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I have been barred from Communion

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For those Catholics who support Civil "same-sex" marriages, let me warn you. Doing so will bar you from being able to receive Holy Communion. I have been informed that my stance that the DOMA is Unconstitutional has now basically made me a pariah. I guess going to church on Sundays and living the best I can in the image of Christ does nothing if it goes against man-made Cannon law.

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For those Catholics who support Civil "same-sex" marriages, let me warn you. Doing so will bar you from being able to receive Holy Communion. I have been informed that my stance that the DOMA is Unconstitutional has now basically made me a pariah. I guess going to church on Sundays and living the best I can in the image of Christ does nothing if it goes against man-made Cannon law.
I have an aunt who was told by a priest that she was unable to receive communion b/c she got divorced.


The Catholic Church is beyond ridiculous at this point. I am not surprised by anything that comes out like this.

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I have an aunt who was told by a priest that she was unable to receive communion b/c she got divorced.


The Catholic Church is beyond ridiculous at this point. I am not surprised by anything that comes out like this.



My father was told the same thing. He is divorced also.

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There are quite a few priests who have taken to barring Catholic politicians from Communion for their stances on abortion. My repugnance of abortion and those that support it (particularly Catholics who do) really seems to make me okay with that concept when it comes to their denial of the Eucharist.


I think I'm kind of torn when it comes to stances on gay marriage. I certainly can understand those who argue that DOMA is unconstitutional...but as a Catholic, I am definitely against same-sex marriage, as I do believe that it clearly flies in the face of the sacrament of marriage. I still don't know how to feel about that.

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Wow. Tough crowd, mexi.


I respect my friend b/c he fights for what he believes in. I, however, can not look at a law that I find as Unconstitutional and say that it is ok b/c my religious faith tells me as such. Just can't. It's a church/state thing.

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I have an aunt who was told by a priest that she was unable to receive communion b/c she got divorced.


The Catholic Church is beyond ridiculous at this point. I am not surprised by anything that comes out like this.


My father was told the same thing. He is divorced also.


Honest question: Are these folks only divorced (legally have ended their marriage), are they divorced and dating/remarried, and did they go through the annulment process (having the marriage declared non-sacramental and null by the Catholic marriage tribunal)?

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There are quite a few priests who have taken to barring Catholic politicians from Communion for their stances on abortion. My repugnance of abortion and those that support it (particularly Catholics who do) really seems to make me okay with that concept when it comes to their denial of the Eucharist.


I think I'm kind of torn when it comes to stances on gay marriage. I certainly can understand those who argue that DOMA is unconstitutional...but as a Catholic, I am definitely against same-sex marriage, as I do believe that it clearly flies in the face of the sacrament of marriage. I still don't know how to feel about that.


I don't believe in it. I don't support the notion that it should be open as a sacrament w/in the church. However, if secularly they use the same word as the church, I can't help that. What I can't support is violating Equal Protection. That's it. The church states that if you support this civily, then you are barred.

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I respect my friend b/c he fights for what he believes in. I, however, can not look at a law that I find as Unconstitutional and say that it is ok b/c my religious faith tells me as such. Just can't. It's a church/state thing.



I understand completely. This is where I have a hard time with churches and individual faith. God is all forgiving but churches don't have to be? God loves all and knows we all sin, and preachers and priests do as well, but because of my sin I can no longer have communion or sing in the choir but I can still play on the church softball team? To this day I still have a hard time with churches based on things that seemed hypocritical to me even as a child. It has just worsened as I have gotten older. I can say you are a much better man than I am. You still call your friend a friend and seem to be forgiving in the way God means for us to be forgiving. Forgiveness is something I have failed at horribly in my life. I can learn a lot from you.

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Honest question: Are these folks only divorced (legally have ended their marriage), are they divorced and dating/remarried, and did they go through the annulment process (having the marriage declared non-sacramental and null by the Catholic marriage tribunal)?



My father remarried. Does that make a difference? I left the Catholic Church in my 20s and I am not clear on all of the rules like I used to be.

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