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Pulaski County Football Field

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Just read a message from a former Board Member that said the issue is that the funds aren't available right now. Local business has offered to pay a sizable chunk but the matching funds were not available at this time, from the system.

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It will never happen but I'd love to see Somerset get turf while the county schools are squabbling over this...but that won't happen. It's taken 7-8 years to get 40 year old lights with rusted out poles replaced at Somerset...and I still wouldn't believe that was happening if I didn't see the new poles and equipment sitting at the football field myself.

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• What kind of shape is SW's field in relative to PC's? I remember PC's field being in bad shape when I lived in that area more than a decade ago. Always seemed SW's was in better shape, but I don't know if that had anything to do with where the two were in the maintenance schedule.


• Are those who are private folks donating intending it only for PC's field?


• If SW's field is in decidedly better shape, and PC's is a more urgent repair need, why not just go ahead and do one? Locally, Nelson Co. has a turf field but Thomas Nelson (also county school) does not. Both are nice fields.


• If there are people suggesting other sports shouldn't be allowed to use a new turf field, well, that's just silly. It's pointless to pay that much money for it and not use it as much as possible. Football can practice early on it and get out of the way for soccer games. A little drill work on the practice field won't hurt them for the last half-hour a couple days a week.

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Football is a coed sport so that's not a factor. Everything else that would be on the field has both boys and girls sports so I doubt it was title 9.


Yeah but I like blaming Title 9.


I would hope the boys and girls soccer teams would use the field also.

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I'd think Pulaski would be quick to do this. With a turf field they can practice pretty much in privacy and don't have to worry about future opponents videoing their practices on their practice field...as they claim has happened in the past. :)

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Would be an issue if you are solely reserving it for one team. Title IX issues have been raised after retrofitting locker rooms into an old gym & one bathroom was a further distance than the other. Ridiculous, yes, but it has happened. You can call football co-ed, but when it all boils down to it, there is no other comparable sport that is played & no other sport that spends the amount of $$$$ that football does on equipment & we cant split the $$$ down the middle 50/50 on the KHSAA Title IX report.


Football is a coed sport so that's not a factor. Everything else that would be on the field has both boys and girls sports so I doubt it was title 9.
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Commonwealth Stadium is being done for $700k to change over from natural to turf, that includes soil removal, base, irrigation, backfill & turf. A resurface of turf to turf is considerably less.


That seems astronomically high in comparison to what other schools have been able to do their turf for?


Isn't the standard going rate around 150K-200K for a turf renovation?


Pulaski trying to subcontract this to the Union or something?

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Newspaper article said that it would cost around $225K per year for 8 years to pay for the fields if they issued a bond to do it. Board member said that if you take the emotion out of it that it just didn't make sense at this point financially.


It was also suggested that maybe one field be completed now and another one later...that idea I don't think would go over very well...especially if they chose to do Southwestern's field first.

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So the money wasn't there and people just said it was?

I think there was a tacit agreement to add turf to both fields in the excitement after the state championship. But as time pushed forward and the numbers started to crunch, the school board realized that they didn't have enough in private funding to help offset a good portion of the fields. At that point the school board realized that they would be putting up the vast majority share of the money and were not in a position to commit to that much money at this point.


FWIW there is one local person that if he could design the midfield logo would probably pay for turf at all three local fields...but who wants a big yellow Shell Oil logo in the middle of your football field :lol2:

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