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Obama's faith in his own words

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Yet, you have no problem with those of the Jewish faith? Or the Morman faith?


If they don't believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Only Path to know His Father AS JESUS CLAIMED, than yeah, I have a disagreement (no, problem, just think they are wrong) with them.


Not sure the point of this in discussing O's faith.

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You are taking great liberties in what he said. :lol: There are many paths to Christianity and knowing God.


I don't think I am.


He was asked pretty straightforward who Jesus was.


He said historical figure and teacher. There is ALOT missing there on who Jesus is.


TB&G, it seems you are simply trying to stand up for him because you like him.


The article was very interesting and I think should clear up some of the Muslim mistaken belief.


I like hearing how the leaders of this country came to their decisions. I just feel he is wrong on who he thinks Jesus is.

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So, then, I take it you're fine with the Catholic Church's teaching that the Catholic faith is the one, true faith.


I am fine with them believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Way, the Truth and the Life and that only through Him will you know the Father and find eternal life in heaven.


And that is what truly matters.


I don't think any of the "churches" on this planet have claim to be Jesus' church. Whether they are Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal, or whatever.

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I don't think I am.


He was asked pretty straightforward who Jesus was.


He said historical figure and teacher. There is ALOT missing there on who Jesus is.


TB&G, it seems you are simply trying to stand up for him because you like him.


The article was very interesting and I think should clear up some of the Muslim mistaken belief.


I like hearing how the leaders of this country came to their decisions. I just feel he is wrong on who he thinks Jesus is.


How does it seem that I am standing up for him JUST because I like him? I have explained why I like his statement. I much prefer an answer in which someone explains things in their own words - and gets at the heart of the matter - rather than just repeat someone else's message. You would have preferred him to just restate church language such as "the way, the truth, the light." Instead, he said the same message, just in his own words.

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So you disagree that Jesus is a historical figure? That he bridges the gap between God and man? That hs serves as teh means of us reaching something higher?


Actually, I believe that Christians believe in the Holy Trinity. As the hymn says, "God in three persons- Blessed Trinity" (ie: Father, Son, Holy Spirit).


Obama seems to see the second person of the Holy Trinity as merely a go between or conduit to the first person.

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There is an article on the same blog/article about different churches that O might choose in the DC area. Funny, comment, one kid said they really wanted the O's children in her Sunday School class.




Obama's words and behavior would lead one to conclude that he is, in the most favorable light, a "Cafeteria Christian" in that he will pick a church just as he picked a school for his daughters (private, by the way). It has less to do with deep beliefs than with appearance and convenience (remember the school chosen, Sidwell Friends, is actually a Quaker school by tradition but it is prestigious, exclusive, safe, and expensive). People can draw whatever conclusions from all this that they so choose. I would not expect that we will see him draw on his deep Christian spiritual beliefs in a time of crisis.

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Yep. His disagreement is bigger as it involves Jesus Christ and who he is.




Who's Jesus to you?


(He laughs nervously)





Jesus is an historical figure for me, and he's also a bridge between God and man, in the Christian faith, and one that I think is powerful precisely because he serves as that means of us reaching something higher.


And he's also a wonderful teacher. I think it's important for all of us, of whatever faith, to have teachers in the flesh and also teachers in history.





From LBBC's perspective, the correct answer to this question HAS TO INCLUDE Jesus is foremost the Son of God who sacrificed himself on the cross to be our Savior and Lord. He left that part out.


I think O (as you call him) gave a very precise and planned answer to this question.


First, everything he said was/is fact. Let's look at what he did (and didn't) say...


1. Jesus is an historical figure... (He's also alive today and coming back at some point in the future.)


2. ...he's also a bridge between God and man... (True. But, the key word, or letter if you will, in that phrase is "a". Jesus is not just a bridge between God and man, He is the bridge. 1 Timothy 2:5 states that fact plainly.)


3. ...in the Christian faith... (True. But, as stated above, the Bible clearly states that He is the bridge/mediator between God and man. Any faith that denies that is wrong according to the Bible.)


4. ...he serves as that means of us reaching something higher... (True. But, he neglects to define what "something higher" is. According to Jesus and the Bible, that would include eternal life in heaven with God, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, etc.)


5. ...he's also a wonderful teacher. (True.)



So, as I said, it's a precise and thought out political response to the question. First, he states things that are true, that no real Christian could disagree with. On the flipside, his responses are carefully worded so as not to alienate members of another faith. For example, by saying "he's also a bridge between God and man, in the Christian faith", he states two facts, while leaving open the possibility of other bridges in other faiths. He leaves himself an out in a complaint from either side, by not saying too much.


For example, had he gone further either way...had he said Jesus is the bridge between God and man, he has immediately alienated other faiths. If he'd said Jesus is a bridge in Christianity, then gone on to say Mohammed is a bridge for Islam, then he's turned off Christians.


Had he gone on to say some of the things LBBC wanted to hear or other truths from the Bible about Christ (Son of God, alive in Heaven right now and planning to return someday, etc.)...he then gets labeled as a religious fundamentalist/fanatic and loses a lot of the independents who don't want too much religion in their politics.


That's what stands out to me. Its a very clever and well-worded response to try to appease and keep from offending the various groups he wanted to get votes from. He's a politician. And a good one at that.

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I am not saying its wrong or trying to portray Obama negatively, but this is 1 thing that has made him such a great presidential candidate. His answers are always very calculated to leave wiggle room. This is a little off subject, but I have a hard time getting a read on what he is actually going to do. I do believe he is a very intelligent man and hopes that leads to good decisions.

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"So, I'm rooted in the Christian tradition. I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people"


This speaks volumes. The Christian tradition? Many paths to the same place? Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one come to the Father but through me."


Jesus didn't say there are other ways but I would perfer you use me. I hope and pray Obama is a great President, he deserves our support but his view of Christianity is very shallow.

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As the President of a country that not only values, but guarantees the right of individuals to practice their own religious beliefs, what should he have said?


As a human, imperfect Christian, couldn't he also just be in the same place as millions of other Christians out there, who are in a state of progression through their faith?

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One problem many have with "hard core" religious folk like LBBC and others is that you have to say the right words or you're somehow less of a Christian. I probably would have answered that question in a similar fashion only to have someone get their feathers ruffled when , in reality, I may be closer to "the truth" than that person.


I think my feelings were reflected in the last election.

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