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What would NCC and Brossart being in the same region do to their rivalry?


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If they ever get in the same district or region it could get ugly. You guys don't like each other.


They were in the same district until 1997ish.


And I wouldn't say that we do not like each other...I'd say we have mutual respect for each other.


Also, the middle of the county is a battleground for both schools competing against each other and then some when you consider some leave for CovCath and others.


I'd say its more fun than anything. I have A LOT of NewCath friends and I think they would agree.

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Bishop Brossart became a member of the 10th region for the 1996-1997 season. Prior to that they were in the 9th region, district 36 with Campbell Co., Highlands, Scott and Silver Grove. We were not in the same district with NCC. If we were ever in the same district Newcath it was a long, long time ago.

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Bishop Brossart became a member of the 10th region for the 1996-1997 season. Prior to that they were in the 9th region, district 36 with Campbell Co., Highlands, Scott and Silver Grove. We were not in the same district with NCC. If we were ever in the same district Newcath it was a long, long time ago.


This is correct. Sorry for the misguided response. Thanks Farmer!

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They did. They played Holy Cross when they had a really good squad and won the region. 1994-ish maybe.


That was a very good Holy Cross team that year that I think won a few games in the state tournament. Brossart actually led that game well into the 3rd quarter............came out in a real junk defense that Holy Cross never did figure out.


Lost to Highlands in the district final that year by only a few points. Pretty solid Brossart squad led by Chris Riley and Matt Hartig.

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That's 2 teams that straight up don't like each other and aren't afraid to hide their feelings. Kids won't even play on AAU or select baseball together.


They may dislike each other on the court/field/etc. but away from that the families and kids get along. I am speaking from experience! I have been a part of this rivalry my whole life. In fact, I married someone who graduated from the opposite school!


Yes, there is tension at times between the schools when it comes to sports but that is why it is called a rivalry! I still say for the most part the two sides get along very well.

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That's 2 teams that straight up don't like each other and aren't afraid to hide their feelings. Kids won't even play on AAU or select baseball together.


Great rivalry but personal experiences to the contrary on the bolded above? Teams also included kids from multiple other so called "hated rivalries" of BB like CCH, Holy Cross, Campbell, Scott, etc.

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Bishop Brossart became a member of the 10th region for the 1996-1997 season. Prior to that they were in the 9th region, district 36 with Campbell Co., Highlands, Scott and Silver Grove. We were not in the same district with NCC. If we were ever in the same district Newcath it was a long, long time ago.


This is correct, New Cath was in the 35th. I believe the breakdown was like this, but someone correct me if I'm wrong:


33rd: Walton, Simon Kenton, Boone County, Conner, St. Henry, Lloyd

34th: Dixie, Holy Cross, CCH, Beechwood, Ludlow, Cov Latin

35th: NCC, Holmes, Newport, Dayton, Bellevue

36th: Highlands, Brossart, Silver Grove, Scott, Campbell County

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