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Illegal or Unethical

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Tape exchange is fine.


Not to threadjack but to put another view on it.


Should I be loyal to the schools in my district and not give a tape to their opponent in regionals?

How about state? Let's say my region draws the 1st region and the coach of the 1st region team calls me about sending a tape to them. Should I do it or stay loyal to my region and not send one?

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Wow i wasnt excpecting some many responses so soon. This is why the thread started. Team A is playing Team B both coaches notice a video camera set up on a tri-pod in the visiting bleachers. Neither coach new who the person was, they were not from team A or team B , But was then recognized as being from a team that both Team A and Team B will be playing in the regular season as well as in the District. Just wanted to know what everyone thought on this topic , For the record the person was asked to not video tape if they were not from either team and did so.

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I agre with Cubster on this, it is especially unethical IMO and if rules say its illegal and then that is good enough for me. On someone else's question of letting other coaches borrow gamefilms, if you don't want to have it, tell them its loaned out or it was and hasn't came back or it has been taped over.

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someone posted the bylaw that was broken......may the wrath of KHSAA not have mercy on them


You think this should be turned in to the KHSAA wow I really dont think that will happen. But I agree that is very Classless, and Unprofessional, I wish this was the only incident I have heard about this year but the same team has been seen doing this twice now. Maybe they will realize just how unprofessional this is. This almost falls under the same catagory as having contact with your team during the Dead Period. IMO

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Case BL 11-12- Can a school or other entity on behalf of

a school videotape an opponent without permission?


No. Such acts would be considered a violation of Bylaw 11, the

practice of sportsmanship. Any school representative taping

a contest of an opponent with which they are not currently

engaged in competition without the permission of that

opponent, is an unethical and unsportsmanlike act.


That seems to be pretty clear. And if neither of the competing coaches have agreed to being taped, a clear violation.

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someone posted the bylaw that was broken......may the wrath of KHSAA not have mercy on them



Since they did not tape because they were asked not too, they really didn't break the rules, did they? Would that still be a violation?


Maybe they didn't know. Case in point:


I, as a parent and not a coach, taped a game of a field hockey team and they were not playing my daughters team at the time. I mainly focused on one position, and specifically one girl. I did this because the girl I was taping is spectacular, is very small like my daughter. I wanted my daughter to see the moves she uses against bigger and stronger defenders.


Did I do anything wrong?

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