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I went out on Sunday for the first time this year and played all 24 at Lincoln Ridge (used to be Banklick Woods). I always keep score tournament style, which calls for each hole to be played as a par 3 instead of the posted pars, and I ended up at 4 over. Not bad at all for the first time out in 7 or 8 months. I had a fantastic drive that led to a birdie on #12 - it's a big wide open flat hole, 365 ft out. I'd guess my drive was around 345-ish.


Side note: My throwing arm is still killing me today... :lol:



Anyone else play?

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I don't play as often as I would like. I'm not nearly good enough to post that score, but it's still fun.


My score certainly wasn't hurting since Lincoln Ridge is kind of a regular haunt for me. When I get out on the less familiar courses in the area, my score generally suffers noticeably. Also, as I understand it, it's just like regular golf - the more you get out and do it, the better you get. Once it gets to be good weather out, my friends and I will usually arrange a day of the week where we have a standing appointment at Lincoln Ridge, something like 6:30 on Wednesdays. Whichever guys make it there play. It's a great way to unwind - especially when somebody's toting a cooler of beers instead of a bag of discs.

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My score certainly wasn't hurting since Lincoln Ridge is kind of a regular haunt for me. When I get out on the less familiar courses in the area, my score generally suffers noticeably. Also, as I understand it, it's just like regular golf - the more you get out and do it, the better you get. Once it gets to be good weather out, my friends and I will usually arrange a day of the week where we have a standing appointment at Lincoln Ridge, something like 6:30 on Wednesdays. Whichever guys make it there play. It's a great way to unwind - especially when somebody's toting a cooler of beers instead of a bag of discs.


I usually play at Banklick anyway (I haven't been there since they started calling it Lincoln Ridge). I used to play a lot more often a few years ago.

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I've never kept score tournament style at Lincoln Ridge. I've always played whatever the par posted, first time there this year about a month ago I threw a -11 on all 24 holes. Not sure what they would equal with the tournament scoring. I love that course and have gotten very good at it.

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