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Hollow points are designed to ensure you put down your target. They begin to expand as soon as they enter, thereby creating greater internal damage than standard bullets. RTS can probably explain it better than I.
You and Fastbreak are right, they won't go as deep as other rounds, but they do quite a lot of damage.


Some people would be amazed at how much damage a .22 can do. They can bounce around in the body (so to speak) and really wreak a lot of havoc.

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If God exists (as I sincerely believe He does) I have to believe that the greater burden of guilt will fall upon those who "choose" to coddle and protect violent and evil murderers, while fighting for the "right" to kill innocent children for little more than convenience in most cases.


I agree that every human life is precious. None should be taken lightly.


Given a choice however, I would vastly prefer to be numbered among those seeking to protect innocent life than among the majority chanting, "Give us Barabbas."


I think I see part of the problem with the abortion debate. I am pro-life and anti death penalty. I know many people that are pro life and many people that are pro choice. I have never met anyone that was pro choice and believed that an early fetus was a human life. I have however, met many people that claim to believe that an unborn fetus is a human life and yet favor an exception for rape or incest. That makes no sense to me. It is a simple question that unfortunately can't be answered. When does a fetus become a human being? If it is at conception, then the fetus deserves the protection of the law. If the fetus is not a human life, abortion deserves no more regulation than any other surgical procedure. I don't know how you definitively answer the question. It is a matter of belief. I also don't think that it informs the debate from either side when one side claims that the other wants to kill innocent children or when the other side claims that people just want to control women's lives. Neither is an accurate reflection of what the other side believes. Sorry for the diversion into an unrelated topic.

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Hollow point bullets "mushroom" upon impact, thus dissipating more of their energy more immediately creating greater shock and thereby greater stopping power on thinly skinned targets... which as things go, is exactly what someone interested in "security" or in certain hunting situations is looking for in a round.


The idea of hollow points creating the most damage is not entirely off base. They do wreak havoc in the correct circumstances, but they are not the one ultimate round. In some circumstances, including piercing armor and protective clothing, Teflon coated jacketed solid point bullets are far more capable of doing serious damage than standard hollow points. The solids have a better design for deep penetration, whereas hollow points will dispense greater energy with less penetration.


There is no one simple answer here, but if one type of bullet had to be made illegal, I would suggest that it should be the armor piercing "cop killer" types.


Hollow points are used by almost every single law enforcement agency in the US. They are not cop killers. I have never seen the cop killer bullet you are talking about. At least not since Lethal Weapon 1 or 2.

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Hollow points are used by almost every single law enforcement agency in the US. They are not cop killers. I have never seen the cop killer bullet you are talking about. At least not since Lethal Weapon 1 or 2.
Teflon-coated bullets are called "cop killer bullets" and are illegal.
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The gun laws are not going to be tightened because of VTECH and they shouldn't be. Any democrat who tries to make a change because of this will not be re-elected. If you don't believe me ask Al Gore.

I heard one reporter asked the question that is intriguing, "How will this play out since it is in the NRA's backyard?"

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I have seen many people, just like me, killed in their own house. I am not afraid, just prepared.


Nice liberal approach, just like a liberal politician. Ask a series of questions, if the person answers "no" to the questions chastise them, if they answer "yes", make them look paranoid.


If I would answered no to your questions you would have said that I was not taking precautions that would likely stop a confrontation with an armed criminal. When I answered yes, I have all these precautions, you say that I am afraid.

:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

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What is it about rain and thunder that compels you to venture outdoors?



:lol: :lol: :lol:


I was in an enclosed, screened in sun room the first time. Sitting on my front porch the second.


First time knocked me out cold and threw my heart off a few beats for a couple of hours, the second time just kind of shook me.

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I was in an enclosed, screened in sun room the first time. Sitting on my front porch the second.


First time knocked me out cold and threw my heart off a few beats for a couple of hours, the second time just kind of shook me.

If you are ever close to me in a thunderstorm, please inform me so I will know to move far way.



Seriously, glad to read that you survived both when minimal damage.


Although, being struck by lightning does explain some of the posts you have made on here.:sssh: ;)

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I was in an enclosed, screened in sun room the first time. Sitting on my front porch the second.


First time knocked me out cold and threw my heart off a few beats for a couple of hours, the second time just kind of shook me.

To be clear... I was joking around with you in my earlier post, but reading this is mindboggling. I had no idea that lightning could get to you "indoors" or under roof like that.


Wow! :eek:


Glad you're still with us Brother. :thumb:

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I have seen many people, just like me, killed in their own house. I am not afraid, just prepared.


Nice liberal approach, just like a liberal politician. Ask a series of questions, if the person answers "no" to the questions chastise them, if they answer "yes", make them look paranoid.


If I would answered no to your questions you would have said that I was not taking precautions that would likely stop a confrontation with an armed criminal. When I answered yes, I have all these precautions, you say that I am afraid.

I don't think liberalism even enters into it. THere's a difference between being "prepared" and living in Fort Knox. :rolleyes:
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