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Steve Chabot and Iraq

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Why do we always hear bad new from Iraq but seldom if at all from Afghanistan? Maybe because they like the Afghan war better?


B/c Afghanistan didn't have the shoddy intel going in, the abysmal planning, the horid post-war strategy, and the multiple reasons for going, staying, surging, paying for it, and so on. Plus Afghanistan hasn't cost 4,000 American lives.

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Why do we always hear bad new from Iraq but seldom if at all from Afghanistan? Maybe because they like the Afghan war better?


It has been steadily reported over the past few years that the early gains made against the Taliban in Afghanistan are in jeopardy and that the enemy is re-grouping in the border region with Pakistan. We have 5x as many troops in Iraq and have suffered 4037 deaths there vs. 492 in Afghanistan (8x as many). Quite frankly, neither war is going very well right now. Doesn't it stand to reason that there would be more reporting from Iraq, since we have a much larger presence there, and that "more bad news" would be coming from Iraq because we're losing more people there?

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Out of all the US TV news sources CBS, NBC, and ABC are about the most balanced. CNN and MSNBC are about the most balanced of the cable news. If I want world news I may hear about it on TV but I read the AP, Reuters, or BBC to get the info. Fox News doesn't distinguish between news and commentary and blur the line repeatedly. If you think for a minute that Hannity and O'Reilly are giving you "news" then your sadly mistaken. Feaux News does a good job of convincing people that everything else is liberal spin and that you can't trust anyone else. Also Feaux News basically preaches to the choir on everything. There was a study recently that showed that viewers of the Daily Show were usually more informed about things than regular Fox News viewers.


Olbermann does and news show with commentary and it's pretty well understood that that is what you're getting.


As far as our news coverage goes as a whole in the USA, our TV news is infotainment. NPR is about the best overall broadcast news, but there is a lot better coverage coming out of Europe than the USA about world events.

Is this the kind of opinions being voiced by journalism professors these days? If so, it is a troubling harbinger of things to come from our media. Your comment that Fox News just preaches to the choir does not square with the facts, unless you are conceding that regular news watchers tend to be more conservative than those who do not watch the news.


What do you think happened to the much larger audience that CNN once had? Fox does not double the ratings of shows like Olbermann's by appealing strictly to a conservative audience.


A study was done a couple of years ago showing that the Drudge Report is the most middle of the road source of news out of the popular outlets. CBS, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times are far to the left and FNC is to the right (but not as far as the other three are to the left).

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