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Wives submitting to their husbands

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We have joked about it in other threads and it came up in the Huckabee campaign and thought it deserved a serious discussion and it's own thread.


Here is my view of this controversial topic.


As many who want to paint the Christianity a certain way they don't quote the full Scripture (same with not judging and casting the first stone).


Women, would you like a husband who thinks of you first? Who would easily sacrifice himself for you? Not limited to physically but in all regards.


He would sacrifice his golf game for things that would benefit you. He would give of himself by helping with the dishes, the laundry, the yardwork. He would provide for you the things that you need and never would you have to worry about it.


He would love you unconditionally and you would always be bathed in that love.


Does that sound good? How would you be willing to treat this type of husband? Would you submit to him?


That is the husband I am supposed to be. My wife is supposed to feel loved, her needs provided to her, know that I will sacrifice of myself for the betterment of her. She is know that I loved her like Christ loved the church.


And if I do my job as a husband, it means it is an easy thing for my wife to submit.


But what does submit mean. IF I am a true Christian husband, then my wife's concerns, wants, needs are forefront in my mind cause I am loving her like Christ loved the church.


So when I make decisions it is WITH her input, her opinion, her judgment because I am putting her in front of me.


Jesus could have easily stayed in heaven and never come to this planet as a man. He could have chosen to stay in heaven and not be arrested, rejected, humilated, beaten, spat on, have his skin ripped from his bones, hair plucked from his face, nails driven through his hands and feet, crucified, felt rejected and isolated from God. But because of the love he demonstrates to me as a husband and calls me to do for my wife, he chose to leave the glory of Heaven and go through all of the above.


THAT is the love I am to show for my wife.


Ladies, if your husband made you feel loved like that, would there be a problem with that submission statement?


Take that statement alone and it is very political charged statement. Put it in it's context of a husband that is putting the wife first behind himself and looking at the full Scripture and it becomes a different meaning.


That is my 2 cents.

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That's an interesting interpretation of the concept, and an honorable one at that. However, it is one which most people who follow strict literal interpretations of the Bible don't share. Rather, they use the term "submit" to justify treating women like property.

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That's an interesting interpretation of the concept, and an honorable one at that. However, it is one which most people who follow strict literal interpretations of the Bible don't share. Rather, they use the term "submit" to justify treating women like property.


I think if you look at how Jesus treated the women in his life, there is no justification for that.


The entire chapter



The specific Scripture itself.

Wives and Husbands

22Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. 23For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church— 30for we are members of his body. 31"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."[c] 32This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.


Notice, Jim how much of this Scripture is NOT about the wife and what she should be doing but what the HUSBAND should be doing. This Scripture is more to the HUSBAND than it is to the wife, IMVHO.


What is the old country saying, a daughter is a daughter for life while a son is a son until he takes a wife. IN 31, husbands are even told that when we take a wife, we will LEAVE our father and mother. She becomes our central focus of familial relationships. Even more than our kids as if our relationship with our wife is where it should be, our relationships with our kids will be right there beside it.

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We have joked about it in other threads and it came up in the Huckabee campaign and thought it deserved a serious discussion and it's own thread.


Here is my view of this controversial topic.


As many who want to paint the Christianity a certain way they don't quote the full Scripture (same with not judging and casting the first stone).


Women, would you like a husband who thinks of you first? Who would easily sacrifice himself for you? Not limited to physically but in all regards.


He would sacrifice his golf game for things that would benefit you. He would give of himself by helping with the dishes, the laundry, the yardwork. He would provide for you the things that you need and never would you have to worry about it.


He would love you unconditionally and you would always be bathed in that love.


Does that sound good? How would you be willing to treat this type of husband? Would you submit to him?


That is the husband I am supposed to be. My wife is supposed to feel loved, her needs provided to her, know that I will sacrifice of myself for the betterment of her. She is know that I loved her like Christ loved the church.


And if I do my job as a husband, it means it is an easy thing for my wife to submit.


But what does submit mean. IF I am a true Christian husband, then my wife's concerns, wants, needs are forefront in my mind cause I am loving her like Christ loved the church.


So when I make decisions it is WITH her input, her opinion, her judgment because I am putting her in front of me.


Jesus could have easily stayed in heaven and never come to this planet as a man. He could have chosen to stay in heaven and not be arrested, rejected, humilated, beaten, spat on, have his skin ripped from his bones, hair plucked from his face, nails driven through his hands and feet, crucified, felt rejected and isolated from God. But because of the love he demonstrates to me as a husband and calls me to do for my wife, he chose to leave the glory of Heaven and go through all of the above.


THAT is the love I am to show for my wife.


Ladies, if your husband made you feel loved like that, would there be a problem with that submission statement?


Take that statement alone and it is very political charged statement. Put it in it's context of a husband that is putting the wife first behind himself and looking at the full Scripture and it becomes a different meaning.


That is my 2 cents.


I think it would be hard to improve on your thinking and interpretation.


The only thing I will add is to look at the entire text. V.22 calls us to submit to one another. Then the household statements come from Paul. Verse 22 is the interpretation verse. All that follows is interpreted by that understanding.


Like Jim said, the biggest problem is that enough people don't speak of verse 22 or look to see how each person in a sense is submitting to the others.

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We have joked about it in other threads and it came up in the Huckabee campaign and thought it deserved a serious discussion and it's own thread.


Here is my view of this controversial topic.


As many who want to paint the Christianity a certain way they don't quote the full Scripture (same with not judging and casting the first stone).


Women, would you like a husband who thinks of you first? Who would easily sacrifice himself for you? Not limited to physically but in all regards.


He would sacrifice his golf game for things that would benefit you. He would give of himself by helping with the dishes, the laundry, the yardwork. He would provide for you the things that you need and never would you have to worry about it.


He would love you unconditionally and you would always be bathed in that love.


Does that sound good? How would you be willing to treat this type of husband? Would you submit to him?


That is the husband I am supposed to be. My wife is supposed to feel loved, her needs provided to her, know that I will sacrifice of myself for the betterment of her. She is know that I loved her like Christ loved the church.


And if I do my job as a husband, it means it is an easy thing for my wife to submit.


But what does submit mean. IF I am a true Christian husband, then my wife's concerns, wants, needs are forefront in my mind cause I am loving her like Christ loved the church.


So when I make decisions it is WITH her input, her opinion, her judgment because I am putting her in front of me.


Jesus could have easily stayed in heaven and never come to this planet as a man. He could have chosen to stay in heaven and not be arrested, rejected, humilated, beaten, spat on, have his skin ripped from his bones, hair plucked from his face, nails driven through his hands and feet, crucified, felt rejected and isolated from God. But because of the love he demonstrates to me as a husband and calls me to do for my wife, he chose to leave the glory of Heaven and go through all of the above.


THAT is the love I am to show for my wife.


Ladies, if your husband made you feel loved like that, would there be a problem with that submission statement?


Take that statement alone and it is very political charged statement. Put it in it's context of a husband that is putting the wife first behind himself and looking at the full Scripture and it becomes a different meaning.


That is my 2 cents.


Worth more than 2 cents, Worth lots of gold..........PRICELESS

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If you just read 1st Peter 3:1, it can cause a huge misunderstanding, Ladies did a great job showing how you just can't read just one verse and get a complete understanding of what God is saying.


This was written for the Christian women to win over her unsaved husband. She shows him respect. Husbands in return were to live in an understanding way with their wives and treat them as full heirs of God's grace.


Peter urged all Christians to practice compassion and forgiveness because thats how God treated them.

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If you just read 1st Peter 3:1, it can cause a huge misunderstanding, Ladies did a great job showing how you just can't read just one verse and get a complete understanding of what God is saying.


This was written for the Christian women to win over her unsaved husband. She shows him respect. Husbands in return were to live in an understanding way with their wives and treat them as full heirs of God's grace.


Peter urged all Christians to practice compassion and forgiveness because thats how God treated them.



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"Girls like it when you call them pretty.

But they also like it when you're kind of a [jerk] to them.

So mix it up a little!" - Tucker from Red vs. Blue


For some reason I thought of that from this thread. It's one of my favorite quotes.


I'm probably not going to get married until I'm in my late 90's, but whenever the occasion comes my thoughts are pretty much the same as lbbc, but with less of a straight up Christian view point.

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We have joked about it in other threads and it came up in the Huckabee campaign and thought it deserved a serious discussion and it's own thread.


Here is my view of this controversial topic.


As many who want to paint the Christianity a certain way they don't quote the full Scripture (same with not judging and casting the first stone).


Women, would you like a husband who thinks of you first? Who would easily sacrifice himself for you? Not limited to physically but in all regards.


He would sacrifice his golf game for things that would benefit you. He would give of himself by helping with the dishes, the laundry, the yardwork. He would provide for you the things that you need and never would you have to worry about it.


He would love you unconditionally and you would always be bathed in that love.


Does that sound good? How would you be willing to treat this type of husband? Would you submit to him?


That is the husband I am supposed to be. My wife is supposed to feel loved, her needs provided to her, know that I will sacrifice of myself for the betterment of her. She is know that I loved her like Christ loved the church.


And if I do my job as a husband, it means it is an easy thing for my wife to submit.


But what does submit mean. IF I am a true Christian husband, then my wife's concerns, wants, needs are forefront in my mind cause I am loving her like Christ loved the church.


So when I make decisions it is WITH her input, her opinion, her judgment because I am putting her in front of me.


Jesus could have easily stayed in heaven and never come to this planet as a man. He could have chosen to stay in heaven and not be arrested, rejected, humilated, beaten, spat on, have his skin ripped from his bones, hair plucked from his face, nails driven through his hands and feet, crucified, felt rejected and isolated from God. But because of the love he demonstrates to me as a husband and calls me to do for my wife, he chose to leave the glory of Heaven and go through all of the above.


THAT is the love I am to show for my wife.


Ladies, if your husband made you feel loved like that, would there be a problem with that submission statement?


Take that statement alone and it is very political charged statement. Put it in it's context of a husband that is putting the wife first behind himself and looking at the full Scripture and it becomes a different meaning.


That is my 2 cents.


I agree with your 2 cents. However, many men simply interpret this scripture to mean the woman is their doormat.

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I agree with your 2 cents. However, many men simply interpret this scripture to mean the woman is their doormat.


Then they are taking what they WANT it to say as the interpretation rather than what it really says.


As I mentioned this Scripture says more about how man should act than women. So, who is the Scripture and their behavior really aimed at here?


And another two cents, while some on here say we are not to judge other husbands, I think it is important as Christian husbands to call out other CHRISTIAN husbands when their behavior to their wives is not as this Scripture indicates it should be. We have to mentor and model the proper Christian behavior that is called for Christian husbands through this Scripture.

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Then they are taking what they WANT it to say as the interpretation rather than what it really says.


As I mentioned this Scripture says more about how man should act than women. So, who is the Scripture and their behavior really aimed at here?


And another two cents, while some on here say we are not to judge other husbands, I think it is important as Christian husbands to call out other CHRISTIAN husbands when their behavior to their wives is not as this Scripture indicates it should be. We have to mentor and model the proper Christian behavior that is called for Christian husbands through this Scripture.



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