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Warren Central 78 Bowling Green 76 2OT

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Warren Central led by as much as 20 at one point. I'm glad WC got the victory because that would have been a devastating loss to take under normal circumstances, let alone losing a 20 point lead. I can't applaud Bowling Green enough for the fight they had in coming back. Both teams played well enough to win, bad enough to lose. It was ultimately an outstanding and classic game. But it's the type of game that will turn your hair gray.

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How did you expect this one to turn out, DF?


I expected Central to win by around 8-10 points. The way both teams looked the first three quarters was honestly as I expected. Bowling Green pressured very little at that point, and once they started the full court press in the 4th it really put the screws to the Dragons.


The 4th quarter Bowling Green team was the team that I ranked #1 in the region preseason. Maybe they will begin playing like that. I'm honestly not certain what has been wrong with them this year because their personnel is good enough to play that way at any point. Fant did very little early, he was a tornado late. I'll be extremely interested to see how they play moving forward. Next Friday's game with Warren East is a huge game for them.

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