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Best three sport athelete you know

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Richard Jones at Clay County. He was a starting wide out in football, starting shooting guard in basketball, and the starting catcher in baseball. I think he could go to college and play baseball. He is a great athelete.

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Last year for CovCath, Randy Myers played the big 3 and contributed on all of them. As for this year, I would have to go with Brett Sutton- but no basketball for him (even though he is a great player)! Football, swimming, and track and field.

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Beechwood has 2 good ones this year.

Chas Moore-#1 wide-receiver in football, 2nd highest scorer for basketball, and their starting catcher and # 2 pitcher in baseball.


Eric Sawyer-running back in football over 1500 yards, starting point guard in basketball, and probably one of the best outfielders in nky this yr in baseball.

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Well he plays Football and Baseball and just quit Basketballl so i figured he played another sport since you said he was one of the best 3 sport players?



Well, I still consider him a 3 sport athlete. His basketball career isn't over just yet, there is always next year. He may be done for this year but I wouldn't say his B-ball career is over yet. He still loves the game with great passion. We'll have to wait and see what happens with the situation at Russell. :D

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