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Johnson Central 50 Conner 12

Old Hillbilly

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Lets just say, that even though Conner is a 6A school, they aren't Highlands or CovCath..... :D


I thought the score just might be a tad worse, considering that JC would want to send a message back up North....


Congrats to JC......


Conner maybe Cov. Cath. (this year).

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Not Threadjacking here, but this is the same week that Conner dropped Highlands feeling that it would look for a better matched opponent to play. I guess the 8 hour round trip bus ride was worth it. I wasn't far off with my prediction either!!!! Good luck Coach Trosper in your future looking for better matchups!!!!!


JC and Highlands were both on the schedule for this year at one time.

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Conner is "that team from Covington"?:lol: Sounds like JC's coach is better at coaching football than he is at geography.;)


Anyway, impressive win by JC!


His geography is much better than mine. For I thought they were from Connerville, out their in the middle of Nowhere Northern Ky.:thumb:

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Congrats to JC. I am looking forward to seeing them next week at Bryan Station!


I have not been back to P-ville since Christmas, how does the new field look? Have they added anything besides the new turf?


They nearly have the visitors side bleachers completed. It still has a long way to go, but once its completed next season, it should be one of the nicer facilites in the state.

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Not Threadjacking here, but this is the same week that Conner dropped Highlands feeling that it would look for a better matched opponent to play. I guess the 8 hour round trip bus ride was worth it. I wasn't far off with my prediction either!!!! Good luck Coach Trosper in your future looking for better matchups!!!!!


I dont know the situation with Conner dropping Highlands, but I can assure that this Conner program is alot better both potential wise for scheduling a tough opponent in JC and finacially for play in this bowl game. Touchstone Energy puts alot of money in this game.

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Just want to say congrats to Johnson Central on winning the game. Thank you for the hosptality. You have a nice football team that should enjoy a good season this year. 44 is a beast, as is the tailback Grimm #20 I think. I thought your QB was going to be much better than what I say......but hey, everybody has an off game.


I met a very nice gentleman from the area who came right up and starting talking to us and I really enjoyed the conversation. He was old school and a nice guy, I believe he said his name was Garland Lee Master?(sp) Nice guy.



Conner took a punch in the mouth right off the bat and didnt respond, which set the tone for the game.

I like Nick West at QB. Conner receivers dropped A TON of passes hit right in their hands last night and Cody Arsenault (sp)had a long touchdown catch and run called back for procedure, that at the time would have made the score 21-13 I believe.

Chase Bentley and Houston Dockery (sp) had a boatload of tackles. Begley and Dillion had decent games also for Conner. #1 Scooter has some speed and moves but is small and seems timid after he gets hit hard. He had one man to beat on a long run and I thought should have took it in, but was stopped by a nice open field takle.


JC your new facilities are very nice and should be one of the best when you are finished. I like the way you have things layed out and I dont know if that is the way you do every game or whether it was because of it being a "bowl" but the entertainment and festivities were nice.

We enjoyed the long round trip. It is a beautiful part of the state and the JC fans were pretty cordial considering they had some "yankee" Kentuckians coming in to their facility.


To me it is still hard to predict what Conner is going to do this year. The thing I didn't like seeing is they didn't respond very well to getting smacked early. Conner should be in superior condition, but there still way too many arm tackles and just "watching" the game instead of playing it. But thats just my opinion.

All in all ......it was a great night for Football in a pretty neat setting.

Thanks Johnson Central!

Let's get back on track next week Cougars!!!!!!!

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agreed: Conner did move the ball but and if that had caught a few more or had a big block here or there they would have had a better chance.....agreed: also that there may have been some calls here or there...coach seemed to be very irritated at times as was working the refs hard on some calls.

I usually am not a complainer about the zebras especially in a 50-1 game......but I will say this...you don't think you are going to drive 4 hours away from home to a game with a team that was beat in a close game last year by a team from NKY that won State and not get a few "homer" calls do you? I'm not saything that......... I'm just saying........... :-)

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Conner had over 230 yards of total offense against JC, not bad if you compare it to the sub-30 yards South Pointe had against them last week. Conner is a team on the rise. There were alot of bad/questionable calls last night also.


Lets not make it sound like Conner was the only one with questionable calls. There were questionable calls each way. Even as a JC fan, I didnt like the fact that the officals were late with pre snap or early snap calls like illegal motion, which Conner had its first TD taken away by, but its not as if JC had all the calls there way. Conner did recieve a 15 yd penalty that give them a first down that was just a 5 yd infraction.


But we can agree that Conner is a team on the rise.

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