we don't know that Brady's intention was for the balls to be below minimum PSI. And I have to admit, the whole science explanation, sounds like a pretty good argument. I know I've had to put air in my tires on really cold days, and from my experience as a football coach, I've had to add air to balls after they've sat around in the cold.


Don't get me wrong...I don't advocate cheating, and I was never encouraged to cheat. But the definition of cheating can be pretty broad, and I think there is a pretty fine line between gamesmenship and cheating. Too me, cheating is doing something that not only isn't in the spirit of the rules, but also not only creates an advantage, but can fundamentally change the outcome of the game. I don't think that fits here. And while it doesn't make it right, there are recorded instances, whether it's PED's, signal stealing, bounties etc of nearly every team pushing the boundaries or doing something that could be considered cheating. The Patriots aren't alone in this regard. Again, doesn't make it right, but there's a whole bunch of Patriots hate that is present here that makes this so much bigger than it really is.

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I think one piece of evidence that works very much against Wells is the fact that the official said to the best of his recollection he used gauge "A" pregame to measure the PSI levels.


When measured at halftime, gauge "A" provided PSI levels that were within the effects consistent with the natural gas law, had gauge "A" been used for pre-game measurements.


Wells' conclusion? The official was wrong, and he HAD to have used gauge "B". That doesn't seem impartial to me. :idunno:

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I think one piece of evidence that works very much against Wells is the fact that the official said to the best of his recollection he used gauge "A" pregame to measure the PSI levels.


When measured at halftime, gauge "A" provided PSI levels that were within the effects consistent with the natural gas law, had gauge "A" been used for pre-game measurements.


Wells' conclusion? The official was wrong, and he HAD to have used gauge "B". That doesn't seem impartial to me. :idunno:

This cracks me up lol. Both guages showed them under the limit. Both didn't show the Colts under the limit. keep with the "natural gas law" lol That cracks me up, seriously, I giggle everytime that is used as a defense. Just admit they cheated and be done with it already lol.

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No, I'm not ignoring what RJS said, I was actually trying to let you catch it yourself

how ridiculous and stupid that argument actually is.


Here we go, let me explain how ignorant that argument is.


The teams have the footballs all week to work on. That means they can rub them up etc. and get them ready for inspection. If, and I will repeat, IF Brady told the equipment guys he likes the balls less inflated BUT DIDNT WANT THEM BELOW THE LEGAL PSI, as you all are

trying to convince us as what he said , then why wouldn't they simply deflate the balls to 12.5 BEFORE THE OFFICIALS INSPECTED THEM? That's all they would have to do, they had the footballs before the inspections so all they would do is simply inflate them to 12.5 before the inspection and if any were a little below they could have inflated them to the required psi when they were inspected.


Seriously guys, your excuse to what happened holds no water. Think about it.


NOTHING that you said here makes the argument "stupid" or "ignorant," so you might want to check yourself before you try to get all sideways...


Just because you don't agree doesn't make something stupid. You are the one proclaiming that it was PROVEN Brady cheated and then throw out words like "ridiculous," "stupid," and "ignorant" because a couple folks disagree with you? :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

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Prove Brady deflated the balls or even told someone to. I would even settle for proof that it didn't happen naturally.

First off I would say that No, you wouldn't settle for the bolded. Now you want the proof? The Colts Footballs were not found under the limit on both gauges so therefore the Pats balls were not under inflated naturally. Both sets of footballs were in the same weather conditions therefore nature didn't act differently on one sideline than it did on the other sideline. There is your proof, now I challenge you to stick to your word.

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This is the one part of the story that I find hardest to believe.


Agree, even if by some minute chance that this were true, it's comes across as totally unbelievable.

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What I mean by "a little guilty" is we don't know to what extent he was involved. Maybe he said "let some air out", but didn't intend for them to not have enough pressure.


Again, think about what you are saying please.


Why would they deflate them AFTER the balls were inspected? If he didn't want the balls deflated below the 12.5 then why not simply have them right around the 12.5 BEFORE the inspections??????????


This also as in the report was not the first time as also besides the report other teams have said they believed the Pats have been doing this for some time as to why they brought it to the leagues attention BEFORE the game was even played. This wan't a 1 time thing and again why would the not just deflate the balls to the lowest legal requirement beforehand? Why would they always wait until after the inspection if they were still going to keep them at the legal psi? No one has ever answered that and that is the most basic question out there when using your story of what happened.


You can't answer that either nor can anyone else defending Brady in this. Not one person has come up with any logical reason why the balls were deflated AFTER they were inspected. If they weren't meant to be underinflated, then why wait until after the inspection? You do realize that the QB's work with the balls preparing them long before the inspection don't you? They don't prepare them AFTER THE INPSECTION, so exactly when did Brady tell them to let some air out? It wasn't after the inspection because they aren't preparing them after that, and most probably has no contact with the footballs after the inspection until they are on the field.



Please, it's an easy question yet no one has answered it yet. Why were they not deflated to around 12.5 before they were inspected?

The only logical explanation is Brady had told them he wanted them under the 12.5 and that is exactly what they did.

Things that make you go Hmmmmm

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