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John McCain Says Global Warming is Real

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Interesting, but this has become like the gay marriage debate... there really are more pressing issues. Not to say we should care about our environment, but "Global Warming" keeps coming up and not only is it a debatable issue, it's something that the human race really can't do too much about one way or the other. Again, not to say we shouldn't TRY, but there are lots of other things that politicians should be worrying about.

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Smart guy...I bet he believes that at this point, a lot of conservatives will vote for him because they are realizing how bad Hilary and Obama would be in office (from a conservative standpoint), and now he is focusing on getting the moderates.

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He is speaking at this moment in Portland, Oregon. I just saw a couple of minutes of his speech.


"The facts of global warming need our urgent attention," said McCain, who went on to cite a number of those scientific facts.


The "Straight Talk Express" is in high gear today!

Typical politician. :rolleyes:
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Smart guy...I bet he believes that at this point, a lot of conservatives will vote for him because they are realizing how bad Hilary and Obama would be in office (from a conservative standpoint), and now he is focusing on getting the moderates.


Probably. He's also quick to point this out with regard to his differences from Bush. This isn't really anything new for McCain.

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Great :cry:

More money will be wasted on a theory with dubious science work. Might as well sign my pay check over to the government now. What isn't taxed to make things "green" will be going to energy companies to pay for their carbon off sets. Al the while Al Gore and his inner circle gets rich.

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George Will asks some pretty good questions of McCain, including his idiotic comments about global warming.


Questions For McCain

• You say that even if global warming turns out to be no crisis (the World Meteorological Organization says global temperatures have not risen in a decade), even unnecessary measures taken to combat it will be beneficial because "then all we've done is give our kids a cleaner world." But what of the trillions of dollars those measures will cost in direct expenditures and diminished economic growth—hence diminished medical research, cultural investment, etc.? Given that Earth is always warming or cooling, what is its proper temperature, and how do you know?


• You propose a "cap and trade" system to limit the carbon dioxide that many companies can emit. Is not your idea an energy- rationing proposal akin to Bill Clinton's BTU tax?


• You say "some greedy people" on Wall Street "perhaps need to be punished." So, government should treat greed as a crime—as punishable? What other departures from virtue deserve punishment? How do you distinguish between greed and the socially useful pursuit of personal gain? Your top 20 contributors include this dozen: Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Credit Suisse, Lehman Brothers, Bank of New York Mellon, Morgan Stanley, Wachovia Group, Bridgewater Associates, Blackstone Group and Bear Stearns. Are any contributions from these financial institutions so tainted by greed that you are returning them?

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George Will asks some pretty good questions of McCain, including his idiotic comments about global warming.


I do not think there is a dispute that climate will change over time, my dispute is that there are too many variables in the equation to chalk it up to humans being the cause. IMO CO2 increases due to human consumption of fossil fuels are like a few flakes of snow in a blizzard. Over 95% of CO2 released into the atmosphere would occur even if there were ZERO humans on Earth. The only thing that I am sure of is that temperatures over time go up and go down and will continue to do so just as they have for millions of years.

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I do not think there is a dispute that climate will change over time, my dispute is that there are too many variables in the equation to chalk it up to humans being the cause. IMO CO2 increases due to human consumption of fossil fuels are like a few flakes of snow in a blizzard. Over 95% of CO2 released into the atmosphere would occur even if there were ZERO humans on Earth. The only thing that I am sure of is that temperatures over time go up and go down and will continue to do so just as they have for millions of years.
I agree. The fact that the climate has changed in the past and will change again in the future and is in the process of changing in the present is pretty much a dead certainty. Ours is the first generation that seems eager to make a handful of people wealthy as a consequence of a natural occurrence and at the expense of the masses
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I agree. The fact that the climate has changed in the past and will change again in the future and is in the process of changing in the present is pretty much a dead certainty. Ours is the first generation that seems eager to make a handful of people wealthy as a consequence of a natural occurrence and at the expense of the masses



It makes no sense to employ a crossed fingers approach when human activity is clearly affecting the chemistry of the atmosphere. The radiant heat transfer properties of CO2 are well known. Saying that the climate has always fluctuated and always will fluctuate and therefore we need to do nothing is reckless and irresponsible. It is akin to sticking your head in the sand because you don't want your good times to end. Where does that leave future generations if you're wrong? Cleaning up the mess the morning after the party, that's where. This seems to be a recurring theme with a certain ilk of right wing idealogues (cut taxes, keep spending, let the kids worry about paying the bill, etc.) I guess true classical conservatism is dead.

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It makes no sense to employ a crossed fingers approach when human activity is clearly affecting the chemistry of the atmosphere. The radiant heat transfer properties of CO2 are well known. Saying that the climate has always fluctuated and always will fluctuate and therefore we need to do nothing is reckless and irresponsible. It is akin to sticking your head in the sand because you don't want your good times to end. Where does that leave future generations if you're wrong? Cleaning up the mess the morning after the party, that's where. This seems to be a recurring theme with a certain ilk of right wing idealogues (cut taxes, keep spending, let the kids worry about paying the bill, etc.) I guess true classical conservatism is dead.
The oceans are cooling and there has been no warming for the past 10 years. NASA now says that the atmosphere is probably entering a global cooling phase that will last 20 to 30 years. April was the coolest April in the US in 11 years, with an average temperature a full degree lower than the average April temperature for the past century. I guess we differ in our opinion of whose head is in the sand - it depends on one's perspective I guess. You may be willing to close your eyes to the fact that the gloom and doom models have failed to predict recent global temperatures, but I am not.


People are starving because of the government's push of ethanol as an alternative fuel. The increased cost of corn and related animal products is nothing compared to the toll in human suffering that will result if we jump blindly onto the Al Gore global warming bandwagon. Gore and his associates are nothing but modern snake oil salesmen.


Why are liberals so eager to blindly do the bidding of rich white men like Al Gore and Geoge Soros, while demonizing oil companies for making a modest 10% after tax profit?

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