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Steve Chabot and Iraq

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Steve Chabot was on Mike McConnell today. He has just returned from 2 days in Iraq. He spent the entire time with the military.


One of the main things that he said the soldiers indicated was that they were very disappointed in the media coverage.


They get CNN and all they see are the negatives. The media never shows any of the positives that are going on and that disappoints them.


They said for every negative that CNN continues to show, that there are bunches of positives that never get shown. That the image of the war through the eyes of CNN are different from what they are living in Iraq.


He also said that the Green Zone is being attacked 1-2 times a day with rockets from a city that is 3-4 miles away. Said Iran has been supplying the rockets to the insurgents/Al Quaida and smuggling them into the country.

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The media show all of the bad because it is what America wants to see. If America, and the world for that matter, didn't want to see Brangelina, or Britney Spears relapse, ect. it wouldn't be on. The media is all about $$$. It's all a big buisness. All of the junk on the news today is all our fault.


Think about anytime you have driven or rode in a car. The concept of rubbernecking. A group of schoolchildren plants flowers in a park beside the road. Traffic stays at normal(or faster than normal) speed. A wreck accross the median, not interfereing with traffic in your lane, with twisted metal carnage all around..what happens? Your lane slows to a crawl, and there nohting impeding the cars except our desire to see negative.

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The media's job isn't to cover fluff stories about soldiers and neither is it's role to show only bombs going off. The media SHOULD be totally objective. Fox "News" is about as balanced as the odds in a casino.

I have a BA in Journalism. It's not the media's job to be the tool of the administration or the opposition. Frankly, I find it wrong that the media doesn't show dead soldiers or dead Iraqis, that's part of chronicling the war.

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The media's job isn't to cover fluff stories about soldiers and neither is it's role to show only bombs going off. The media SHOULD be totally objective. Fox "News" is about as balanced as the odds in a casino.

I have a BA in Journalism. It's not the media's job to be the tool of the administration or the opposition. Frankly, I find it wrong that the media doesn't show dead soldiers or dead Iraqis, that's part of chronicling the war.



Do you feel there are news sources more balanced than fox? Can you list a couple?

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Talk about drinking from the fountain of spin.

Talk about ignoring the first post. Do you have any comments on the fact that the media only focuses on the negative?

The media's job isn't to cover fluff stories about soldiers and neither is it's role to show only bombs going off. The media SHOULD be totally objective.

I have a BA in Journalism. It's not the media's job to be the tool of the administration or the opposition. Frankly, I find it wrong that the media doesn't show dead soldiers or dead Iraqis, that's part of chronicling the war.

Agreed with all of that. But if you find it objective, don't you agree that the media should show the positives that are going on in Iraq as well? Because, as the soldier's indicated, CNN's coverage is NOT objective, it is only showing the negatives.


How many people on here just post "negatives"? Think about it....

Very true and good point. Is it an expression of human nature or a reflection on what the media feeds us- only negative? It is tough to say/

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Do you feel there are news sources more balanced than fox? Can you list a couple?


Out of all the US TV news sources CBS, NBC, and ABC are about the most balanced. CNN and MSNBC are about the most balanced of the cable news. If I want world news I may hear about it on TV but I read the AP, Reuters, or BBC to get the info. Fox News doesn't distinguish between news and commentary and blur the line repeatedly. If you think for a minute that Hannity and O'Reilly are giving you "news" then your sadly mistaken. Feaux News does a good job of convincing people that everything else is liberal spin and that you can't trust anyone else. Also Feaux News basically preaches to the choir on everything. There was a study recently that showed that viewers of the Daily Show were usually more informed about things than regular Fox News viewers.


Olbermann does and news show with commentary and it's pretty well understood that that is what you're getting.


As far as our news coverage goes as a whole in the USA, our TV news is infotainment. NPR is about the best overall broadcast news, but there is a lot better coverage coming out of Europe than the USA about world events.

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What are the positives that are not being reported? The media have reported on the entire saga of the so-called "surge", including the trend over the summer and into the fall of reduced violence. The media are now reporting on the uptick in violence that has recently occurred. I also recall seeing/hearing reports about markets re-opening, neighborhoods being taken back from insurgents, and "deals" being made with militia members to get them to put down their weapons.


If the media is so against reporting "good" news from Iraq, how do you explain the fact that the above stories were covered?

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