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TD goes to the doctor...


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I know that you all enjoyed my thread about my visit to the dentist :rolleyes::D so I thought I would share with you my latest experience....this one isn't so funny...but most that know me know I try to see the lighter side of most situations. I also am curious to see if this has happened to anyone else before on here?


Saturday night I am at home cooking (ok not really cooking just stirring corn on the stove). Was talking with one of sis, bro-in-law and Mom about life and what not. I was not stressed, yada, yada, yada and actually had a very relaxing day. The next thing I know I am feeling tremendous shortness of breath and light headiness. Apparently, I must have looked very odd because my bro-in-law looked at me and said..Are you ok? I said I don't know?? He tells me to sit down and gets another sister (who is used to be a nurse)..she takes BP and it is 160/100 pulse 98 (for me this is way out of wack..I am usually a 115/70 and 60 something pulse). She gets to Bayer aspirin as a precaution. We continue to take the BP and it continues to stay the same (even laying down). The chest pain worsens and tingly down the arms and my body starts to shake very bad. So off we go to the ER. ER does all the normal stuff heart monitor, EKG, blood work, chest x-rays, yada, yada...All results come back ok with the exception of potassium and protein levels. BP still is up has come down to high 140/80's. We finally leave at 3 am and told to go to regular doc on Monday and then to see a cardiologist after that. So Monday I go to regular doc. We go through the whole yada, yada of what happened. He says he is going to start treating me for GERD (Reflux) but will know more after seeing cardiologist. Yesterday I go to cardio and spend another 2 hours telling my life story to determine next steps. Tomorrow I go for Stress test and ECHO. Funny thing is I am not really worried about any of this but I am tired of being poked on. I will be a good patient but man this is really pain.


So...tell me anyone have issues with this kind of stuff??





By the way...RP my cardio doc is a DUKIE!!!!!

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I know that you all enjoyed my thread about my visit to the dentist :rolleyes::D so I thought I would share with you my latest experience....this one isn't so funny...but most that know me know I try to see the lighter side of most situations. I also am curious to see if this has happened to anyone else before on here?


Saturday night I am at home cooking (ok not really cooking just stirring corn on the stove). Was talking with one of sis, bro-in-law and Mom about life and what not. I was not stressed, yada, yada, yada and actually had a very relaxing day. The next thing I know I am feeling tremendous shortness of breath and light headiness. Apparently, I must have looked very odd because my bro-in-law looked at me and said..Are you ok? I said I don't know?? He tells me to sit down and gets another sister (who is used to be a nurse)..she takes BP and it is 160/100 pulse 98 (for me this is way out of wack..I am usually a 115/70 and 60 something pulse). She gets to Bayer aspirin as a precaution. We continue to take the BP and it continues to stay the same (even laying down). The chest pain worsens and tingly down the arms and my body starts to shake very bad. So off we go to the ER. ER does all the normal stuff heart monitor, EKG, blood work, chest x-rays, yada, yada...All results come back ok with the exception of potassium and protein levels. BP still is up has come down to high 140/80's. We finally leave at 3 am and told to go to regular doc on Monday and then to see a cardiologist after that. So Monday I go to regular doc. We go through the whole yada, yada of what happened. He says he is going to start treating me for GERD (Reflux) but will know more after seeing cardiologist. Yesterday I go to cardio and spend another 2 hours telling my life story to determine next steps. Tomorrow I go for Stress test and ECHO. Funny thing is I am not really worried about any of this but I am tired of being poked on. I will be a good patient but man this is really pain.


So...tell me anyone have issues with this kind of stuff??





By the way...RP my cardio doc is a DUKIE!!!!!




Yep. I've had just about all of that. I've been put thru enough test lately to last a life time. I had a Pulmonary function test last Friday. I recentely passed my stress test with flying colors, and have also been recently been put on reflux medicine. I have a sniff test scheduled for Friday, and a sleep study scheduled for a week from Friday.

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So...tell me anyone have issues with this kind of stuff??
As you know, better than most, I have "issues" with just about everything. But, I really don't think your problem is GERD. The cardiologist will be able to tell you more.


The blood levels you mentioned concern me the most. Was your potassium low or high? And was the protein elevated? I'm not going to play amateur MD; but there are a number of things that your symptoms might point to.

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Yes I had all this last year and when it was over if one more person poked me no telling what I would have done. However, everything checked out okay and I am glad I had it done. Looks like I have to have it done again in December maybe January and not looking forward to it. I guess I'd rather be safe than sorry. JD

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You two are falling apart...



You are exactly right. I've been falling about for the past few years, and I know my weight has a lot to do with it. I am starting to take measures to remedy that situation. Hopefully we can hook up for a Reds game next year, and you won't recognize me when you see me. :thumb:

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You are exactly right. I've been falling about for the past few years, and I know my weight has a lot to do with it. I am starting to take measures to remedy that situation. Hopefully we can hook up for a Reds game next year, and you won't recognize me when you see me. :thumb:

Looking forward to it... :D

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As you know, better than most, I have "issues" with just about everything. But, I really don't think your problem is GERD. The cardiologist will be able to tell you more.


The blood levels you mentioned concern me the most. Was your potassium low or high? And was the protein elevated? I'm not going to play amateur MD; but there are a number of things that your symptoms might point to.


Potassium and protein both low. However my cholesterol is outstanding. As some you know my weight is not an issue.

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