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Heaven is for Real

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Watched this the other night out of the Redbox.


Did not like it.


Thought it was weird.


Anyone else see it? If so, did you like it?

I must live under a rock but until last night I'd never heard of this. A group of parents were talking about it last night and debating the accuracy of this movie and "Noah". The consensus was this movie was pretty good and "Noah" wasn't...but I'm not sure I'll ever see either.

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I must live under a rock but until last night I'd never heard of this. A group of parents were talking about it last night and debating the accuracy of this movie and "Noah". The consensus was this movie was pretty good and "Noah" wasn't...but I'm not sure I'll ever see either.


In my best Spock voice, fascinating.

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I must live under a rock but until last night I'd never heard of this. A group of parents were talking about it last night and debating the accuracy of this movie and "Noah". The consensus was this movie was pretty good and "Noah" wasn't...but I'm not sure I'll ever see either.

Noah is between being not a very good movie to just flat out bad, depending on your faith. The talking Rock Monsters that help build the Ark were a bit much for me. Then a contrived story about one of Noah's son's leaving behind a woman he had just met and was in love with in contradictory to the Bible as well.


I would guess even those that are not religious, would find it a hard movie to watch.

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UKMF the movie is sort of disconnected compared to the book. The book (as usual) was much better and gives more details about his illness and what he saw. It is an easy read as it is not a very big book, can be read in a few hours.


I'm sure it is. My fiance liked the movie, but said the book was much better. Said she was very skeptical going in how they were going to make it into a movie.

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Months before the movie came out I saw the trailer and was very moved by it, and knew that it was a movie that I just had to see.


Had the impression that it would be monumentally moving and faith restoring.


When it came out I immediately saw it, and then immediately forgot about it. I was disappointed that it somehow just didn't do it for me like I had hoped it would.


I can't really put my finger on why not. It just didn't.


I just now re-watched the trailer, which was fine, and realize now that that would've been all that was necessary to watch in the first place.


I'm still very much interested in the boy's story however.

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Months before the movie came out I saw the trailer and was very moved by it, and knew that it was a movie that I just had to see.


Had the impression that it would be monumentally moving and faith restoring.


When it came out I immediately saw it, and then immediately forgot about it. I was disappointed that it somehow just didn't do it for me like I had hoped it would.


I can't really put my finger on why not. It just didn't.


I just now re-watched the trailer, which was fine, and realize now that that would've been all that was necessary to watch in the first place.


I'm still very much interested in the boy's story however.

Have you read the book? If not I'd, recommend it you do.

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Have you read the book? If not I'd, recommend it you do.


It does sound like a worthy read. The subject matter seems way too important to disregard just because the movie didn't quite hit the mark. Thanks for the recommendation as it's re-peaking my interest again.

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