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LAPD shooting last night

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WARNING! This video shows a shooting death, and it contains VERY strong language.


This may not end well for LAPD. It's hard to see everything that happened in this video, but I did not see the man reaching for the officers gun, but someone will stabilize the video and clear it up a bit, and that will tell more. But, I have seen videos where someone is yelling something like "get off the gun", "get off my gun", when the person was clearly not reaching for a gun, or the other persons gun.


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LAPD Commander Andrew Smith said officers were responding to a 911 call reporting a possible robbery. Officers approached the man, alleged to be homeless, made contact with him and he physically resisted the officers and escalated to fighting them. The officers tried to tase him but the taser was reported to be ineffective.


The man continued to resist and took some of the officers to the ground, at which point a struggle over one of the officers' weapons occurred, at which point the shooting occurred. Two officers and a sergeant fired at the man, approximately five shots total.


Happened around 11:30am Pacific.

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I believe it was the man shooting the video, but he kept saying it was a black officer who shot the man, but I really couldn't tell, I'll have to look at in on another screen later.


It looked like he was the one who picked his gun back up after the shots rang out but it is hard to tell.

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It looked like he was the one who picked his gun back up after the shots rang out but it is hard to tell.


Well as I said, once they stabilize it and clean up the video they will get a better idea of what happened. Too bad the video wasn't that great, but better than nothing.

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The other thing about this one is that it was done in daylight and in front of a lot of people (witnesses). I would find it hard to believe that the police shot him if the guy was not going for the gun.


I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with what happened. But if you get let say 5 witnesses, you will have versions that differ greatly. Also, how reliable are the witnesses?

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I heard on a report this morning that one of the officers had a body cam on him and the Department will be looking at that. Hope it reveals a better picture.


Just heard that as well on the Today Show.


In speaking with an officer a couple weeks ago, while body cameras are great in theory, many think it captures a 360 degree lens of what is taking place. It is a straight on shot dependent upon the officer's orientation obviously and not always the most revealing of things.

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