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ID Needed To Hear Speech Dissing Voter IDs


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I have no idea how many voter fraud cases there are as a result of not having to prove who you even are to vote. But the fact one can just go in and vote without providing anything says enough to me. If it is 1 it is too many.


I guess there is a degree of latitude for those working at the polls to deny people. Though I am not sure what those requirements would be since you have to prove little to nothing.


To me it seems most feel the same that it is a no-brainer to provide some proof.

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I feel the same way.

The most common form is obviously a driver's license. But I understand not having one if you do not own or need a car. But there are hundreds of other things one does in daily life that requires some form of identification that I just find it hard to imagine you would have or not need anything.


Heck, to register to vote don't you need some form of identification? Think about that for a second...

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It depends on what the state says they are accepting. Many elderly do not drive and they are not taking wedding licensces and how many elderly people have their birth certificate lying around . . . I would be hard pressed to find mine. Many states are accepting NRA/Hunting licenses but not student ids. Why not? Many students do not drive so their ID is their student ID. Accept them and go on, unless your purpose is to suppress the vote. I thought our soldiers fought so that people could vote, not so that some come be denied.


Come on ace, the vast majority of the elderly today are from the 1930 upwards not the 1930 downwards.


My mother in law is 82 years of age and has never driven but I have seen her birth certificate, I have seen her state issued ID and her SS card. We are not talking about the elderly from the late 1890-1910 but from an era of better record keeping of ones identity in part because of WW I and II.


BTW my daughter doesn't drive and she had no problem what so ever to get a state issued ID and BTW I am proud to say she voted in each and ever election while in College via absentee ballot, again without any problems what so ever!


Ace you made a huge joke and I am certain you had no idea you did, that is about the military and ID's. You can't believe what my daughter had to go through to get her DOD ID ( Department of Defense ID card). Marriage licenses and not the one the preacher gives you but the certificated copy from the state. A state issued ID card with a state seal. Her social security card, a credit report on her, finger prints and my wife and I had to even give our SS numbers to the USAF.

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Didn't you say you work at a poll? Do you ask for an ID? And if they do not have one what is the typical procedure? Just confirm the address?
Im a judge that is a clerks job . Have seen the clerk send the person home to get proper ID if they didn't have it .Or if none of the poll workers personally knew the person attempting to vote . One time I wttnessed my Republican judge counterpart who was spelling the clerk while she was eating lunch in another room challenge a voter for some ID and he was kinda mad about it . More than mad actually , it was Senator Jim Bunning , I told her who he was and she proceeded to let him vote . I thought it was kinda funny
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The most common form is obviously a driver's license. But I understand not having one if you do not own or need a car. But there are hundreds of other things one does in daily life that requires some form of identification that I just find it hard to imagine you would have or not need anything.


Heck, to register to vote don't you need some form of identification? Think about that for a second...


I think for the ones in Pennsylvania the problem is that it has to be a government issued ID like a license, ID or a passport maybe. Some may have photo ID but not government issued ID which shouldn't be hard to get. Just saying I think it is certain IDs that are acceptable and not necessarily any ID.

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Im a judge that is a clerks job . Have seen the clerk send the person home to get proper ID if they didn't have it .Or if none of the poll workers personally knew the person attempting to vote . One time I wttnessed my Republican judge counterpart who was spelling the clerk while she was eating lunch in another room challenge a voter for some ID and he was kinda mad about it . More than mad actually , it was Senator Jim Bunning , I told her who he was and she proceeded to let him vote . I thought it was kinda funny
Why would they send the person home if an ID is not required? Because they did not know the person?
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It depends on what the state says they are accepting. Many elderly do not drive and they are not taking wedding licensces and how many elderly people have their birth certificate lying around . . . I would be hard pressed to find mine. Many states are accepting NRA/Hunting licenses but not student ids. Why not? Many students do not drive so their ID is their student ID. Accept them and go on, unless your purpose is to suppress the vote. I thought our soldiers fought so that people could vote, not so that some come be denied.


I think you should have to identify yourself.


When my father quit driving he was issued a state ID. Simple enough to get.


I know of little or no 18 year old students that do not have a driver's license. They may not drive at school but they have a license. Although I have no issue with using a university ID for this purpose.

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How many cases of voter ID fraud has there been, for this to be such a large problem.


If you're talking actual prosecuting, probably not a lot.


But there stories of dead people voting have been alive and well for years. Some true and some not. I believe they said that Madison, Wisconsin had 103% voter turn out in the last election. Is anyone going to get prosecuted for fraud - no. But it sure is fishy.

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I would agree with simple and cheap.


No reason anyone can't pay a buck or two to cover the cost of materials at least.


Until today I hadn't taken into account the poll tax perspective. Voting should be free so if a person has to pay for an ID to vote isn't that similar to a poll tax?


I definitely understand the argument that Voting IDs should be a free form of identification if we truly want to protect our constitutional right to vote.

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Until today I hadn't taken into account the poll tax perspective. Voting should be free so if a person has to pay for an ID to vote isn't that similar to a poll tax?


I definitely understand the argument that Voting IDs should be a free form of identification if we truly want to protect our constitutional right to vote.


I can see your point, but the need to identify yourself goes beyond just voting. (Banking, purchase alchohal, cigarettes, etc.) I personally would not equate it to a poll tax.

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I can see your point, but the need to identify yourself goes beyond just voting. (Banking, purchase alchohal, cigarettes, etc.) I personally would not equate it to a poll tax.


I agree. I saw poll tax somewhere and threw it in. :D


I also agree that ID is needed for banking, alcohol, tobacco, etc but as Getslow alluded to about seeing Holder speak, those aren't fundamental rights. An easy compromise from our 'leaders' should be to fund programs and produce government issued voting IDs that are free of charge. You end voter fraud and government issued cards are available for voters that don't have proper government identification.

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I agree. I saw poll tax somewhere and threw it in. :D


I also agree that ID is needed for banking, alcohol, tobacco, etc but as Getslow alluded to about seeing Holder speak, those aren't fundamental rights. An easy compromise from our 'leaders' should be to fund programs and produce government issued voting IDs that are free of charge. You end voter fraud and government issued cards are available for voters that don't have proper government identification.

Here's an idea. Allocate money from both candidates campaigns to fund the IDs. It's money better spent than having it go toward attack ads that both sides are guilty of.
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Here's an idea. Allocate money from both candidates campaigns to fund the IDs. It's money better spent than having it go toward attack ads that both sides are guilty of.




See? You and I together can fix a lot of things. And people said bipartisanship is a myth. Hogwash. We got this.

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