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No 'G'day, mate': On call with Australian prime minister, Trump badgers and brags

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Not butt hurt or ignoring anything, and as I had already said perplexed that so many amongst us couldn't see from day one just what a blowhard egomaniac he is...well you actually did.. until whatever other 'R' guy lost and he was all that you had left.


But sure he's such a great guy just as you've always viewed him long before he ever ran for president...well actually no body did as he long had been collectively viewed as a loud mouthed smarmy spoiled rich guy...remember that?


I do ...some of you conveniently, even the Christians have forgotten all about that.


You missed the second bolded point.

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You're late to this party...already responded to these accusations that I couldn't possibly know though we all have access to what is quite well known throughout the world, and a truth that so many of you are choosing to ignore.


I forgot, you are so intellectually superior to the rest of us. :rolleyes:

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So you've already forgotten how hypocritical Christians everywhere, and even one that is a preacher here were overlooking his behavior that if had been acted out by anyone else without an 'R' next to their name they would have been up in arms?


I haven't

Totally unrelated, other than you got to get another barb in. There is no high road is there?
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Back to the thread. There were nearly 3000 boat people, app. 950 died while getting there or right after resettlement. Of the 2000 left, 900 are men and 1200 are women and children. All were settled in Narau on Manus Island, PNG. The deal between Australia and PNG as agreed, PNG was to be paid around $394,000 Australian dollars per refugee. PMG erected tents, repurposed containers and a few very small pre-fab buildings. It's been around 4 or 5 years and they now live in abject poverty. PNG is demanding that Australia resettle them. How can you go from $394,000 each to poverty so fast? Someone got the money but it was not the refugees. Now Australia via Turnbull made the deal with Obama, U.S. had to vet them through 2or3 different questioning sessions. Exit Obama, enter POTUS Trump. Phone call with Turnbull, U.S. wants extreme vetting. Sides did not agree so hang up. I don't think this will be insurmountable for 2 countries to remain friendly, just need extreme vetting. One reason: "Five Eyes", a multilateral Intelligence Alliance formed 70 years ago. Member Countries are UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. I think POTUS and Turnbull will work this out. Everyone remains in "Five Eyes", comprehensive espionage alliance.

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Totally unrelated, other than you got to get another barb in. There is no high road is there?


Not with the Dems now. Scorched Earth politics.


They may live to regret Harry Reid going nuclear. That line has already been crossed. If the Repubs use it for the SCOTUS nominee, I won't lose any sleep. I hated it when Reid did it and would hate it if Mitch does it. Seems to be the way of politics now.

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Not with the Dems now. Scorched Earth politics.


They may live to regret Harry Reid going nuclear. That line has already been crossed. If the Repubs use it for the SCOTUS nominee, I won't lose any sleep. I hated it when Reid did it and would hate it if Mitch does it. Seems to be the way of politics now.

Let's be real. You haven't taken it either.
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Very sad story of separation, suicide, alcoholism, drug abuse, terror of being torn from your parents arms, 4 year old would remember parents and spent years searching for them. All for assimilation? Tragic program the Australian government now agrees was wrong, with no way forward to correct the wrong. But small successes can become big victories.


You're on top of it today Mamaw!

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I didn't know you had your finger on the pulse of the world's thoughts. :ohbrother:


Just finished up Skyping with my friend from England where just as a little test without giving him any previous knowledge of this thread I asked him what he thought the general impression the Brits had of Donald Trump, and he said "First off I am so sick of hearing his name", and I asked if he had ever heard a Brit speak favorably of him, and he said not once and that with all of the ongoing protests in numerous British cities he's never seen anything like it before. He reminded me that the word Trump in England is a reference to a "fart" as "to fart" is "to trump".


So yeah...the Brits aren't too keen on Trump and have verbally come out in masses like never before to say so, but no I don't have a clue of the pulse of the world.

Edited by B-Ball-fan
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Totally unrelated, other than you got to get another barb in. There is no high road is there?



It was a pretty vulgar display of hypocrisy from the Christian right and it's no surprise that they'd like to swiftly sweep it under the rug and forget about it.


I haven't

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