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What to do when in a batting slump.


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A slump is apart of baseball. It can range from a few games to many and seems to be easier to fall into than out. Now many players have ways in which they use to get out of these tough situations. For example Ken Griffey takes BB with his dad and many others use superstitions to get out of it. What i prefer is to change something in your routine and to hit some wiffle balls. I believe most 90 percents of a slump is mainly mental the rest is just keeping your eye on the ball.


*Does anyone else have any thoughts over this? And What do you prefer to do to get out of one. :confused:

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A slump is apart of baseball. It can range from a few games to many and seems to be easier to fall into than out. Now many players have ways in which they use to get out of these tough situations. For example Ken Griffey takes BB with his dad and many others use superstitions to get out of it. What i prefer is to change something in your routine and to hit some wiffle balls. I believe most 90 percents of a slump is mainly mental the rest is just keeping your eye on the ball.


*Does anyone else have any thoughts over this? And What do you prefer to do to get out of one. :confused:


When I get in a slump, I just keep hitting. My slumps usually consist of hitting the ball right at someone. Baseball is a game of failure. Slumps are part of the game and everyone has them. I believe you just have to keep doing the things you've done to get as far as you've gotten.

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The only problem with "The keep swinging" mentality is if you are mechanically doing something wrong. There are so many different parts to a swing, a slight variation over the course of a season can through you into a slump.


Something you can do to help you determine what if anything is wrong with your swing is to make a video of your swing when it's right. The west time to make a video is when you are hitting the ball your best. Then when you go into a slump, you can make another video and compare to see if there are any differences.


If your slump consist of line-outs and nice defensive plays, well, I don't call that a slump, that's just baseball. Then that's when you keep swinging and try not to make any adjustments, they'll start falling.

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The only problem with "The keep swinging" mentality is if you are mechanically doing something wrong. There are so many different parts to a swing, a slight variation over the course of a season can through you into a slump.


Something you can do to help you determine what if anything is wrong with your swing is to make a video of your swing when it's right. The west time to make a video is when you are hitting the ball your best. Then when you go into a slump, you can make another video and compare to see if there are any differences.


If your slump consist of line-outs and nice defensive plays, well, I don't call that a slump, that's just baseball. Then that's when you keep swinging and try not to make any adjustments, they'll start falling.

If your in a slump your mechanics are usually going to be decent because you have to hit the ball before you can be in a slump and most people's swing stays the same.

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I personally think that a "slump" is just a confidence thing. Everyone knows that baseball has a lot of luck involved in it. A "texas leaguer" falls in here and there, and all of the sudden you are out of you slump. Just keep taking your cuts, and eventually one will fall in for you. Also, keep a positive attitude towards hitting.

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I personally think that a "slump" is just a confidence thing. Everyone knows that baseball has a lot of luck involved in it. A "texas leaguer" falls in here and there, and all of the sudden you are out of you slump. Just keep taking your cuts, and eventually one will fall in for you. Also, keep a positive attitude towards hitting.


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Batting slumps can be attributed to many factors, swing change, hand position, dropping shoulder, not picking up ball, lack of confidence, better pitching, distance from plate and loss of concentration....at the same time, a good player will not get a hit every at-bat.


Baseball is a sport where you can fail to hit 70% of the time and still be considered a very good .300 hitter.


Hitters must not lose confidence, or make drastic change differences. If it worked before, it can work again and being consistent will help. I personally like a player doing what I call a "40 Drill". Do them with very little time in between.

Take 10 swings off a Tee

Bunt 5

Take 10 swings via Soft-Toss

Bunt 5

Take 10 swings Live Pitching


This drill will cause the hitter to mentally focus and concentrate on seeing the ball. Video tape the hitters swing during practice, games and during a slump, to study if any changes have occurred.


A hitter is only as good, as his next at-bat....which is the one he should be thinking about and not the previous ones.

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