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Shark Week 2010


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Anyone catch the River Monsters episode on Shark Week tonight? Pretty good episode where he caught a couple of Bull Sharks.


Bulls are quite possibly the most dangerous shark in the water. While other sharks only attack for food or defense. Bulls seem to enjoy it, and can attack unprovoked and not feeding.

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Please forgive me, but I just don't understand the "shark week" enthusiasm. Correct me if I'm missing something here: it is television programming. About sharks. For a week. Help me understand the appeal.


Are all you fans really that into sharks? Really? Seriously? Like, every other week that ISN'T "shark week" you are ...googling stuff about Great Whites?

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Please forgive me, but I just don't understand the "shark week" enthusiasm. Correct me if I'm missing something here: it is television programming. About sharks. For a week. Help me understand the appeal.


Are all you fans really that into sharks? Really? Seriously? Like, every other week that ISN'T "shark week" you are ...googling stuff about Great Whites?


I grew up a big fan of Jaws, so I enjoy watching the documentaries about sharks. I find them interesting.


I don't see the difference in getting excited to watch a couple shows on sharks and people looking forward to whatever their favorite show is (insert 24, Lost, America's Got Talent, and etc).


So yeah I am into sharks...googling them constantly no. But do those who enjoy the shows I named constantly google the actors/characters, or constantly read blogs about the show? The majority probably not.


Not sure how its different than people who enjoy watching anything else on television.

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Bulls are quite possibly the most dangerous shark in the water. While other sharks only attack for food or defense. Bulls seem to enjoy it, and can attack unprovoked and not feeding.


Yeah, they certainly are. Seems like they are a little more viscious than others. What is pretty scary about them is that they can swim in fresh water.

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This year's Shark Week seems to be better than most, IMO. It seems like they are showing a bunch of new shows, instead of just repeating "Air Jaws" every few hours.


Those bull sharks are some bad guys! They said the testosterone level of an average man is in the 40s, and a bull shark's testosterone level is over 900!:scared:

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Anyone catch the River Monsters episode on Shark Week tonight? Pretty good episode where he caught a couple of Bull Sharks.


That was really interesting. And I must say, when that woman was tracking the tagged bull and they were like "it is right under the boat..." I would've been totally freaking out! :lol:

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That was really interesting. And I must say, when that woman was tracking the tagged bull and they were like "it is right under the boat..." I would've been totally freaking out! :lol:


No kidding. I would have been freaking out if I was swimming in the river and he pulled that huge shark out...and then let it go lol.

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I picked it up about 20 minutes into the show, where was that filmed? I didn't recognize the city name.


For some reason I am thinking South Africa. I think it was early in the show, they showed where there have been bull sharks attacks in several rivers throughout the world...one being in New Jersey I believe.

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I grew up a big fan of Jaws, so I enjoy watching the documentaries about sharks. I find them interesting.


I don't see the difference in getting excited to watch a couple shows on sharks and people looking forward to whatever their favorite show is (insert 24, Lost, America's Got Talent, and etc).


So yeah [/b]I am into sharks[/b]...googling them constantly no. But do those who enjoy the shows I named constantly google the actors/characters, or constantly read blogs about the show? The majority probably not.


Not sure how its different than people who enjoy watching anything else on television.


I've never quite heard it put that way, but so am I.

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Please forgive me, but I just don't understand the "shark week" enthusiasm. Correct me if I'm missing something here: it is television programming. About sharks. For a week. Help me understand the appeal.


Are all you fans really that into sharks? Really? Seriously? Like, every other week that ISN'T "shark week" you are ...googling stuff about Great Whites?


I know, it bugs me too man. It's like people put on their poser cap for a week and act all interested in guys diving in with Great Whites, River Sharks, and really good stories about peoples experiences with sharks. I just don't see the interest? I bet no one even cares the other 51 weeks...

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I know, it bugs me too man. It's like people put on their poser cap for a week and act all interested in guys diving in with Great Whites, River Sharks, and really good stories about peoples experiences with sharks. I just don't see the interest? I bet no one even cares the other 51 weeks...


Relax. Don't watch it or read the forum about it if it's bothering you so bad.

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I grew up a big fan of Jaws, so I enjoy watching the documentaries about sharks. I find them interesting.


I don't see the difference in getting excited to watch a couple shows on sharks and people looking forward to whatever their favorite show is (insert 24, Lost, America's Got Talent, and etc).


So yeah I am into sharks...googling them constantly no. But do those who enjoy the shows I named constantly google the actors/characters, or constantly read blogs about the show? The majority probably not.


Not sure how its different than people who enjoy watching anything else on television.


I didn't know all those TV shows had a week dedicated to them.

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