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It is starting to come back. Unfortunately I have no tea. It's not terrible yet, but it's hurting again. I just took some more sudafed though, hopefully that will help. Thinking about taking some tylenol PM.
Drink warm coffee, hot chocolate or any warm liquid (Theraflu if you have). Be careful, with the strong doses of medication and the frequency taking them.


If you have an ice pack, place on the back of your neck for 15 min. You can move from side to side, behind each ear. Repeat as needed and this will help ease the discomfort, as it does with me.

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Drink warm coffee, hot chocolate or any warm liquid (Theraflu if you have). Be careful, with the strong doses of medication and the frequency taking them.


If you have an ice pack, place on the back of your neck for 15 min. You can move from side to side, behind each ear. Repeat as needed and this will help ease the discomfort, as it does with me.


I'll try that. I think I have some hot chocolate.


I haven't taken the Tylenol PM yet. I might later though, as I need some sleep. I haven't slept well all week. The good thing is that even though the pain is starting to come back, it's not nearly as severe as it was earlier. Whether or not it gets to that point is to be determined. I hope not though.

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I'll try that. I think I have some hot chocolate.


I haven't taken the Tylenol PM yet. I might later though, as I need some sleep. I haven't slept well all week. The good thing is that even though the pain is starting to come back, it's not nearly as severe as it was earlier. Whether or not it gets to that point is to be determined. I hope not though.

I know what you're going through, as I have been "coping" this week also. Include a horrendous cough and congestion. I've found relief, in running a warm mist vaporizer with liquid vapo steam.


I can count on both hands, the number of hours of sleep I've had, in the last 4 days. I'm watching a lot of College Baseball replays, during the early hours.


Get better my friend and try the ice pack, see if it helps any.

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I know what you're going through, as I have been "coping" this week also. Include a horrendous cough and congestion. I've found relief, in running a warm mist vaporizer with liquid vapo steam.


I can count on both hands, the number of hours of sleep I've had, in the last 4 days. I'm watching a lot of College Baseball replays, during the early hours.


Get better my friend and try the ice pack, see if it helps any.


Thanks. Hope you get better as well.


I've been holding a cold bottle of water against my cheek, as it makes my tooth feel better.


I'm going to go lay down now and try to rest some more. I'm watching the Spurs/Lakers though so I doubt I'll be sleeping (unless the Lakers pull away lol).

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Yes halfback, I have had my share of toothaches and they are no fun. I have had to have a few extractions. You are already at the dentist now so I am sure that he will get you out of pain with whatever route he goes with it. My personal choice and if the tooth is not one of the front ones.....I would say pull it. Reason being I had a root canal done one time and that was about as much fun as the toothache. Anyway, about 3 months after the root canal was finished I had a toothache in the same tooth that the root canal was done so something was wrong seeing how I thought a root canal was to remove the nerve. I went back and had the tooth extracted.

I am now seeing another dentist.

Good luck to you halfback.

As my grandpappy used to say, you need a new tooth dentist.:D

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Would it be okay if I take tylenol pm with the sudafed? There won't be any problems with that will there?


My doctor told me it would be fine to take my decongestion medicine with pain killers at the same time as long as it was over the counter pain killer. So i would say that you are in the clear. I had no problems after taking the medicines at the same time. Good luck and i hope you feel better.

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This may sound stupid but one way to get rid of it or help relieve it is by having someone blow smoke into your mouth. I know it sounds bad but it really works and really well if your not a smoker.


:confused: I have heard of having someone blow smoke in your ear & put a cotton ball in it for an earache but never have I heard blowing smoke in the mouth to relieve a toothache.

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Okay, here's the lowdown on seasonal sinusitis as it relates to toothaches. There are 2 sinuses that relate to the roots of your upper teeth, the maxillary sinus (that's the one that feels like there is a guy pounding on the back of your eyeballs with a hammer when you get a max. sinus headache) and the other is the ethmoid sinus (which is the one that typically causes pain to the back 3/4 teeth when it swells).


Sinuses are lined with epithelium, just like your nose and when inflamed, it doesn't swell like a balloon, it typically swells in waves. For instance, in the morning maybe the back of the sinus is more inflamed than the front and that causes your last 2 teeth to hurt and later in the afternoon the front portion is more swollen and that may cause the pain to be farther forward, say the bicuspid teeth.


When the sinuses are inflamed, from allergans like pollen or infected virally or bacterially, they tend to swell and bodily push the upper teeth down into the bite actually making them feel longer, or that they stick down farther to the point that they are the first thing that hits together when you bite down. This makes them cold, hot, and even sweet sensitive to the point that you'll avoid Dairy Queen for awhile. Around here, living in appalachia, it comes with the territory.


HB, since you're already on antibiotic, the sudafed is an antihistamine which dries up the symptoms of sinusitis. At this point that's all you can hope for is relief of the symptoms, so if you are gonna run out of sudafed soon, go for another run of it, even though you will be suspected of making illicit drugs if you catch my drift. Good luck.

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Most all of the Sudafeds contain a decongestant, but some of the Sudafed products, such as Sudafed Sinus Headache and Sudafed Severe Cold, also contain acetaminophen (Tylenol). So you just need to be careful of what you take. You can always ask the pharmacist or your doctor.

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I'll post a quick update for you guys who care.


I was supposed to go to the Braves/Reds game last night. Bought the tickets and everything. At work (probably shouldn't have been at work) I started feeling awful again. I couldn't reach my Dentist on the phone, so I talked to my aunt, who is a pharmacist, and she said it might not be a bad idea to go on to the emergency room. So I did. I went, and the ER Doctor prescribed me a new anti-biotic and a pain killer (Ultram). I'm feeling better right now, but I'm afraid it will come back, because it always does. I have a head ache, but I have taken medicine that should help with that. I'm just praying that darn toothache stays away.


Oh and I didn't get to go to the game. But I'm glad I didn't try because I would have been miserable.

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