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Time For A Change In Raceland?

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Back in town from college, I decided to go watch my little brother play his JV baseball game at Greenup yesterday, he plays for Raceland. From what I understand the Raceland J.V coach is new this year.


What I saw yesterday was absolutley horrible! It seems no one has taken the interest to try to teach these kids the fundamentals of the game. Mind you that Greenup is a good team, but there is still no excuse for some of the things I saw.


1.Lack of Baserunning Sense

2. No one charges the ball on an infield dribbler.

3.Improper Fielding Techniques


And from what I hear, the Varsity is hitting the wall too this year. Perhaps it is time for new coachs and a new direction in all levels of Raceland Baseball!

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Back in town from college, I decided to go watch my little brother play his JV baseball game at Greenup yesterday, he plays for Raceland. From what I understand the Raceland J.V coach is new this year.


What I saw yesterday was absolutley horrible! It seems no one has taken the interest to try to teach these kids the fundamentals of the game. Mind you that Greenup is a good team, but there is still no excuse for some of the things I saw.


1.Lack of Baserunning Sense

2. No one charges the ball on an infield dribbler.

3.Improper Fielding Techniques


And from what I hear, the Varsity is hitting the wall too this year. Perhaps it is time for new coachs and a new direction in all levels of Raceland Baseball!

Wow, is all I can say to this. You are about to catch some major flack from the Ram fans on here.
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Raceland is typically weak in all sports at the JV level, because Raceland is a 1A school. I don't know what ages the players on the JV baseball team are, but I would bet there are a lot of 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. Raceland does well at the varsity level in baseball, basketball, and football, but the JV is normally not as competitive with other schools because they are playing 7th and 8th, and 9th graders against 9th, and 10th graders.


Take for example: last years JV basketball team was the same, except for 1 or 2 players, as the Raceland freshman team. And those 1 or 2 players that were sophomores did not get in Varsity games. When we played other schools, several of the JV players were juniors, who got significant varsity playing time.


Another example: Raceland JV football team, is the same as the Raceland freshmen football team, that is why Raceland schedules 5 JV games, and 5 freshmen games. Our JV and Freshmen team is the same, but we play against better competition. Raceland's JV football team might add two or three sophomores for the JV game, but it is in limited capacity.


I'm not complaining, it is just the size of the school. I, personally, think that is why Raceland does as well as it does at the varsity level. The freshmen get twice as many games (against better competition) as most freshmen at most other schools. And the sophomores get significant playing time on the JV, if they do not play a lot on varsity (which most do).


Gooch, I do not know what you saw, and I do not know which players struggled, but I can assure you that the coaching staff at Raceland is good at what they do, and I appreciate them being there and doing the job they do. What you saw could have been young players doing what young players do, and young players playing against older more experienced players. Come back and watch them when they are seniors.

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Back in town from college, I decided to go watch my little brother play his JV baseball game at Greenup yesterday, he plays for Raceland. From what I understand the Raceland J.V coach is new this year.


What I saw yesterday was absolutley horrible! It seems no one has taken the interest to try to teach these kids the fundamentals of the game. Mind you that Greenup is a good team, but there is still no excuse for some of the things I saw.


1.Lack of Baserunning Sense

2. No one charges the ball on an infield dribbler.

3.Improper Fielding Techniques


And from what I hear, the Varsity is hitting the wall too this year. Perhaps it is time for new coachs and a new direction in all levels of Raceland Baseball!


I had talked about this type of thing on another thread not too long ago. I can understand what you are saying and imo that comes from the youth league programs and/or the lack there of. Raceland had alwas had excellent Little League (all ages) and Babe Ruth programs up untill a few years ago. This imo is where fundamentals of the game should be taught.


From what I have heard and seen is that the youth leagues have really declined at Raceland/Worthington as far as interested people and support for them. Far too much emphasis imo is put on "travleing teams" and that leaves a lot of kids out.


A High School program imo has to have good summer youth leagues and instructional leagues. Far too many now are in it to try and prove or re live some kind of past through their child and not for the overall goal and that is to send kids through American Amatuer, Little League and Babe Ruth, and ultimately to the J.V. and Varsity level with good fundamentals. So, what I am trying to sayu I guess is that the problem is not as much with the J.V. and Varsity, rather in the decline of the youth baseball programs.


Just a personal opinion but I would like to see more of the basic "Little League" rather than all going to the American Amatauer type leagues. My opinion and experience with the basic little league is that it teaches the basic fundamentls of the game and there is plenty of time for other stuff to be introduced later. Not all at such a young age.

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The problem with basic little league is that some things dont get taught until 13 yrs old (now 14). I've seen little league players struggle with holding runners and base leading. Usually AABC players are better prepared for JV baseball. Raceland's problem is that their AAbc cant get enough financial support to exist. There's no money to keep things working at the fields. As far as coaching, I dont know. I haven't been over there myself since my son out grew baseball there. Now. At Raceland,I think Vanderhoof treats the game like the majors. He fills out a lineup and coaches the game. He doesnt spend a lot of time teaching fundamental. He has always gotten prepared players. With the younger leagues faltering, he may have to use his spring practices to work on situations and fundamentals.

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The problem with basic little league is that some things dont get taught until 13 yrs old (now 14). I've seen little league players struggle with holding runners and base leading. Usually AABC players are better prepared for JV baseball. Raceland's problem is that their AAbc cant get enough financial support to exist. There's no money to keep things working at the fields. As far as coaching, I dont know. I haven't been over there myself since my son out grew baseball there. Now. At Raceland,I think Vanderhoof treats the game like the majors. He fills out a lineup and coaches the game. He doesnt spend a lot of time teaching fundamental. He has always gotten prepared players. With the younger leagues faltering, he may have to use his spring practices to work on situations and fundamentals.


I realize what you are saying and know that I am probably in a minority that believes the way that I do. I just still feel that with good, sound basic fundamentals (Hitting, catching, throwing) of the game then the base running aspect can be taught in plenty enough time. I am not 100% againts A.A., I just still feel that Little League (10-12yr. olds) is better. There are different opinions on this and I respect the ones that differ.

Like I said, I just feel that too much is placed on these kids now at too young of an age. There is also way too much pressure put on young kids (youth leagues 10-12 and even younger) now. That is where imo a coaches self pride or self satisfactions and the advancements of just a couple of kids may come into it. I have personally seen the latter happen.


I give kudo's to anyone that works with youth sports :ylsuper:, we certainly need more of them. I especially appreciate the ones that are in it for the right reasons and imo deep down each individual knows if they are or not if they really look at it honestly. :thumb:

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Back in town from college, I decided to go watch my little brother play his JV baseball game at Greenup yesterday, he plays for Raceland. From what I understand the Raceland J.V coach is new this year.


What I saw yesterday was absolutley horrible! It seems no one has taken the interest to try to teach these kids the fundamentals of the game. Mind you that Greenup is a good team, but there is still no excuse for some of the things I saw.


1.Lack of Baserunning Sense

2. No one charges the ball on an infield dribbler.

3.Improper Fielding Techniques


And from what I hear, the Varsity is hitting the wall too this year. Perhaps it is time for new coachs and a new direction in all levels of Raceland Baseball!



Perhaps you need to understand that Raceland is Class A school and Class A schools go through cycles of talent due to limited numbers. Raceland has had alot of success in sports the past 3 years, especially in baseball, football, softball, and girls basketball. The baseball team is just at a point where they have graduated alot of experienced players from the 2006 and 2007 classes therefore alot of young players are having to step in and take on roles that they might not be completely prepared for. I agree with Statmaster about how Raceland has always had experienced, prepared players on the varsity level which gave Coach Hoof the luxury of not having to teach varsity and junior varsity players basic fundamentals. This year that luxury is not there and the coaching staff may need to focus more on fundamentals but by no means do they need to replace the coaching staff. Coach Hoof is an excellent baseball and football coach and a member of the KHSAA coaches hall of fame. He did not receive that honor by just simply showing up and filling out a line up card. He is a very qualified and experienced coach that gets the most out of his players. For such a small school Raceland is always able to compete and win against the larger schools in the area. It is hilarious that you would even consider saying that Coach Hoof needs to be replaced. One below average season does not justify replacing a coach, especially a hall of fame coach that has produced numerous district championship teams. I wish the people who think that the coaches need to be replaced would get out of the bleachers and try to coach a high school baseball team and see if you can do any better. The players and coaches are trying their best and the young players on JV and Varsity will continue to improve as the season progresses. Coach Hoof and the Rams have my full support and if you were a real supporter of Rams athletics they would have yours too.:thumb:

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Back in town from college, I decided to go watch my little brother play his JV baseball game at Greenup yesterday, he plays for Raceland. From what I understand the Raceland J.V coach is new this year.


What I saw yesterday was absolutley horrible! It seems no one has taken the interest to try to teach these kids the fundamentals of the game. Mind you that Greenup is a good team, but there is still no excuse for some of the things I saw.


1.Lack of Baserunning Sense

2. No one charges the ball on an infield dribbler.

3.Improper Fielding Techniques


And from what I hear, the Varsity is hitting the wall too this year. Perhaps it is time for new coachs and a new direction in all levels of Raceland Baseball!

Have you had a lot of experience in baseball yourself to make a call like that? Are you just busting bubbles someone else has blown? :confused:
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The fundamentals are lacking in all aspects of the game. I think there are even professionals that are lacking in this department.

Words of wisdom. How many times do pro football players not wrap up, pro basketball players not slide their feet, pro baseball players miss a routine ground ball. But, we expect perfection from 9th graders.

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And then they want to hang the coach.

I've only heard one complaint about the coaches, and I don't thank that person is very close to the situation, because the coaches are loved by a very large majority. This is one of the few times that I have heard somone complain about the coaches at Raceland. Makes you wonder.

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Perhaps you need to understand that Raceland is Class A school and Class A schools go through cycles of talent due to limited numbers. Raceland has had alot of success in sports the past 3 years, especially in baseball, football, softball, and girls basketball. The baseball team is just at a point where they have graduated alot of experienced players from the 2006 and 2007 classes therefore alot of young players are having to step in and take on roles that they might not be completely prepared for. I agree with Statmaster about how Raceland has always had experienced, prepared players on the varsity level which gave Coach Hoof the luxury of not having to teach varsity and junior varsity players basic fundamentals. This year that luxury is not there and the coaching staff may need to focus more on fundamentals but by no means do they need to replace the coaching staff. Coach Hoof is an excellent baseball and football coach and a member of the KHSAA coaches hall of fame. He did not receive that honor by just simply showing up and filling out a line up card. He is a very qualified and experienced coach that gets the most out of his players. For such a small school Raceland is always able to compete and win against the larger schools in the area. It is hilarious that you would even consider saying that Coach Hoof needs to be replaced. One below average season does not justify replacing a coach, especially a hall of fame coach that has produced numerous district championship teams. I wish the people who think that the coaches need to be replaced would get out of the bleachers and try to coach a high school baseball team and see if you can do any better. The players and coaches are trying their best and the young players on JV and Varsity will continue to improve as the season progresses. Coach Hoof and the Rams have my full support and if you were a real supporter of Rams athletics they would have yours too.:thumb:


:thumb: Very Good post.

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