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No Democrat will win the south unfortunately. The Bible-Belt is lost to Dems b/c people are one issue voters and will believe anything. If Clinton is the nominee there could be a rumor that she eats puppies while hosting lesbian orgies and people will believe it. A Dem could win some Midwestern states b/c of issues like farm issues and the war. If I were the DNC chair I'd go after Florida, Georgia, and Virginia (which elected a Dem senator and looks to elect another) and forget the rest of the South.


As I mentioned before the state of VA is interesting. They haven't gone for a Dem President since LBJ in '64 and yet they have had quite a few Dem Governors (Wilder, Warner and now Kaine). It's not likely to happen this election either.

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No Democrat will win the south unfortunately. The Bible-Belt is lost to Dems b/c people are one issue voters and will believe anything. If Clinton is the nominee there could be a rumor that she eats puppies while hosting lesbian orgies and people will believe it. A Dem could win some Midwestern states b/c of issues like farm issues and the war. If I were the DNC chair I'd go after Florida, Georgia, and Virginia (which elected a Dem senator and looks to elect another) and forget the rest of the South.


South Carolina and Alabama could go for Obama, I'm sure. Kentucky could very well go for Obama or Edwards provided the Republican canidate is not backed by every backwoods Church in the state.


While I agree with you about the one issue voters, I don't think its completely out of the realm of possibility. While, if I were Howard Dean and company - I would spend more time securiing California, Illinois, New York, trying to take more Western, Mid-Western, and New England states - the South should not be ruled out by any stretch.

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It all depends on the candidate. Obama and Edwards are more populist and Clinton, is well, a Clinton. The Dems need to spend more money securing the Great Lakes states and midwestern states. They shouldn't totally rule out the South but pick your battles. The more populous southern states need more attention. Miss, Ala, and the like will go red.

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The South has turned into a conservative, Republican stronghold. Can Obama's race turned the tide for the Democrats and bring them the South again?


Untrue. Consider the results of the 1992 and 1996 elections. Also consider the African-American population levels in the South, especially the Deep South. Also consider that in North Carolina, most of the delegation to the House of Reps are Democrats, along with the governor and a majority of both houses of the state legislator. Furthermore, consider who the Democrats nominated in the elections Bush the Younger won. Finally, remember that five Southern states --- Arkansas, Tennessee, Florida, Virginia and Kentucky (total 65 electoral votes) --- are considered "swing states" by experts rather than "safe states" for either party.


Party is not an effective indicator in this instance. Other factors, including the parties' nominees themselves, will be more crucial to the outcome.

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Untrue. Consider the results of the 1992 and 1996 elections. Also consider the African-American population levels in the South, especially the Deep South. Also consider that in North Carolina, most of the delegation to the House of Reps are Democrats, along with the governor and a majority of both houses of the state legislator. Furthermore, consider who the Democrats nominated in the elections Bush the Younger won. Finally, remember that five Southern states --- Arkansas, Tennessee, Florida, Virginia and Kentucky (total 65 electoral votes) --- are considered "swing states" by experts rather than "safe states" for either party.


Party is not an effective indicator in this instance. Other factors, including the parties' nominees themselves, will be more crucial to the outcome.



I think the democratic canidate has a really strong shot at winning Kentucky this year. We learned with Gov. Fletcher what a mistake it is to put a little trust in a Republican.

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No matter which of the leading Democrats get the party's nomination, he or she will be the most liberal Democratic candidate in US history. It is very hard to see how any of them could possibly carry the state in November. Not once voters begin learning the candidates' positions during the general campaign.

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No matter which of the leading Democrats get the party's nomination, he or she will be the most liberal Democratic candidate in US history. It is very hard to see how any of them could possibly carry the state in November. Not once voters begin learning the candidates' positions during the general campaign.


Your assumption is that a large % vote on the issues. I am not convinced that is so.


Some vote because of the letter behind their name.

Some vote because the candidate inspires them.

Some vote because they like the person or they seem likable.

Some vote because of something they heard in the media about them.

Some vote because of something they heard in the media about their opponent.

Some vote because of other issues that are on the voting ballot.


Not sure the issues play a big role in it anymore.

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Your assumption is that a large % vote on the issues. I am not convinced that is so.


Some vote because of the letter behind their name.

Some vote because the candidate inspires them.

Some vote because they like the person or they seem likable.

Some vote because of something they heard in the media about them.

Some vote because of something they heard in the media about their opponent.

Some vote because of other issues that are on the voting ballot.


Not sure the issues play a big role in it anymore.

Kentucky is a fairly conservative state and that is why it has gone to Republican presidential candidates in recent elections. It is also the reason that Republicans control both US Senate seats and most of the House seats. I agree that large numbers of voters often ignore candidates positions on issues, but Democrats face an uphill battle to win Kentucky with a candidate who will arguably be the most liberal candidate in US history.
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No matter which of the leading Democrats get the party's nomination, he or she will be the most liberal Democratic candidate in US history. It is very hard to see how any of them could possibly carry the state in November. Not once voters begin learning the candidates' positions during the general campaign.


When did "liberal" become such a bad thing. There are a lot of us who see liberals as progressive and someone who stands up for human rights over the rights of an article of faith.


There are a lot of us who see "moral conservative" as a very bad thing.

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When did "liberal" become such a bad thing. There are a lot of us who see liberals as progressive and someone who stands up for human rights over the rights of an article of faith.


when it became associated with a bigger government that takes away from those that produce.

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When did "liberal" become such a bad thing. There are a lot of us who see liberals as progressive and someone who stands up for human rights over the rights of an article of faith.


There are a lot of us who see "moral conservative" as a very bad thing.

While I do believe that liberalism is a "bad thing," I was just stating a fact. Kentucky is a fairly conservative state and none of the leading Democratic contenders will be running as moderates. That will make it very difficult for any of them to carry Kentucky.
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When did "liberal" become such a bad thing. There are a lot of us who see liberals as progressive and someone who stands up for human rights over the rights of an article of faith.


There are a lot of us who see "moral conservative" as a very bad thing.


Amen! But didn't you get the memo. Respecting people's privacy, wanting everyone to get healthcare, and wanting equal rights for everyone is evil I tell ya! I recycled some soda cans today and I gave to NPR a month or so ago. I guess I need to pray about that.

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Amen! But didn't you get the memo. Respecting people's privacy, wanting everyone to get healthcare, and wanting equal rights for everyone is evil I tell ya! I recycled some soda cans today and I gave to NPR a month or so ago. I guess I need to pray about that.
Unfortunately, you are attributing some things to liberalism that do not fit. The EPA and the national parks system were created by Republican administrations. Maximum respect for privacy is a libertarian virtue not a liberal one. Liberals also have no monopoly on recycling. My family places our recycling containers on the curb every week too.


Congratulations for writing a check to NPR. I think that all of NPR's financing should be done from the private sector. Government financed radio and TV stations have no place in a free society.


You have apparently accepted all of the tired old stereotypes that liberals perpetuate about the modern American conservative movement.


As I said, Kentucky is a relatively conservative state and Obama will have a very tough time winning here. If Obama carries Kentucky, then he will win the presidency in a landslide and I just don't see that happening.

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When did "liberal" become such a bad thing. There are a lot of us who see liberals as progressive and someone who stands up for human rights over the rights of an article of faith.


There are a lot of us who see "moral conservative" as a very bad thing.


When the liberals began to look at unborn infants as not having any human rights.

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When did "liberal" become such a bad thing. There are a lot of us who see liberals as progressive and someone who stands up for human rights over the rights of an article of faith.


There are a lot of us who see "moral conservative" as a very bad thing.


I am surprised that someone who professes logic as their basis for decisionmaking, that many of your posts line up with socialism a system that doesn't work?

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