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Does anyone find this poll shocking?

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WASHINGTON — One out of four young U.S. Muslims believe homicide bombings against civilians are OK to "defend Islam," according to a new poll.


The poll by the Pew Research Center also finds some Muslim Americans seem to be separating from mainstream America in their attitudes toward the War on Terror and U.S. Mideast policy.


The study found that among the nation's younger Muslims, 26 percent say homicide bombings can at least rarely be justified "in order to defend Islam from its enemies."


"It is a hair-raising number," said Radwan Masmoudi, president of the Washington-based Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, which promotes the compatibility of Islam with democracy.


Click here to read the poll. (Go to foxnews.com to click on the poll)

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I would like to see those number 5-10 years ago and compare them to now. I assume they have grown and I would like to see some response as to why. Our Muslim population has been well assimilated and, as a whole, done quite well economically. I think these numbers are a reflection of a.) young rebelliousness brought on by Iraq or other Middle Eastern policy or b.) some degree of disassimilation.

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I doubt one in four U.S. Muslims held such a disturbing view on Sept 12, 2001. I don't for one minute agree with them, but I can't think the war in Iraq has done anything but build this type of ill will among Muslim people around the world. You can't escape the images every night on the news of the U.S. military occupying a Muslim country. Why should we be surprised that these images have turned into an extremist recruiter's dream-come-true?

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I doubt one in four U.S. Muslims held such a disturbing view on Sept 12, 2001. I don't for one minute agree with them, but I can't think the war in Iraq has done anything but build this type of ill will among Muslim people around the world. You can't escape the images every night on the news of the U.S. military occupying a Muslim country. Why should we be surprised that these images have turned into an extremist recruiter's dream-come-true?


I seriously doubt the veracity of the poll in general.

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Not surprised, the funny part is USA today used this poll in a different spin if anyone saw yesterdays article you'll know what I'm taliking about.


On a side note most radical muslims are middle age between 18-24(not exact numbers). Research is showing that alot are also becoming radicalized when they leave and enter other area's primarily Europe and have trouple adapting and being accepted, or moving forward. It seems it's hard for alot of people especially imigrants to find jobs in other parts of Europe.


Alot of people speculate that this is why most or atleast the vast majority of muslims in the U.S, are happy and like the U.S, they have freedom of religion and can live a happy life if they want to work hard.


In fact if it is indeed the same study they also asked anotehr question and broke it into two different groups. I don't remember the exact numbers but it was something to this effect.


"Do You believe that hard work(trying hard) can get you ahead in the work place?"


Yes said:

64% of U.S General population vs.

72% of Muslim Americans


Just found that to be kinda cool. It's kinda like that old saying "The grass is always greener on the other side." The muslims that're here are generally happy with the U.S, maybe not the Gov't but that doesn't mean they're strapping themselves with explosives and heading to Washington.

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It doesn't surprise me at all. There is a pretty thick line between defending your religion and stupidity, and 1 out of every 4 Muslims is crossing that line!!!


Also said something like 60-70% of Muslim Americans recognize themselves by their religion and not their nationality.

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Not surprised, the funny part is USA today used this poll in a different spin if anyone saw yesterdays article you'll know what I'm taliking about.


On a side note most radical muslims are middle age between 18-24(not exact numbers). .


What?:scared: I thought I had a couple of years to go before I reached middle age, apparently I am already over the hill. 33 ain't what is used to be, it's the new 70.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I seriously doubt the veracity of the poll in general.


Even if the real number is 1 in 10, it's still indicative of a potentially big problem. It only takes a handful of fanatics.

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Shows you the kind of mindset we're dealing with. We had better learn to get a lot harsher in how we deal with extremists IMO.

I hate to admit, I'm not surprised by the results of the poll.

Neither am I. Devout Muslims believe what they do is justified. Jihad for all infidels. I just hope that people wake up and smell the roses before it is too late. Terrorism is real and devout Muslims consider it there duty to annhilate us. It's scary.:scared:

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