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Did God create Evil? by Albert Einstein

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You're right. I shouldn't have stated it quite the way I did, saying it was valid and true. I should restate that there is some good discussion to be had from this, but I would have to agree with you in the thought that evil is real. Evil, to me, is anything that is against God's will...which is the same thing as sin. So, I suppose, evil and sin are one and the same...would you agree?


No, I think sin is something that is something that results from our human imperfections that were recognized after the Fall from God's Grace.


I think evil is a condition that is a direct product of something Satan has created.


That is a weak effort at definition, but I think humans can sin and not necessarily be evil, they are merely sinful. For instance, saved persons still sin, but are not evil because they have accepted God's free gift of salvation.

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... Logical atheists must concede that the laws of logic require both the positive and a negative - an item must be proven or disproven. [/Quote] That isn't exactly right, Hearsay. Logic does not demand that consideration result only in a positive or negative finding. From the standpoint of logic and rational thought, there is also a third possibility (regardless of the question at hand) - that there is not enough information to reach a conclusion. In the argument for/against the existence of God, this is the classical stance for Weak Agnosticism.



Just because an item can't be proved does not mean that it is disproved, and they know that. [/Quote] This statement is true. This argument usually takes the form of "Absence of proof is not proof of absence".



Since atheists cannot disprove the existence of God without resort to assumptions, I am quite comfortable in my faith and my "conundrum."
I would submit that you are comfortable in your faith regardless of the beliefs of others (Atheists, Theists, Deists, or Agnostics). At least, I hope you are. :thumb:





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Aunt Bee, God loves everyone and even though they don't believe in him, they are still his creation with "freewill". God doesn't believe in their foundation of their belief system. "All of a sudden our universe came together without a creator, the way a man's brain works, our heart stops beating for two minutes and we die, the way we reproduce, the act of Loving each other, if the earth just gets out of its orbit a few degrees we either freeze or burn to death". There is a God, I know because he is in my heart. This is my formula when I meet nonbelievers and evil doers. Francis, thanks for asking.

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Aunt Bee, God loves everyone and even though they don't believe in him, they are still his creation with "freewill". God doesn't believe in their foundation of their belief system. "All of a sudden our universe came together without a creator, the way a man's brain works, our heart stops beating for two minutes and we die, the way we reproduce, the act of Loving each other, if the earth just gets out of its orbit a few degrees we either freeze or burn to death". There is a God, I know because he is in my heart. This is my formula when I meet nonbelievers and evil doers. Francis, thanks for asking.


Larry -


I realize that you believe in God with all your heart. I was trying to find out what you based the statement that "God doesn't believe in Atheist". I'm not trying to argue with you - just trying to understand your thought process on this one.


It appears that there might be a typo in that statement (you might have intended to say "Atheism" or "Atheists"), but I don't understand where the thought comes from.


In my opinion, God would fully understand what an atheist is (how could he not?), so he must believe that atheists exist.


If you intended to say "Atheism", I would submit the same line of reasoning. Surely God knows that atheism exists.


I just don't understand what point you are trying to make in the original claim, or what you would base such a position on.


Again, please do not take my question as a challenge to your faith. I fully understand and appreciate your faith in God, and I do not intend to attack or cheapen it in any way.




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No not all, I'd rather discuss this topic than most. How about this. "Atheists don't believe in God, but God believes in them". God did not create man to condemn them to a burning torment. So he loves them as he does me. Man sins and God wanted man to come to terms with a sinning nature. What kind of world would it be if man was allowed to sin without any consequence? There was the Law in the Old Testament for man, and now there is a new Law. God doesn't want the Atheist to burn, but there has to be punishment for our actions. I wonder how many of them think of God on their deathbed?

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No not all, I'd rather discuss this topic than most. How about this. "Atheists don't believe in God, but God believes in them". [/Quote]Now that's a statement that I can agree with. Of course, to an atheist, God does not exist, so they would deny the second half of that thought.



God doesn't want the Atheist to burn, but there has to be punishment for our actions. I wonder how many of them think of God on their deathbed?
I have no idea, but I'm guessing that it's more than a few.




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IMO, here are some thoughts to consider. While taking a Philosophy class at a secular university years ago, I found it very interesting that man has always been on a quest to find a god. During this class I was given a case to work on which invovled reviewing 4 video tapes on this topic of the existence of God, the Creation of the world, Heaven and Hell, why then is there evil. These videos were conducted by a highly reputable person - Bill Moyers. I tend to agree with alot of what was presented. Are there such things as an Atheist? Sure, everyone has a choice to make. I personally dont believe people are born not to believe but maybe as the video suggested circumstances shapes a person mindset. How can one prove that there is a God? You cannot see Him. How can you prove that there is wind? You cannot see the wind. But you can see the effects that wind has, just has you can see the effects that God has.


I have spent some time out of the good ole USA, and it amazes me that almost all races, all countries have a belief system, trying to find God, it has been in mans heart (The Battle between Good and Evil) I will also inject this into this conversation, most countries, nations, have some sort of form of democracy, a system that governs their people, it may not be what we think is right and pure but it is there. If one would do their research they would find that our own Nation built our government system upon the Torah (First Five books of the Old Testament) The Prophecies of Isaiah, and the Gospel of Matthew. We were founded as a Christian Nation. Middle East countries have found their beliefs on the Old Testament and the Koran. Asian countries? Not really for sure but the bottom line is that man was made to worship. And man will worship something. Whether it is God, Buddah, your wife, your kids, your career. Man will worship something.


How do I know that God is real? I lived my life the way I wanted to (committing every sin imaginable) until I was 24 years old. When I gave my life to the Lord (Not the Church, going to church doesnt make you anymore of a Christian than someone going to the Local Hospital makes them a Brain Doctor) (The Church now thats another topic and thread we ought to start) anyways, when I gave my life to the Lord and started reading, applying, and living my life according to His Word, it became more apparent how real God really is. What happened to me was not something I thought I would try or do but I had a life changing expereince, it was truly supernatural. Remember, I had lived a pretty wild, crazy life style that even questioned God. But something happened to me on the inside that is hard to explain in written words. I know that I know that God is real. My question to Athesits is this, why not give God a chance? Whom do you turn to when you have major problems?


I have lived on both sides of the track and I have absolutely no desire to go back to what I was before.


I will end MO with this little illustration.


A Christian man was on a airplane seated next to an Atheist. The Atheist exclaimed that he didnt believe in God, heaven or hell, etc. The Christian man asked, "what do you believe in?"

"Nothing!, I believe when you die and they put you in the grave then thats it, its over,'' said the Atheist.

Okay said the Christian man lets say that you are right. We both live our lives the way that we want and we die, I have lost nothing because I live the Chrisitan life because I enjoy it, not because I have to live it. But what if we both die and I am right? You have lost everything.


Just a little illustration to ponder on.

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One thing I say not only to an Atheists but also to a lost person is "what if I'm right and you are wrong?" Been using that one for years.


Is that any reason to believe in something? I don't think so.

"Might as well be a Christian...just in case!" That's no reason to believe in something.

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