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Wright = To the Religious Right

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Both are bad and both have basically said G-D America over differing things.

Good point. Never thought of it that way. Wright seems to be the more harmful because he's attacking the U.S as a whole and widening the divide between races. The radical right only picks on homosexuals, abortionists and the cities that love them.

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It is ridiculous to compare Rev. Wright to the "Religious Right." Wright is among the most offensive examples of what could be described as the "religious left," that includes such "men of the cloth" as Minister Farrakhan, Revs. Jackson and Sharpton, et al.


Sure, there are extreme elements in the religious right, but it as unfair to equate Rev. Wright to the entire roster of the religious right as it would be to lump every religious liberal in with Rev. Wright.


The brand of Black Liberation Theology espoused by Rev. Wright is a racist, anti-American political movement and Rev. Wright is its poster child. Comparing BLT to a real religion is as unfair as comparing Revs. Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright to real ministers.

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It is ridiculous to compare Rev. Wright to the "Religious Right." Wright is among the most offensive examples of what could be described as the "religious left," that includes such "men of the cloth" as Minister Farrakhan, Revs. Jackson and Sharpton, et al.


Sure, there are extreme elements in the religious right, but it as unfair to equate Rev. Wright to the entire roster of the religious right as it would be to lump every religious liberal in with Rev. Wright.


The brand of Black Liberation Theology espoused by Rev. Wright is a racist, anti-American political movement and Rev. Wright is its poster child. Comparing BLT to a real religion is as unfair as comparing Revs. Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright to real ministers.


In your opinion. I can find lots of hate speech from Hagee, Parsley, Robertson the late Falwell, Ted "I'm not gay" Haggard. They all IMO are part of a bigoted political movement that is full of hatred. I can also find lots of examples of such pastors basically saying the same as Wright b/c the government doesn't do something that we want.

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In your opinion. I can find lots of hate speech from Hagee, Parsley, Robertson the late Falwell, Ted "I'm not gay" Haggard. They all IMO are part of a bigoted political movement that is full of hatred. I can also find lots of examples of such pastors basically saying the same as Wright b/c the government doesn't do something that we want.
Did I represent anything in my post as any more than my opinion? (No, I did not.) Did I not say that you can find extreme examples in the religious right? (Yes, I did.)


The fact that you can find extremists in the religious right does not justify equating millions of people on the religious right to a single racist America hater on the religious left.

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Did I represent anything in my post as any more than my opinion? (No, I did not.) Did I not say that you can find extreme examples in the religious right? (Yes, I did.)


The fact that you can find extremists in the religious right does not justify equating millions of people on the religious right to a single racist America hater on the religious left.


You present the OPINION that black liberation theology is racist as fact. I've never seen you qualify your description of black liberation theology as "In my opinion it's racist." There are hundreds of thousands of people who subscribe to that particular theology, are they all racist? No. Not all people who are religious conservatives are bigots. The point of the thread IMO, is that Wright is from the same mold as Falwell, Robertson, Hagee, Parsley, and a long list of wackos with a pulpit.

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You present the OPINION that black liberation theology is racist as fact. I've never seen you qualify your description of black liberation theology as "In my opinion it's racist." There are hundreds of thousands of people who subscribe to that particular theology, are they all racist? No. Not all people who are religious conservatives are bigots. The point of the thread IMO, is that Wright is from the same mold as Falwell, Robertson, Hagee, Parsley, and a long list of wackos with a pulpit.
I am sorry, ME. it should not be necessary to label statements that are obviously opinions as such. Racism is subjective and when debating whether something is racist or not, the fact that opinions are being presented and debated is self evident.
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I'm sorry.
No need to be. Some facts may be proven or disproven. Some opinions can be better supported than others. I believe that I have supported my opinion that Wright and his brand of theology is racist pretty well, but I am well aware that I cannot prove an opinion. If I could prove all my opinions, then I would be at the top of the Republican ticket. :lol:
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It is ridiculous to compare Rev. Wright to the "Religious Right." Wright is among the most offensive examples of what could be described as the "religious left," that includes such "men of the cloth" as Minister Farrakhan, Revs. Jackson and Sharpton, et al.


Sure, there are extreme elements in the religious right, but it as unfair to equate Rev. Wright to the entire roster of the religious right as it would be to lump every religious liberal in with Rev. Wright.


The brand of Black Liberation Theology espoused by Rev. Wright is a racist, anti-American political movement and Rev. Wright is its poster child. Comparing BLT to a real religion is as unfair as comparing Revs. Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright to real ministers.



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It is ridiculous to compare Rev. Wright to the "Religious Right." Wright is among the most offensive examples of what could be described as the "religious left," that includes such "men of the cloth" as Minister Farrakhan, Revs. Jackson and Sharpton, et al.




Some would argue that Minister Farrakhan has done much more good for the black community than harm.

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