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Crawford:Biggest Gunner in UK History


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Its not like they're 20-2. They are 3-2.

They lost to a team that just came back from the Final 4 and is a top 5 team and a VERY athletic Memphis team that also by the way is ranked ahead of UK. It was a matchup nightmare. A team that is very athletic with shooters against this UK team is always going to be tough. It's tough playing 3 games in 3 days against 3 pretty tough teams like UK did. It is a young team that is still learning to play together and about half of the guys that play are still getting acquainted to the college game.

UK tends to have some of the most pessimistic fans there have ever been.

In comparing the records like you say, if UK was 20-2 and lost to the same two teams two games in a row, it would be the same deal we are seeing right now.

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They lost to a team that just came back from the Final 4 and is a top 5 team and a VERY athletic Memphis team that also by the way is ranked ahead of UK. It was a matchup nightmare. A team that is very athletic with shooters against this UK team is always going to be tough. It's tough playing 3 games in 3 days against 3 pretty tough teams like UK did. It is a young team that is still learning to play together and about half of the guys that play are still getting acquainted to the college game.

UK tends to have some of the most pessimistic fans there have ever been.

In comparing the records like you say, if UK was 20-2 and lost to the same two teams two games in a row, it would be the same deal we are seeing right now.


The problem runs deeper, IMO. UK SHOULD be the team that is ranked way ahead. UK fans aren't accustomed to being ranked #22 or not at all.

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He has to be a scorer or UK will lose a ton of games. I hate some things Crawford does (dribble with his head down) but he needs to lead the team in shot attempts. I think he's looked better in 2 defeats than he looked last season.


I agree, to me Crawford is like a Gerald Fitch. However he's not had the time necessary to beomce that player like Fitch was.

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According to the UK athletics website he has 15 assists in 5 games.


All I know is in the Lexington Herald they had him down for 6 against Depaul and I believe 5 against UCLA. I havent looked at every game though. I do agree he takes some bad shots from time to time, but hes also done a good job in a couple games of distributing the ball also.


Again, I reiterate, I don't care if he takes 20 shots a game, I just want to see him shut down his man defensively!

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I know that there were several times against UCLA and Memphis when I thought he had an opportunity to feed the post and he put his head down and tried to drive. If he is going to drive I would like for him to take a more direct route to the basket if possible. He tries to beat you off the dribble in the shape of an arc and slower defenders can keep up because they have less distance to travel. I also wonder sometimes if he has a left hand. He gets in a habit of using only the right and it is like watching a grade school game. I have been disappointed in his play throughout maybe because I thought he was going to be a different player than he has become. I know, Strike3, that there is still time for him to find his own, that his college career is barely half over. I hope that happens soon.

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The stupidity of this thread is that it comes about after a game in which he took 11 whopping shots. Not exactly AI-esque.


Yes I totally agree. The timing of it was pretty poor considering he went 6-11 from the field. I will take that everyday from a player. I didnt get to see the UCLA game, but didnt he hit a lot of big shots in that game?

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The stupidity of this thread is that it comes about after a game in which he took 11 whopping shots. Not exactly AI-esque.


Actually, I think this thread comes after Crawford shoots double-digit shots in every game for the first 5 games of the season, including a 3-14 performance.








25-61 for 41%

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Actually, I think this thread comes after Crawford shoots double-digit shots in every game for the first 5 games of the season, including a 3-14 performance.








25-61 for 41%


3-14 came in a blowout game. While it was bad, he was taking open shots in that game from outside and not hitting. I agree he hasnt shot great and has taken some bad shots. But for the Maui tournament, the 3 big games we played, he was right below 50%. Percentage-wise, for a 2 guard that is pretty good. I again think that his offense is not the problem that his defense is.

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3-14 came in a blowout game. While it was bad, he was taking open shots in that game from outside and not hitting. I agree he hasnt shot great and has taken some bad shots. But for the Maui tournament, the 3 big games we played, he was right below 50%. Percentage-wise, for a 2 guard that is pretty good. I again think that his offense is not the problem that his defense is.


I think he doesn't have the quickness required in footspeed to play great defense. His problem on offense isn't his percentages - its the fact that he tries too hard to take the game over and forces the issue all the time. If he settled down and took good fundamentally sound shots, his offensive numbers would be great. I can see that look when he gets the ball in certain situations - the look that says "I will get this shot off if its the last thing I do!" Then he drops that head and pulls out his And1 moves and usually fires up some idiotic shot at a crucial time in the game. If he would just settle down, he could be great.

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