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Do you still wonder who your going to vote for this November?


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I don't want to get this thread off topic, but I'm financially and have been financially unable to leave.


It's not about listening to the uneducated Hollywood morons, we have had some big time problems in this country since 2000. Many of which have been debated here on the board, things are likely only going to get worse.


If and when I get the opporitunity, I would leave. Anyway, in sticking with the thread, everyone here has their strong beliefs for or against either party or both parties.


I just want November to get here and get this over with.

Out of curiosity, which country would you choose over this one?
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Out of curiosity, which country would you choose over this one?


I honestly don't know, it all depends on what I can get with my degree. It's something I have been thinking about for 6 years now and for reasons out of my control, I just have been unable to take it a step further. I'm hoping that finishing college would give me a better chance to explore other options.

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I honestly don't know, it all depends on what I can get with my degree. It's something I have been thinking about for 6 years now and for reasons out of my control, I just have been unable to take it a step further. I'm hoping that finishing college would give me a better chance to explore other options.
Well, I wish you the best of luck with your future. I do think, however, living elsewhere may just make you appreciate this great country a bit more.
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I honestly don't know, it all depends on what I can get with my degree. It's something I have been thinking about for 6 years now and for reasons out of my control, I just have been unable to take it a step further. I'm hoping that finishing college would give me a better chance to explore other options.


Good luck. As someone who has lived outside of the US when I was much younger (and have traveled extensively outside of it as well), I can only say that I am very, very happy to live in the US. But it is great to explore your options. :thumb:

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76 Obama, but I'm not voting come November. I do wish I had the money to leave the country for good if McCain wins the election. It will be an option I have to consider whenever I get my college degree and move forward with my life.


You gotta vote, man. If you don't want McCain to win, vote and make sure he doesn't. There's not really an excuse for not voting. But if McCain wins and you do move away, please make sure the people know wherever you move that we really didn't mean to elect McCain and it was just an accident. ;)

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You match up well with...


da64f9f3-2a85-4680-8610-95e5f6780e81_150 Barack Obama - 50%
While only having served in the United States Senate for about four years, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has electrified the presidential stage. Earlier this year, Obama defeated the much vaunted Clinton machine in the Democratic primaries, receiving 18 million votes, as Democratic voters flocked to the polls in record numbers. Unlike his opponent, Obama opposed the Iraq war from the start and is running his campaign on the theme of working together to fix the economy, provide affordable health care to all Americans, restoring the nation's moral authority on the world stage, and keeping the lobbyists and special interests out of the White House.
0b6c6499-bdf3-41db-881d-c26fc31f1130_60. John McCain - 50%
As a Vietnam war veteran and someone who has a record of bi-partisan work on issues like campaign finance reform and immigration reform, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has often won praises for his willingness to buck his own party on issues. Unlike his opponent, McCain is a staunch supporter of the war in Iraq, a social conservative who believes that the Supreme Court should overturn a woman's right to an abortion, and fiscal conservative who believes the Bush tax cuts should be made permanent and that corporate tax rates be further lowered.
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