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Texas executed the wrong man...

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Texas uses the needle? I thought they used have the electric chair, but Gov. Anne Richardson and Bush executed so many people the state got electric bleachers? (Old Jimmie Walker joke...yes that Jimmie Walker)

But yes, sometimes when people say they didn't do it, they are telling the truth. End the death penalty in all states.

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The basics of that case sounds like hundreds of others: case reliant entirely on eye witness accounts, crummy defense, prosecutors incentivized to get convictions instead of the truth. The only thing missing was the "jailhouse snitch" who claims the defendant confessed to the crime in prison in exchange for a reduced sentence.

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That is a huge problem with the death penalty.


Additionally, depending on where you violate you can be a lot more or less likely to face the death penalty.


In short, the death penalty looks good on paper but not in application.

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I am amazed that the guy who got the death penalty never offered up his friend. He took 'no snitching' to heart and paid for it with his life.


He did give him up, they just didn't believe him. That's how I read it anyway.

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Brutal. It's a shame because there are some sick people that deserve the death penalty. Problem is 1 not guilty person being executed makes me realize it has to be eliminated.

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