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Hillary Announces


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She will be an attractive candidate to many particularly if she chooses the lightweight, Obama, to run with her. You know that she/they will get puffball treatment by the media and a lot of our "informed citizens" have their opinions shaped entirely by the Oprah Winfrey- Katie Courics of the world.


The Republicans better take all of this very seriously and do so now. Otherwise, the Executive Branch will follow the direction of the Legislative Branch. And, of course, if that happens, the Judicial Branch will follow. This is a serious matter for those who actually work, pay taxes, are self sufficient, and are contributors to rather than takers from the system.

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I find all of the "doom and gloom" posts rather odd.


I don't know what you are looking for in a President, but if you fear that she can lead us into an unnecessary war that costs us close to a trillion dollars and a few thousand lives, I'm afraid she'll just be a big disappointment.


Maybe you're afraid that she'll run up the national debt, by spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave. Not to worry - that's already been done.


Oh, I know what it is - you fear that maybe she'll actually ask us to pay our own way, as we feed on the federal teat, rather than simply pass the debt on to the next ten generations.


Well, not to worry. At least it will be a pleasure seeing everyone on BGP rally behind OUR President - the elected leader of our country. I know that will happen, because I've been reading on this site for the last two years about what scalliwags most of us are for not blindly following our current fearless leader - the one that brought us to our present position in the Middle East. :thumb:


In all honesty, I don't care if it's a Democrat or a Republican in the White House next. I just want it to be someone that can actually see the middle of the road, and understands that compromise isn't a dirty word.





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I find all of the "doom and gloom" posts rather odd.


I don't know what you are looking for in a President, but if you fear that she can lead us into an unnecessary war that costs us close to a trillion dollars and a few thousand lives, I'm afraid she'll just be a big disappointment.


Maybe you're afraid that she'll run up the national debt, by spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave. Not to worry - that's already been done.


Oh, I know what it is - you fear that maybe she'll actually ask us to pay our own way, as we feed on the federal teat, rather than simply pass the debt on to the next ten generations.


Well, not to worry. At least it will be a pleasure seeing everyone on BGP rally behind OUR President - the elected leader of our country. I know that will happen, because I've been reading on this site for the last two years about what scalliwags most of us are for not blindly following our current fearless leader - the one that brought us to our present position in the Middle East. :thumb:


In all honesty, I don't care if it's a Democrat or a Republican in the White House next. I just want it to be someone that can actually see the middle of the road, and understands that compromise isn't a dirty word.






WOW...does the truth hit like a brick. CHIRP...CHIRP.....CHIRP

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