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Scott and Simon Kenton's last time to play each other.

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I feel for the parents and guys on the team. My son hangs with a number of Scott players and they are all very talented young men. I wonder, is it the coaching or what is it? I always pull for Scott and admire those boys for coming out game after game and working hard...I also admire the parents for keeping their spirits up and cheering for their team. Keep the faith men and remember good things come to those who wait.....Go Eagles!

I could not agree with you more. But Its' all politics they play who they want and not always to win.

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Again you are wrong they were ASKED to raise money (again key word ASKED) and has nothing to do if you play or not. Also kids and parents having jobs has nothing to do with being able to raise money. I did it I had a job and so did my parents did that stop me from raising money no not at all and it hasn't stop a lot of other kids either.

Again you are wrong not ever parent was asked. what so they have to pay.

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Yes; but there so much Scott dont' want to get out thats why the bickering.
What doesn't Scott want to get out ? How there parents care so much about the program and would do anything to help it from cleaning, painting, working on the field, serving the kids 2 meals a week and breakfast on Saturdays.I guess your right I wouldn't want that to get out either just ask the other 2 high schools in the county if their parents do that much. I know you are a Scott parent and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you should probably keep it to yourself because you don't really know how the program is ran.
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I could not agree with you more. But Its' all politics they play who they want and not always to win.
I know for a fact this is not true the coaches play the people they think can get the job done. Every week each kid gets and opportunity in practices to show what they can do or have learned if they have improved or have learned certain technigues they get opportunities remember Scott only has about 35 players so that should tell you they would love to have more kids participate so other players wouldn't have to go both ways, but you just can't put someone out there if they don't know what is going on especially at the Varsity level. There is no politics going on here, just putting the kids in they think can get job done and have a chance for a win.
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:ylsuper: :dancingpa

If you count getting a senior in for a few plays. playing then I guess I am wrong. you know the parents kids with money. Play the whole game both sides of the ball. So dont' even go there. You of all people know. You Just dont' want this to get out so the kids comming up wont' go to a other school. Thats a fact.
My kid plays at Scott and I get even pay attention, I guess I won the lottery and no one told me because my kid plays alot at Scott. Heading to Frankfort to collect my lottery winnings see ya Friday night against SK.
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What doesn't Scott want to get out ? How there parents care so much about the program and would do anything to help it from cleaning, painting, working on the field, serving the kids 2 meals a week and breakfast on Saturdays.I guess your right I wouldn't want that to get out either just ask the other 2 high schools in the county if their parents do that much. I know you are a Scott parent and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you should probably keep it to yourself because you don't really know how the program is ran.


Well at SK they only get 1 meal a week but there are parents that do everything else you mentioned.


And as for your comment about politics, honestly I'm glad that you don't think there is any but it is an inevitable part of high school sports, that is basically a given whether coaches want to admit to it or not. I am glad though that it seems based on your comments to be at a minimum at Scott.

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Sorry about getting off topic of thread, just taking up for program.

I to will miss this rivalry, hopefully only for a couple of years and maybe Scott can get some more enrollment to catch up with Simon Kenton's and the rivalry can be renewed.Again I am sorry for getting off topic of thread.:ylsuper: :thumb:

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Tonight's weather looks to be rainy and the field will be very muddy. Scott has bermuda grass and it is brown now because of the cold weather we have had and the middle of the field will be sloppy. I look for a hard hitting game and no matter what the outcome is remember both schools have friends that go to the other school. Good luck to both teams on their last game for the cross-county rivalry and hope it will come back in the future.:ylsuper:

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