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The word Elite to describe a QB should be forever banned

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I get so tired of the media tossing out labels like they are going out of style.

A month ago not one person would consider Joe Flacco an "Elite" QB but now that the Ravens won the SB all of a sudden he is an Elite QB.

I get so tired of hearing that and it takes away from the true meaning of being elite and what elite stands for.


Once upon a time elite meant the best of the best. It meant being the best at what you do and better than your peers.


Now you listen to the talking heads on ESPN or NFL Network etc. all you hear about is Flacco is elite and then they come out with a list of 5 or more QB's in the league that are considered Elite, some of those lists become 10 QB's. So what is so Elite about being in the mix of 10 out of 32 QB's? That is 1/3rd of the entire starting QB's in the NFL. Not very Elite if you ask me.


There is a difference between being very good and being Elite, but for some reason these talking heads go from Average to Elite and skip everything else in between. Shoot I even heard this morning on Mike and Mike show when they were giving their list of Elite QB's (which consisted of 10) that Tony Romo was #10 in that list of Elite QB's. How ridiculous is that?


Joe Flacco is not Elite, what he is is a good QB that had a great month.


Elite QB's dont end up 14th in QB Rating for a season

Elite QB's dont end up 22nd in Passing Completion % for a season

Elite QB's don't end the season 14th in passing yards


QB's get way too much credit when a team wins a SB. Eli is not elite yet everyone thinks he is. He had a good month last year and now he is elite. Sorry Joe, but this year's SB didn't all of a sudden change the player you are. you are good, I think you are better than Eli, but you are not Elite.

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Agreed! Someone posted a couple days ago about how a media member said there are 16 "elite" quarterbacks in the NFL. Out of 32! It is an overused word with no measureable metrics. It is nothing more than a fancy way of establishing opinion.

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You know what Hellbird, in a very short time you have become an Elite Member here at BGP!


You can't measure that. You can't tell me Hellbird is more elite than PurplePride92, or AverageJoesGym, heck even mountain ref. The only reason anyone would consider Hellbird elite is because such good posters reply in his threads.

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You can't measure that. You can't tell me Hellbird is more elite than PurplePride92, or AverageJoesGym, heck even mountain ref. The only reason anyone would consider Hellbird elite is because such good posters reply in his threads.


I don't care what you say, Hellbird has had such a strong run this past fall and into 2013 he is definitely elite.

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You can't measure that. You can't tell me Hellbird is more elite than PurplePride92, or AverageJoesGym, heck even mountain ref. The only reason anyone would consider Hellbird elite is because such good posters reply in his threads.


PurplePride92 secretly told me the only reason he went to the State Championship game between Cooper and Bowling Green was because I was gonna be there.....had nothing to do with BG playing :D

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