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Highlands and Bell County


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I know it is heresay and not admissible in court, but, I actually talked to a Bell county fan and was told that there is sometimes a pumper truck brought to the field to give mother nature a hand. He may have been shining me but then again....

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I know it is heresay and not admissible in court, but, I actually talked to a Bell county fan and was told that there is sometimes a pumper truck brought to the field to give mother nature a hand. He may have been shining me but then again....


That is complete craziness.... total exaggeration!

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what will people say when log mountain goes to turf mountain they very well may have to do that since the new tennis courts came in and took over the practice field


If I'm not mistaken that idea is in the works and very well could take place within the next few years!

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I know it is heresay and not admissible in court, but, I actually talked to a Bell county fan and was told that there is sometimes a pumper truck brought to the field to give mother nature a hand. He may have been shining me but then again....


Someone who said that does not know what they are talking about. It is so funny the rumors that go around with both programs.

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Bell County has a lot of students that live in Harlan County, but come to Bell because it is actually a shorter drive than it is to any of the highschools in Harlan. Also, there is a lot of Bell County kids who go to Tennesee or other areas because the drive is shorter.

And I will say that some kids do come to Bell County because they like our sports programs. But that usually happens once out of every 3 or 4 years.

Do the Harlan County kids who go to a school outside of their county, e.g. Bell County, have to pay Bell County taxes to attend that school? Or are they allowed to enroll with no financial consequence?

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Is it possible that Bell Co's . field gets wet from natural springs? I don't think that their game field could withstand practice and game's. JMO


If that is the case, they must be very localized. We parked on concrete hard dirt/grass not 100 yards from the field that had ankle deep mud.

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If that is the case, they must be very localized. We parked on concrete hard dirt/grass not 100 yards from the field that had ankle deep mud.


Thats ridiculous! Last year it had rained a lot and the field just could not withstand all the water. We are sorry we dont have the funding to keep our fields good and dry all the time. But you could have went to any stadium in SE Ky and you would find a muddy field. Ashland' field was a whole lot worse than Bell County's last year.

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I love to laugh at silly rumors and sarcastic jokes.... however in all honesty, if HHS had been playing any other SE KY team at home besides Bell Co. you would have seen a muddy field that was as bad, if not worse then ours, and thats not because every team in SE KY is soooooo afraid of HHS's speed! :rolleyes: Most fields in SE KY are below par before the season even begins (usually due to lack of quality workers or lack of funds) and by the end of the season they are terrible. That doesnt just go for Bell Co., but most all SE KY teams!


Bell Co. has one of the nicest fields in SE KY, and even it is usually in poor shape come playoff time, especially deep deep into the playoffs. It doesnt help that Bell Co. runs the ball 90% of the time making the middle of the field much worse!


Now I cant speak for years past.... however I know that NO watering of the field took place while I was in HS at Bell Co. and it has not taken place since I have gotten out, and that includes 2 years ago in the semis. The field HHS saw 2 years ago in the Semis was in great shape compared to a couple of the fields Bell played on late in the season and in the playoffs (namely Ashlands)! Bell had no reason to water the field that year considering speed (namely Robbins at RB and the Bell Defense as a whole) was their biggest weapons and it would only hurt Bell to play on a muddy field!

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If that is the case, they must be very localized. We parked on concrete hard dirt/grass not 100 yards from the field that had ankle deep mud.


I find it funny how things get exaggerated. You may be referring to games in the past that I cant speak for and if that is the case then I retract.... however if you are talking about 2 years ago in the semis then I would have to say you are exaggerating big time.


I'm not sure if you ever stood on the field, however the mud was not ankle deep. As a matter of fact, the field was not even that muddy, although it was wet.


The only mud on the field was concentrated in the middle of the field due to the fact that that portion of the field was already dirt since Bell runs the ball between the tackles 90% of the time. Once it rained that week that dirt turned to mud! Outside of the ashes the field wasnt bad at all. It makes no sense that Bell would muddy the area of the field where they planned to attack offensively, and leave the area of the field where HHS attacked most often unmuddied!


Consider the fact that the white jerseys of HHS were not that muddy at the end of the game, at least not near as muddy as Bell's jerseys after playing Ashland the week before (Bell's jerseys after the game looked mud colored, very little white was visable). There are pictures to prove all this.

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