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Why did these 5 Wal Marts all of a sudden close?


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Some say those stores will not re-open. Last year analysts indicated Walmart needed to close mega-stores and focus on the smaller neighborhood stores. So the conspiracy maybe that this is a way around the WARN filing requirements when doing large lay-offs.


It is odd that 5 stores suddenly close with 'plumbing issues' in different states on the same day. Heck, Walmart in Nicholasville did not even close to clean up the bathroom after the guy was making Meth in there.

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Alex Jones is hilarious. I love his stuff. He stays in character so well and seems so natural when he's doing it.


I really admire his ability. He's one of the best character actors of the last 20 years. His ability to sell his performance as reality might be the best ever.

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Some say those stores will not re-open. Last year analysts indicated Walmart needed to close mega-stores and focus on the smaller neighborhood stores. So the conspiracy maybe that this is a way around the WARN filing requirements when doing large lay-offs.


It is odd that 5 stores suddenly close with 'plumbing issues' in different states on the same day. Heck, Walmart in Nicholasville did not even close to clean up the bathroom after the guy was making Meth in there.


wait....making meth in a wal mart bathroom in Nicholasville? Why am I always the last to know these things.

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So, Wal-Mart is going in with the government to install martial law? Is that what we're supposed to believe? And that out of all of the military, no one has spoken out about this?


I've been trying to understand the Jade Helm scare that people have, but none of it makes sense. But, Alex Jones has never made sense to me. I don't know if it's just my personality, or what, but I really don't understand the thinking behind any of these conspiracy theories.

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I have a suspicion as to what is going on but haven't been able to confirm yet.


Walmart will not be closing big stores, they may open more smaller ones in bigger cities... But when A Supercenter like the ones in most towns the size of Danville,Somerset and Etown are doing between $100-150 million per year in sales they aren't closing them.

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OK I've asked around a little and thought about this, there are a few scenarios that make a lot of sense and a few that don't. As a group these 5-6 stores are doing between $400-700 million in sales per year, that's a lot to walk away from without a great reason to do so.


First Scenario: UNION ACTIVITY at stores caused them to be closed. While WM strongly believes their associates do not need to be represented by a third party, I think this would be way too obvious for WM to do it for that reason. The Unions would know which stores they may have been making headway in and would easily identify these 5 or 6 stores. I was speaking to a former protege and he said a store in Florida that closed was a great store doing around $120 Million a year and had never had Union activity of any kind.


Second Scenario: These were poor performing stores that Walmart wanted to close without calling attention to the fact they these stores were failing. Walmart never wants to admit they failed at anything and for stores to be closed due to under performance would be a slap in several peoples faces and to their careers. Walmart would never want to see the a press release "Walmart to close under performing stores", as you see with other retailers. With enough volume these things accidentally make more money than most businesses do on purpose. Hearing that the store in Florida was a high performing store I think the idea that these were under performers that needed to be closed just isn't plausible.


Scenario Three: Walmart stores are planned and designed in bunches, 5-30 stores at a time. They will all be designed pretty much the same, have the same architecture, get doors and fixtures all from the same vendor and pretty much be carbon copies from the dirt up...even though they may be 100's of miles apart. It is POSSIBLE that these stores were all built with the same design flaw that at this point needs to be corrected. It could be in the plumbing of the refrigeration lines, water, gas or sewer lines. Walmart could have discovered the flaw and realized an immediate repair needed to be completed (could have been staring down EPA regulators). In every store that I've been in any of those repairs (except gas) would require jack hammering the floor from one end of the store to the other to get to the lines. That would be a major repair that it would be nearly impossible to remain open during such work. This is a lot more plausible the more I thought about it.


Scenario Four:Jade Helm...:no: first no way they could keep that a secret and second Walmart owns enough empty retail space they could have given the government ready to go empty buildings all over the country, no reason to close operating stores.


Scenario Five: A mix of Scenario One and Three, There was possibly One of those stores that was having high union activity and was possibly looking to organize. Walmart knew they couldn't just close that one store, so they found a reason to close it and others like it (similar design, see Scenario Three) as camouflage for their true intent...closing the High Union Activity Store.


I'm out of the Loop so to speak and have no real inside info, just basing this on several years of watching the company operate. All but one current Walmart friend that I have spoken too said all they have heard is the Plumbing story.


I know we all like to look for hidden meanings and conspiracies, if this is plumbing no one will ever truly believe it. If it is something else, that secret will never hold...it will get out.

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