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Is Obamaism a cult?


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How many years has this world gone without war? Abortions is just so wrong on so many levels. Especially the level that Obama supports it! It's sickening.:puke:


War, torture, poverty, oppression, spying on citizens, killing innocent people and calling it collateral damage I find sickening. Obama will not end all of those things like McCain would not have ended abortion and like Bush did not. However, I think Obama will work toward lessening our governments role, and by default, our role in all of those things.

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I have yet to hear or see anyone who claims him to be a messiah who will cure all ills. What I know is that people are way excited because, even if his policies don't shake out to be way different, his approach and demeanor certainly are - so people are very optimistic about whay lies ahead.

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You mean like war, which I find morally indefensible and tobacco subsidies which I find morally indefensible, you mean like interrogation techniques that I found morally indefensible . . .


You see, the joy of living in a democracy is that we all get to be righteously indignant and some point. I was for 8 years, now you can be. See how that works, equality.


I don't think that our economy or image could be damaged any more than it was over the past 8 years, it might be damaged differently, but it won't be any worse.


Do we really live in a democracy? Are you going to vote on the stimulus bill? I don't even think as citizens we have the "right" to vote in a federal election. The states can give their ECVs to anyone...Can't they?


99.999% of our votes are for cndidates. Democracy:confused:

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Do we really live in a democracy? Are you going to vote on the stimulus bill? I don't even think as citizens we have the "right" to vote in a federal election. The states can give their ECVs to anyone...Can't they?


99.999% of our votes are for cndidates. Democracy:confused:


The vote for your senator and congressman are votes in a "federal election" they hold U.S. offices, not state offices.


And technically you are correct, we live in a democratic republic which means we elect representatives to make decisions for us.


By the way, I voted on the stimulus bill when I voted in the presidential and senatorial election in Kentucky this past fall. I knew and understand the candidates stances on issues and supported the ones I believed would vote that way that I would.


"States" cannot tell the Electors for whom to vote. They can cast their personal ballot as they see fit.

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The vote for your senator and congressman are votes in a "federal election" they hold U.S. offices, not state offices.


And technically you are correct, we live in a democratic republic which means we elect representatives to make decisions for us.


By the way, I voted on the stimulus bill when I voted in the presidential and senatorial election in Kentucky this past fall. I knew and understand the candidates stances on issues and supported the ones I believed would vote that way that I would.


"States" cannot tell the Electors for whom to vote. They can cast their personal ballot as they see fit.


I always thought we elected people to represent us, not make decisions for us.

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I always thought we elected people to represent us, not make decisions for us.


They are supposed to represent us. But when a decision has to be made, and you and I are not there (or able to register our opinion), that "representative" has to make that decision for us.

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I always thought we elected people to represent us, not make decisions for us.


Actually I think it is supposed to be a little of both.


I think it was Edmund Burke that once said: "A representative owes his constituency not only his resources but his wisdom as well." Or something to that effect. Sometimes Reps have voted against their constituency in order to bring about the better good for all people or the nation as a whole. Not often, but sometimes. :thumb:

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You two totally misunderstand what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about everyone who voted for Obama. I'm speaking of those who for no reason and without a bit of skepticism, believe that Obama is their savior. He will cure all ills and heal all wounds. Under his guidance we will all live like King Midas. I'm speaking of those who have unreasonable expectations of Obama, and there are millions of them.


Comparatively, Bush had very few Kool-Aid drinkers. His highest ground swell came after 9/11 when many people thought he was the perfect man for that job. I believe most of those who defended Bush did so because the attacks on him were so frequent and vehement. I work with one Bush fanatic, and the rest of us conservatives feel that she's a pain in the butt.


I understand what you are getting at Dad, and must agree that as an Obama supporter and voter, I had to educate some other Obama supporters and voters.


However, I don't think that it is not a new thing. There are always uneducated and unrealistic voters from both parties, and I think many factors this election cycle(use of internet media for one) made the phenomenon more noticable.


I have also had the privelege of running across a large amount of people who could be considered Anti-Obama Kool-aid drinkers. People that did not look at, nor did they care to look at a single issue, but had a deep seated hatred for President Obama.


BTW, good choice on the support of the Libertarians.:thumb:

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