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Rule clarification

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I know baseball has a 36 regular season game limit...........


Is there a limit on soccer games? I know all games must be played by start of Districts, but is there a limit?


I think every KHSAA has a limitation of contests. Look in the bylaws.

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Regarding rules questions, a player receives a red card in a varsity game for punching another player. Is he ineligible for varsity and JV games that follow? Just varsity games?


If he is ejected from a game he is ejected for ALL games that day and then at the level he was ejected until reinstated.

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Regarding rules questions, a player receives a red card in a varsity game for punching another player. Is he ineligible for varsity and JV games that follow? Just varsity games?


If any HS coach allowed a kid who threw a punch to play in another game at a different level because he can, then shame on that coach and the parent. A kid who can't control himself on the filed of play, no matter what game he is playing in, needs to learn to control himself/temper, more than playing in a game!

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If any HS coach allowed a kid who threw a punch to play in another game at a different level because he can, then shame on that coach and the parent. A kid who can't control himself on the filed of play, no matter what game he is playing in, needs to learn to control himself/temper, more than playing in a game!


I'd agree with you, this would be a classless move. Unfortunately it was on display all weekend at the JV regional soccer tournament. A kid who got a straight red card for punching someone in a varsity match Thursday night (I believe his second or third red card this season) was down at Town and Country the very next night playing in the JV tournament. Does a school really want to win the JV tournament that badly?

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I couldn't imagine any coach allowing a player to continue to play unless it was within the rules. It never ceases to amaze me at how people get so upset because somebody has found a way to beat the "system" simply because they have not done anything illegal but have just are playing within the rules of the game....


I think society goes nuts when these types of things happen because the higher authority has been beaten by in this case the "offender" and the "offender" is shoving it into the face of the authority, because he can.


The coach or kid may not be playing within the "gentleman's" rules or the "morals" rule, but then again who does anymore...Just sayin


My suggestion for those who do not like what has transpired is to formally write the KHSAA and report the incident and suggest that this rule needs to be changed to cover "ALL HS extracurricular" activities.


This keeps a kid from getting suspended from the soccer team for two games and going and participating on the football team while he is out of soccer. :thumb:

Edited by Sweeperboy
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I'd agree with you, this would be a classless move. Unfortunately it was on display all weekend at the JV regional soccer tournament. A kid who got a straight red card for punching someone in a varsity match Thursday night (I believe his second or third red card this season) was down at Town and Country the very next night playing in the JV tournament. Does a school really want to win the JV tournament that badly?


Did the kid get a red on Thursday and then get another in the JV tourney over the weekend?

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Did the kid get a red on Thursday and then get another in the JV tourney over the weekend?


No, he got a red card Thursday which my understanding is results in a two game suspension. I guess since it's not technically spelled out (as far as I know) they allowed the kid to keep playing, just at the JV level instead of varsity level.


One of his teammates got a straight red in the JV tournament for an intentional elbow to the face on Saturday. I heard the kid who was elbowed was nearly unconscious. And that came straight from the ref who did the game.

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Thank God my son is a senior and will be done with high school sports after this year. Reading what some players, coaches, schools will do to win is extremely sad. I have been proud of my son over the last four years. Although not perfect in any way, he has played with great competitiveness as well as, compassion for his opponent. I have witnessed him stop playing to help an opponent up, or to pat them on the back after a good play on their part. That's what high school sports should be all about. If playing dirty, trash talking, and intentionally hurting others is where sports are headed, I for one, am not interested.

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Update on this. The kid who got the red card last Thursday vs. CCH in a varsity game was then given another red card in the JV tournament two days later. I guess he'll have to sit out the first two games of next year's JV tournament and his next two varsity games since he seems to be on both teams.

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I guess since no one will list the team in question I will have to do some research.


Did the team win the JV tournament? Hope it was worth it. I for one think this is ridiculous, loop hole or not.


Yes, I believe they won the JV tournament. I'm sure they are proud.

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