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43% of Liberal Iowans describe themselves as Socialist

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It's called public service.


Might try it sometime.


On the flip side, my job has me in contact with well to do people of all ages who seem to think the smallest thing incorrect entitles them to everything for free. And they aren't afraid to take it to social media to try and ruin the company's reputation if it isn't, and often even if it is. "Entitled" has become a euphemism for lazy and poor and on the public dole. But I'm here to tell you, there are entitled people of all walks of life. You feel you work with the dregs of society. I get that. But that's a small number of the people in their socio-economic demographic. I don't judge all rich people by the actions of the entitled ones I often encounter. That's one of the problems with society today. Everyone wants to pass judgement and take action on the whole because of the actions of the minority.

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On the flip side, my job has me in contact with well to do people of all ages who seem to think the smallest thing incorrect entitles them to everything for free. And they aren't afraid to take it to social media to try and ruin the company's reputation if it isn't, and often even if it is. "Entitled" has become a euphemism for lazy and poor and on the public dole. But I'm here to tell you, there are entitled people of all walks of life. You feel you work with the dregs of society. I get that. But that's a small number of the people in their socio-economic demographic. I don't judge all rich people by the actions of the entitled ones I often encounter. That's one of the problems with society today. Everyone wants to pass judgement and take action on the whole because of the actions of the minority.


I never said the people were the dregs of society. You used that term.


Why should someone that is perfectly able to work, be on the government dole? I'm talking someone who will just not work, not one that is trying and can't find a job.

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Yep, a lot are not getting lazier, they are already lazy and intend to do nothing about it other than sit back and let the government take care of them. SNAP is at an all time high.



Far from being an Old Folk.


you sounding like them way too early then :lol:


SNAP made a huge upturn after great recession. Stagnant wages over the past 20 years haven't helped.


That's not how it was explained, or should I say lied to, to the American people.


Remember, if you like your plan you can keep it, if you like your doctor you can keep him/her, etc.


I've seen here on BGP some of us see what we want. The sell point with Obamacare was covering prexisting conditions and mandatory coverage. Again it isn't very close to what it should be, but will never get closer as long as Republicans keep trying to repeal it.

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you sounding like them way too early then :lol:


SNAP made a huge upturn after great recession. Stagnant wages over the past 20 years haven't helped.




I've seen here on BGP some of us see what we want. The sell point with Obamacare was covering prexisting conditions and mandatory coverage. Again it isn't very close to what it should be, but will never get closer as long as Republicans keep trying to repeal it.


In all seriousness, I know that the R's reference repeal ad nauseum. Have they put forth any concrete proposals of their own?

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I don't believe I ever said they were.


Come to work with me sometime and see all of the "hard working" twenty somethings that don't leave their X Box all day and are on the government dole. It's a larger percentage that you want to believe or admit.


I apologize...you used the term "a lot", not all. And while I whole heartedly agree there are more than a few who are sitting back with their hands out, the percentage that are working hard (and likely working harder than many of of us) and just barely making it, is much larger than you'd like to admit

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you sounding like them way too early then :lol:


SNAP made a huge upturn after great recession. Stagnant wages over the past 20 years haven't helped.




I've seen here on BGP some of us see what we want. The sell point with Obamacare was covering prexisting conditions and mandatory coverage. Again it isn't very close to what it should be, but will never get closer as long as Republicans keep trying to repeal it.


That's only part of the sell, the other is what I posted.


Parts of the ACA need to be repealed. Device taxes for one. Another is it does not do the consumer any good to have the insurance if the deductibles to be met are so high. It's the same as not having any insurance unless you have a catastrophic illness or injury.

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