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Favorite Game of All Time?

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My top five would be


5. Halo 2

4. Super Mario Brothers 3 (NES)

3. Gears of War 1

2. Saints Row the Third

1. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare


Wish I could figure out the amount of played time I have on CoD4. Has to be over 50 days online. I know SF41 was up there as well.

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Halo: Combat Evolved. For those putting Halo 2, don't get me wrong, that was a blast. The online play is what helped set it apart. But the original game was perfect. It had the best single player of the series and the best multiplayer of the series. The LAN parties were unbelievably fun. If that game had had XBox Live I'd honestly still be playing it now (Anniversary is fun, but too limited).

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Halo: Combat Evolved. For those putting Halo 2, don't get me wrong, that was a blast. The online play is what helped set it apart. But the original game was perfect. It had the best single player of the series and the best multiplayer of the series. The LAN parties were unbelievably fun. If that game had had XBox Live I'd honestly still be playing it now (Anniversary is fun, but too limited).


I remember in high school I had two tvs in my room. Had about 7-8 people at my house system linking halo 2. That was the original xbox live...

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^Loved me some GoldenEye.


I remember in high school I had two tvs in my room. Had about 7-8 people at my house system linking halo 2. That was the original xbox live...


I forgot about Golden Eye that game definitely has to have a place in my top 5 as it and Halo 2 are what really got me back in to gaming.


Halo 2 lan parties were where it was at just after college, there were many a night 8-10 hours long of a dozen of us just playing lan on 3-4 different TV's. Ah the good ole days.

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Yeah Goleneye kept me and my friends busy for hours no doubt. I thought I was really good (kicked my friends butts regularly) and then a guy I had never played with joined us one day and destroyed us all. At that point I realized I was not in the league of the big boys :lol:


Having said that proximity mines were lethal!

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I forgot about Golden Eye that game definitely has to have a place in my top 5 as it and Halo 2 are what really got me back in to gaming.


Halo 2 lan parties were where it was at just after college, there were many a night 8-10 hours long of a dozen of us just playing lan on 3-4 different TV's. Ah the good ole days.


Don't know about you but Foundation Rocket Launchers is what we really poured hours into. I missed super bouncing too. Really wish they would have put it into other halo games.

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